1. Stage 1
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.8134 Reinert Gothjelm Gustavsen Production- 19.61 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197784
4.5582 Marius Opøien Production- 25.01 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1198205
5.2121 Ingebjørn Solheim Production- 19.57 102p 15|9|0|0|0 1196956
7.5034 Terje Woll Open+ 14.66 110p 14|10|0|0|0 1197635
4.1459 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- 26.05 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1197783
2.9245 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- 36.93 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1197734
5.2088 Helge Aase Open+ 22.27 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1196957
2.3030 Terje Tessem Standard+ 49.50 114p 18|6|0|0|0 1197636
5.0697 Rune Hagen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 23.67 120p 24|0|0|0|0 1197736
4.1034 Joakim Olufsen Production- 24.37 100p 15|8|1|0|0 1196958
3.0895 Torstein Sirnes Production- 28.16 87p 16|5|2|1|0 1197637
4.8213 Henrik Reianes Open- 24.06 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1197638
3.0319 Jostein Opsahl Pistol Caliber Carbine- 38.92 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1197639
0.0000 Natasha Opsahl Classic- 49.94 0p 8|9|1|6|1 1197640
3.4429 Peter McCann Standard- 31.95 110p 20|3|1|0|0 1198196
4.4174 Richard Hole Pistol Caliber Carbine- 26.26 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1197781
3.4771 Knut Ekre Standard- 31.06 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1197727
3.4420 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- 27.31 94p 13|9|2|0|0 1197779
3.6328 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- 20.37 74p 15|6|1|2|0 1198204
6.2092 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- 18.36 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1198084
4.3379 Ragnar Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 21.90 95p 18|5|0|1|0 1197726
5.3787 Jonas Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 18.22 98p 15|7|2|0|0 1197738
5.2501 Piotr Przygocki Standard- 20.19 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1198083
2.0872 Daniel Ådland Classic+ 48.39 101p 17|6|1|0|1 1197778
0.4346 Camilla Håland Production- 55.22 24p 8|11|1|4|1 1197777
4.7737 Morten Ekanger Production- 20.11 96p 12|12|0|0|0 1198195
5.1183 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 20.71 106p 19|3|2|0|0 1198203
4.2615 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production- 27.69 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198202
4.1396 Per Magne Knutsen Production- 24.64 102p 15|9|0|0|0 1197729
4.5526 Kim Vater Production- 25.48 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1198082
4.5868 Torkjel Reinertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 25.29 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1197775
6.0815 Rasmus Klausen Production- 17.43 106p 19|3|2|0|0 1197774
1.7548 Oskar Brage Olsen Standard- 39.32 69p 12|9|2|1|1 1198193
5.6796 Torbjørn Holen Standard+ 20.60 117p 21|3|0|0|0 1198192
5.0420 Henning Aase Production Optics- 22.61 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1198201
2.8900 Stig Jangsett Production- 32.18 93p 17|6|0|1|0 1198080
5.4575 Per årebråt Open+ 18.69 102p 20|3|0|1|0 1198191
2.5412 Ole Johan Vold Production- 22.43 57p 14|5|2|3|0 1198199
4.1352 Pedro Inacio Standard- 25.15 104p 17|6|1|0|0 1196959
8.0242 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- 13.21 106p 17|7|0|0|0 1198366
3.0579 Vidar Tislevoll Production- 37.28 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197730
5.0480 Henrik Harbo Production- 19.81 100p 14|10|0|0|0 1196960
5.1646 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 19.75 102p 15|9|0|0|0 1196961
2.6884 Steinar Grundstrøm Production- 41.66 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1197641
4.1893 Nikolas Jan Lindelid Production- 25.78 108p 19|4|1|0|0 1197732
3.9787 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 28.15 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1198197
4.4359 Kjartan Gausland Production- 18.26 81p 13|8|2|1|0 1196962
1.8799 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Production Optics- 19.15 36p 15|3|2|4|0 1198078
3.9825 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Production- 29.63 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198077
5.9685 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 18.43 110p 20|3|1|0|0 1198190
3.7243 Viktor Braadland Production Optics- 30.61 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1198076
4.7884 Thomas Olaussen Standard- 23.39 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1197642
2. Vollerend
