First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 527.4434 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK B jan63 SSIN
2 78.03 411.5799 Kent Holm Standard- S DNK U kent1 SSIN
3 77.23 407.3457 Roger Tiensuu Standard- S SWE U rogert Växjö Pk
4 65.57 345.8253 Erik Sandell Standard- S SWE C sandell Nybro PK
5 55.46 292.5254 Ulf Nilsson Standard- S USA U jas39 Kullens pistolklubb
6 52.95 279.2846 Boris Nilsson Standard+ S SWE U mazer MSG
7 51.46 271.4113 Ole Rongsted Standard- S DNK U BVS
8 30.73 162.1001 Irene Jönsson Standard- S SWE U dorran Kristianstads PK
9 30.08 158.6416 Örjan Tollbom Standard- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie ESKF
10 11.52 60.7554 Sten O Bengtsson Standard- SS SWE U rockymarshal ESKF
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