results for OKTS Interncup pistol 2018 10/10

Open Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 500.0000 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- - NOR U esp1 NOP
2 74.54 372.6819 Trond Løkke Production- - NOR B tchl OKTS
3 59.67 298.3389 Ray Hulsman Production- - NOR C NOP
4 52.87 264.3439 Per Dalén Production- - SWE U pdn Karlstads PSK
5 51.83 259.1405 Olav Delphin Production- S NOR C OKTS
6 48.88 244.3980 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- - NOR U OKTS
7 48.17 240.8261 Kian Spongsveen Production- - NOR D kian OKTS
8 45.49 227.4677 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR U ghylander SSL
9 37.24 186.1968 Sven Erik Lynne Production- - NOR U sel SSL
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