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.6714 Reinert Gothjelm Gustavsen Production- 23.98 136p 24|5|1|0|0 1197945
4.4404 Marius Opøien Production- 32.88 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1198419
4.8507 Ingebjørn Solheim Production- 26.80 130p 22|6|2|0|0 1196970
6.1017 Terje Woll Open+ 23.60 144p 24|6|0|0|0 1197014
3.7764 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- 39.72 150p 30|0|0|0|0 1197935
2.5936 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- 54.75 142p 26|4|0|0|0 1197620
4.8989 Helge Aase Open+ 29.19 143p 23|7|0|0|0 1196964
4.6086 Terje Tessem Standard+ 31.68 146p 26|4|0|0|0 1197007
5.1354 Rune Hagen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 28.43 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1197611
3.8688 Joakim Olufsen Production- 35.67 138p 24|6|0|0|0 1196965
2.4760 Torstein Sirnes Production- 44.83 111p 23|5|1|1|1 1197008
3.4997 Henrik Reianes Open- 38.86 136p 28|2|0|0|1 1197009
2.5618 Jostein Opsahl Pistol Caliber Carbine- 45.28 116p 23|7|0|0|2 1197010
1.5571 Natasha Opsahl Classic- 46.24 72p 13|10|7|0|0 1197011
2.4653 Peter McCann Standard- 58.41 144p 27|3|0|0|0 1198360
3.6309 Richard Hole Pistol Caliber Carbine- 40.21 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1197937
3.7619 Knut Ekre Standard- 38.81 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1197612
2.7654 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- 47.01 130p 21|8|1|0|0 1197938
3.9587 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- 29.05 115p 20|8|1|1|0 1198415
6.7196 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- 21.43 144p 27|3|0|0|0 1198308
5.1691 Ragnar Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 26.31 136p 23|7|0|0|0 1197613
4.2414 Jonas Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 22.87 97p 17|10|2|1|1 1197615
3.7985 Piotr Przygocki Standard- 24.22 92p 20|7|1|2|0 1198299
2.0419 Daniel Ådland Classic+ 58.77 120p 24|5|0|1|1 1197939
0.0000 Camilla Håland Production- 91.79 0p 12|8|6|4|2 1197941
4.2071 Morten Ekanger Production- 27.81 117p 25|4|0|1|1 1198361
2.1020 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 39.01 82p 15|12|1|2|1 1198416
4.4158 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production- 32.61 144p 27|3|0|0|0 1198417
3.8620 Per Magne Knutsen Production- 38.84 150p 30|0|0|0|0 1197616
3.8280 Kim Vater Production- 38.14 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1198303
3.4180 Torkjel Reinertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 43.30 148p 29|1|0|0|0 1197942
5.0368 Rasmus Klausen Production- 25.81 130p 21|8|1|0|0 1197944
1.8944 Oskar Brage Olsen Standard- 57.01 108p 24|6|0|0|3 1198362
3.7578 Torbjørn Holen Standard+ 28.74 108p 26|2|0|2|0 1198363
3.9678 Henning Aase Production Optics- 34.78 138p 29|1|0|0|1 1198421
1.9030 Stig Jangsett Production- 49.92 95p 24|5|0|1|3 1198304
5.0058 Per årebråt Open+ 25.77 129p 25|3|1|1|0 1198364
4.1473 Ole Johan Vold Production- 32.31 134p 24|4|2|0|0 1198420
4.4602 Pedro Inacio Standard- 28.25 126p 19|10|1|0|0 1196966
5.6415 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- 20.03 113p 18|11|0|1|0 1198425
3.0060 Vidar Tislevoll Production- 48.57 146p 28|2|0|0|0 1197617
5.2735 Henrik Harbo Production- 25.41 134p 23|6|1|0|0 1196967
5.5292 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 25.32 140p 26|3|1|0|0 1196968
2.1836 Steinar Grundstrøm Production- 56.33 123p 28|1|0|1|0 1197012
3.0162 Nikolas Jan Lindelid Production- 38.79 117p 26|2|1|1|0 1197741
3.5509 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 39.99 142p 26|4|0|0|0 1198418
2.8951 Kjartan Gausland Production- 37.65 109p 21|8|0|1|1 1196969
4.3847 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Production Optics- 27.14 119p 22|6|1|1|0 1198305
3.0101 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Production- 46.51 140p 25|5|0|0|0 1198306
0.0000 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1198359
2.9172 Viktor Braadland Production Optics- 42.85 125p 29|0|0|1|1 1198307
5.6255 Thomas Olaussen Standard- 23.82 134p 23|6|1|0|0 1197013
3. MC Hammer
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.7019 Reinert Gothjelm Gustavsen Production- 23.82 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1198096
3.2993 Marius Opøien Production- 33.34 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1198349
4.4035 Ingebjørn Solheim Production- 24.98 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1196977
5.4256 Terje Woll Open+ 21.38 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1197022
3.5932 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- 31.17 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1198097
2.3008 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- 46.07 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1197686
