1. Around the corner
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0609 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 27.77 85p 13|5|0|0|0 1518423
2.4019 Arve Yttri Production- 34.14 82p 14|4|0|0|0 1518885
4.2594 Rune Lillerust Open+ 20.66 88p 16|2|0|0|0 1518893
2.9364 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 30.65 90p 18|0|0|0|0 1518900
1.2431 Kai Skjerdal Production- 49.07 61p 10|7|0|1|0 1519320
3.5044 Robert Dobosz Production- 23.97 84p 15|3|0|0|0 1518907
4.2095 Piotr Sitek Production- 20.43 86p 16|2|0|0|0 1518914
1.6928 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 40.76 69p 14|3|0|1|0 1518920
0.3476 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 69.04 24p 12|1|1|4|0 1519324
3.6630 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 24.57 90p 18|0|0|0|0 1519326
1.7761 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 38.85 69p 15|1|1|1|0 1519211
1.5776 Katharina Vikør Standard- 36.13 57p 14|2|1|1|1 1518424
2.8350 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 29.63 84p 15|3|0|0|0 1519222
2.6490 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 33.22 88p 17|1|0|0|0 1518425
3.6569 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 22.97 84p 15|3|0|0|0 1519028
1.4189 Jarle Aase Production- 44.40 63p 12|4|1|1|0 1519234
3.2630 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 25.13 82p 14|4|0|0|0 1518426
2.7048 Harald Kismul Production- 26.25 71p 15|2|0|1|0 1518926
0.0000 Barton Hardie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518927
2.4213 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 33.04 80p 14|3|1|0|0 1519032
2.1053 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 25.65 54p 13|3|0|2|0 1519043
0.5051 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 35.64 18p 8|6|0|4|0 1519339
0.0000 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 106.01 0p 7|3|3|5|1 1519262
2.5007 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 34.39 86p 16|2|0|0|0 1519058
2.3620 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 33.87 80p 10|7|1|0|0 1519078
3.0862 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 26.57 82p 15|2|1|0|0 1519349
4.6780 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 18.17 85p 13|5|0|0|0 1519353
0.7199 Tor Holst Standard- 33.34 24p 15|3|0|0|0 1519357
3.1330 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 27.45 86p 16|2|0|0|0 1519360
2.5951 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 33.14 86p 16|2|0|0|0 1519362
1.1462 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 49.73 57p 14|2|1|1|1 1519276
2.6740 Håvard Brurok Production- 25.43 68p 12|6|0|0|1 1519328
2. Week hand
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.6735 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 34.06 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1518430
1.9462 Arve Yttri Production- 30.83 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1518972
2.6352 Rune Lillerust Open+ 22.01 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1518942
0.0000 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 28.14 0p 4|2|1|5|0 1518947
0.0000 Kai Skjerdal Production- 23.04 0p 3|3|3|3|0 1519344
2.5974 Robert Dobosz Production- 20.02 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1518951
1.2236 Piotr Sitek Production- 17.98 22p 6|4|0|2|0 1518959
0.0000 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518964
0.7407 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 70.20 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1519338
0.6810 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 17.62 12p 7|2|1|2|1 1519340
0.0000 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 26.96 0p 5|4|0|3|1 1519313
0.6459 Katharina Vikør Standard- 44.90 29p 8|3|0|1|1 1518427
1.8065 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 26.57 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1519303
1.4584 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 25.37 37p 8|2|1|1|0 1518428
2.3011 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 20.86 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1519209
0.4252 Jarle Aase Production- 23.52 10p 5|5|0|2|1 1519305
0.6795 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 17.66 12p 8|0|2|2|1 1518429
2.0313 Harald Kismul Production- 23.63 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1518966
0.0000 Barton Hardie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518967
1.9495 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 22.57 44p 9|3|0|0|1 1519173
2.1987 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 23.65 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1519184
3.6872 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.73 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519316
0.0000 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 48.44 0p 3|3|3|3|2 1519310
1.2757 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 24.30 31p 4|7|0|1|0 1519196
2.2489 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 25.79 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1519202
2.9833 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 16.76 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1519056
2.5105 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 16.73 42p 8|2|2|0|1 1519027
1.9512 Tor Holst Standard- 24.60 48p 8|2|2|0|0 1519029
0.0000 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 17.78 0p 2|4|3|3|0 1519037
2.0993 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 24.77 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1519044
1.4142 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 26.87 38p 5|3|4|0|0 1519311