4.7521 Helge Aase Open+ 24.20 115p 19|5|0|0|0 1196978
3.0546 Terje Tessem Standard+ 38.63 118p 22|2|0|0|0 1197023
4.0873 Rune Hagen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 28.87 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1197687
3.1516 Joakim Olufsen Production- 31.73 100p 15|8|1|0|0 1196971
3.3672 Torstein Sirnes Production- 31.48 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1197015
3.4700 Henrik Reianes Open- 31.70 110p 20|3|1|0|0 1197017
3.2276 Jostein Opsahl Pistol Caliber Carbine- 36.56 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1197018
0.9533 Natasha Opsahl Classic- 52.45 50p 11|7|4|2|1 1197019
1.7453 Peter McCann Standard- 36.67 64p 16|4|2|2|0 1197847
3.3595 Richard Hole Pistol Caliber Carbine- 35.72 120p 24|0|0|0|0 1198087
3.7134 Knut Ekre Standard- 30.70 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197678
2.3650 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- 31.29 74p 14|8|0|2|0 1198089
3.5871 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- 25.09 90p 12|9|3|0|0 1198348
5.2444 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- 22.50 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198239
3.8397 Ragnar Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 29.69 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197679
3.9553 Jonas Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 23.26 92p 11|12|1|0|0 1197681
4.5326 Piotr Przygocki Standard- 24.71 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1198228
1.9778 Daniel Ådland Classic+ 57.64 114p 18|6|0|0|0 1198091
0.0000 Camilla Håland Production- 58.92 0p 8|3|3|10|3 1198092
3.1106 Morten Ekanger Production- 26.04 81p 13|8|2|1|0 1197835
2.2097 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 23.08 51p 12|6|3|3|0 1198354
3.8274 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production- 30.83 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198353
2.3593 Per Magne Knutsen Production- 29.67 70p 14|6|2|2|0 1197682
0.0000 Kim Vater Production- 17.58 0p 11|6|0|7|0 1198233
3.7014 Torkjel Reinertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 31.88 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198093
4.9151 Rasmus Klausen Production- 22.38 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1198094
1.0762 Oskar Brage Olsen Standard- 36.24 39p 16|3|0|5|0 1197836
4.0634 Torbjørn Holen Standard+ 29.04 118p 22|2|0|0|0 1197838
4.1623 Henning Aase Production Optics- 28.35 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198352
0.0000 Stig Jangsett Production- 33.64 0p 15|2|1|6|0 1198236
3.6014 Per årebråt Open+ 32.21 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1197839
0.9825 Ole Johan Vold Production- 28.50 28p 15|4|1|4|2 1198351
2.7965 Pedro Inacio Standard- 29.68 83p 13|9|1|1|0 1196972
2.7434 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- 18.59 51p 12|6|3|3|0 1198406
2.5758 Vidar Tislevoll Production- 39.60 102p 16|7|1|0|0 1197683
1.1824 Henrik Harbo Production- 27.91 33p 11|9|1|3|1 1196973
4.7337 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 23.66 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1196974
2.2741 Steinar Grundstrøm Production- 49.25 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1197020
3.6457 Nikolas Jan Lindelid Production- 31.27 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197685
2.6929 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 38.62 104p 18|4|2|0|0 1198350
3.9154 Kjartan Gausland Production- 25.54 100p 17|4|3|0|0 1196975
0.0000 Geir Magne Holen Standard+ 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1197772
5.2276 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Production Optics- 22.19 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1198231
3.7601 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Production- 30.85 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1198229
4.5957 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 23.50 108p 19|4|1|0|0 1197844
3.5510 Viktor Braadland Production Optics- 33.23 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1198238
4.0212 Thomas Olaussen Standard- 28.35 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1197021
5. Barrel of laughs
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.1002 Reinert Gothjelm Gustavsen Production- 9.18 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1198342
5.0732 Marius Opøien Production- 10.25 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1198323
5.3548 Ingebjørn Solheim Production- 7.47 40p 3|8|1|0|0 1196991
7.8818 Terje Woll Open+ 6.09 48p 6|3|3|0|0 1197628
5.3950 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- 10.38 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1198370
3.6011 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- 14.44 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1197699
6.6991 Helge Aase Open+ 8.21 55p 9|2|1|0|0 1196992
5.3333 Terje Tessem Standard+ 10.50 56p 8|4|0|0|0 1197630
8.3449 Rune Hagen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 7.19 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1197701
0.2413 Joakim Olufsen Production- 8.29 2p 3|5|2|2|1 1196993
3.7705 Torstein Sirnes Production- 12.20 46p 6|5|1|0|0 1197631
2.1888 Henrik Reianes Open- 7.31 16p 4|5|1|2|0 1197632
5.6117 Jostein Opsahl Pistol Caliber Carbine- 8.91 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1197624
2.5522 Natasha Opsahl Classic- 17.24 44p 6|4|2|0|0 1197625
3.2814 Peter McCann Standard- 12.19 40p 4|6|2|0|0 1198331
0.0000 Richard Hole Pistol Caliber Carbine- 6.55 0p 1|1|0|10|0 1198374
4.4158 Knut Ekre Standard- 10.87 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1197703
2.4038 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- 10.40 25p 4|4|3|1|0 1198376
6.1805 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- 8.09 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1198324
7.8261 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- 6.90 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1197966
5.8347 Ragnar Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 6.17 36p 3|6|3|0|0 1197706
8.2949 Jonas Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 6.51 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1197694
6.1433 Piotr Przygocki Standard- 8.79 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1197967
0.0000 Stefan Klasson Pistol Caliber Carbine- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1198018
3.5714 Daniel Ådland Classic+ 12.88 46p 6|2|4|0|0 1198335
0.0000 Camilla Håland Production- 14.26 0p 0|3|3|6|1 1198338
5.0691 Morten Ekanger Production- 8.68 44p 6|4|2|0|0 1198332
7.3171 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 7.38 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1198325
5.2156 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production- 9.97 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1198317
0.0000 Per Magne Knutsen Production- 8.15 0p 2|5|2|3|0 1197695
4.4907 Kim Vater Production- 9.13 41p 9|2|0|1|0 1197968
6.6667 Torkjel Reinertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 8.40 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1198340
6.0988 Rasmus Klausen Production- 9.51 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1198341
2.1012 Oskar Brage Olsen Standard- 12.85 27p 4|5|2|1|0 1198333
0.8892 Torbjørn Holen Standard+ 46.11 41p 7|4|0|1|0 1198327
5.4155 Henning Aase Production Optics- 10.71 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1198318
1.5295 Stig Jangsett Production- 13.73 21p 5|5|1|1|1 1197959
8.9202 Per årebråt Open+ 6.39 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1198328
1.5228 Ole Johan Vold Production- 7.88 12p 3|5|2|2|0 1198319
2.6724 Pedro Inacio Standard- 11.60 31p 5|5|1|1|0 1196994
6.7698 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- 5.17 35p 7|3|1|1|0 1198369
3.4755 Vidar Tislevoll Production- 12.66 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1197697
5.6872 Henrik Harbo Production- 8.44 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1196988
6.2718 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 8.61 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1196989
3.3457 Steinar Grundstrøm Production- 16.14 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1197626
5.5064 Nikolas Jan Lindelid Production- 10.17 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1197698
4.0486 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 12.35 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1198321
6.0606 Kjartan Gausland Production- 8.58 52p 10|0|2|0|0 1196990
7.6814 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Production Optics- 7.03 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1197962
5.8058 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Production- 9.99 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1197964
8.2102 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 6.09 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1198330
4.2654 Viktor Braadland Production Optics- 12.66 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1197965
5.9565 Thomas Olaussen Standard- 8.73 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1197627
6. Split the difference
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.6684 Reinert Gothjelm Gustavsen Production- 9.35 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1198283
4.0637 Marius Opøien Production- 12.55 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197977
4.4379 Ingebjørn Solheim Production- 10.14 45p 8|1|2|0|0 1196999
6.7164 Terje Woll Open+ 8.04 54p 10|1|0|0|0 1197647
2.7656 Leif Inge Storhaug Production- 13.74 38p 9|1|0|1|0 1198282
2.1759 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- 21.60 47p 7|4|0|0|0 1197710
2.7855 Helge Aase Open+ 10.77 30p 6|5|0|0|2 1197000
4.1731 Terje Tessem Standard+ 12.94 54p 10|1|0|0|0 1197648
4.3478 Rune Hagen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.19 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197713
4.6737 Joakim Olufsen Production- 11.34 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197001
2.8807 Torstein Sirnes Production- 17.01 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1197649
2.9664 Henrik Reianes Open- 12.81 38p 9|1|0|1|0 1197651
2.7568 Jostein Opsahl Pistol Caliber Carbine- 18.50 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197652
1.1700 Natasha Opsahl Classic- 25.64 30p 5|5|0|1|0 1197644
3.2131 Peter McCann Standard- 15.25 49p 9|1|1|0|0 1198000
3.6987 Richard Hole Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.87 55p 11|0|0|0|0 1198276
3.5666 Knut Ekre Standard- 14.86 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197711
2.1856 Christian Shellunts-Berg Production- 24.25 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1198275
3.6226 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- 11.87 43p 5|6|0|0|0 1197976
6.0859 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- 8.38 51p 10|0|1|0|0 1197871
3.2131 Ragnar Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.25 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1197720
2.6786 Jonas Myhre Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.20 30p 5|5|0|1|0 1197715
3.9177 Piotr Przygocki Standard- 10.21 40p 10|0|0|1|0 1197872
4.3273 Stefan Klasson Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.71 55p 11|0|0|0|0 1197974
2.0942 Daniel Ådland Classic+ 24.83 52p 8|3|0|0|0 1198273
0.0000 Camilla Håland Production- 25.91 0p 6|2|0|3|1 1198274
4.8966 Morten Ekanger Production- 9.19 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1197999
2.3609 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 11.86 28p 5|4|1|1|0 1197973
4.7491 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production- 11.16 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197971
3.3117 Per Magne Knutsen Production- 15.40 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197716
4.3478 Kim Vater Production- 12.19 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197864
2.8898 Torkjel Reinertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.88 43p 10|1|0|0|1 1198290
5.0672 Rasmus Klausen Production- 9.67 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1198284
1.6667 Oskar Brage Olsen Standard- 18.60 31p 10|0|1|0|2 1197997
4.6997 Torbjørn Holen Standard+ 11.49 54p 10|1|0|0|0 1198006
1.6691 Henning Aase Production Optics- 13.78 23p 8|1|0|2|0 1197983
3.2514 Stig Jangsett Production- 13.84 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1197863
4.1357 Per årebråt Open+ 9.43 39p 9|1|0|1|0 1198004
3.1563 Ole Johan Vold Production- 12.99 41p 9|2|0|0|1 1197982
4.2030 Pedro Inacio Standard- 12.61 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197002
5.0811 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- 9.25 47p 7|4|0|0|0 1198346
2.8307 Vidar Tislevoll Production- 17.31 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1197718
3.8298 Henrik Harbo Production- 11.75 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1197003
5.1859 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 10.22 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1196997
2.2727 Steinar Grundstrøm Production- 22.44 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197645
4.5305 Nikolas Jan Lindelid Production- 12.14 55p 11|0|0|0|0 1197719
4.1245 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 12.85 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197979
3.8982 Kjartan Gausland Production- 12.57 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1196998
5.7758 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Production Optics- 8.83 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197867
4.3002 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Production- 11.86 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1197868
4.6296 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 8.64 40p 10|0|0|1|0 1198002
3.4238 Viktor Braadland Production Optics- 15.48 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197870
4.7662 Thomas Olaussen Standard- 11.12 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1197646

Last result: 23rd February 2025 08:48 (UTC)

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