2.3916 Håvard Brurok Production- 20.07 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1519342
3. Strong hand
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0134 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 26.82 54p 6|6|0|0|0 1519434
1.5280 Arve Yttri Production- 23.56 36p 2|8|2|0|0 1519002
4.2416 Rune Lillerust Open+ 13.91 59p 11|1|0|0|0 1519004
2.8329 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 21.18 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1518977
2.4479 Kai Skjerdal Production- 22.06 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519356
3.1630 Robert Dobosz Production- 16.44 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1518983
3.9969 Piotr Sitek Production- 13.01 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1518988
0.0000 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518989
0.4397 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 40.94 18p 6|2|2|2|0 1519359
1.8548 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 31.27 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519350
1.7915 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 24.56 44p 6|4|2|0|0 1519331
0.0000 Katharina Vikør Standard- 27.79 0p 8|0|1|3|2 1518431
2.7273 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 22.00 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1519333
0.0000 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 16.96 0p 7|4|1|0|0 1519432
3.9574 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 13.14 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1519259
1.2830 Jarle Aase Production- 25.72 33p 5|6|0|1|0 1519325
2.1390 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 13.09 28p 9|1|0|2|0 1519433
2.1472 Harald Kismul Production- 19.56 42p 8|4|0|0|1 1518995
0.0000 Barton Hardie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518996
0.0000 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 13.17 0p 8|4|0|0|0 1519274
3.1908 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 15.67 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1519231
0.4153 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.04 5p 4|5|0|3|0 1519322
0.7058 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 43.92 31p 4|7|0|1|0 1519327
2.6562 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 20.33 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519235
2.5667 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 19.48 50p 6|4|2|0|0 1519247
3.2668 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 16.53 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519103
3.1052 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 17.39 54p 6|6|0|0|0 1519118
1.7066 Tor Holst Standard- 24.61 42p 8|4|0|0|1 1519073
0.0000 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 16.49 0p 3|5|0|4|0 1519087
2.8877 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 18.70 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519097
1.7032 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 20.55 35p 6|5|0|1|0 1519329
2.6741 Håvard Brurok Production- 17.95 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1519352
4. Double up
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9610 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 28.22 140p 26|5|0|1|0 1519400
4.8481 Arve Yttri Production- 32.59 158p 31|1|0|0|0 1518692
8.4783 Rune Lillerust Open+ 18.40 156p 28|4|0|0|0 1518698
6.2047 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 24.82 154p 29|3|0|0|0 1518705
4.0127 Kai Skjerdal Production- 37.88 152p 28|4|0|0|0 1519033
6.6938 Robert Dobosz Production- 22.11 148p 26|6|0|0|0 1518643
4.7807 Piotr Sitek Production- 25.31 121p 19|12|0|1|0 1518658
4.2212 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 30.56 129p 24|6|1|1|0 1518669
0.5148 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 64.10 33p 19|6|0|7|1 1519050
4.7981 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 32.93 158p 31|1|0|0|0 1519069
2.5391 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 52.38 133p 26|4|1|1|0 1519347
2.9458 Katharina Vikør Standard- 38.02 112p 26|4|0|2|1 1518432
5.5854 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 27.93 156p 30|2|0|0|0 1519354
4.1890 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 37.24 156p 30|2|0|0|0 1519412
8.1348 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 17.21 140p 23|8|1|0|0 1519312
2.1770 Jarle Aase Production- 62.93 137p 28|2|1|1|0 1519358
5.4228 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 21.76 118p 24|6|0|2|0 1519390
5.5085 Harald Kismul Production- 23.60 130p 18|13|1|0|0 1518676
4.9123 Barton Hardie Standard- 31.35 154p 29|3|0|0|0 1518687
5.7249 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 26.90 154p 29|3|0|0|0 1519314
7.1541 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 19.01 136p 21|10|1|0|0 1519318
4.7227 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 27.95 132p 24|7|1|0|1 1519330
1.5455 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 78.29 121p 24|7|0|1|1 1519341
4.9896 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 28.86 144p 25|6|1|0|0 1519306
4.0072 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 38.93 156p 28|4|0|0|0 1519309
6.3360 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 23.99 152p 28|4|0|0|0 1519226
7.4807 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 20.72 155p 27|5|0|0|0 1519237
3.3799 Tor Holst Standard- 44.38 150p 27|5|0|0|0 1519263
4.2998 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 34.42 148p 26|6|0|0|0 1519199
4.3165 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 34.75 150p 28|3|1|0|0 1519207
3.6084 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 35.75 129p 28|3|0|1|1 1519345
5.9539 Håvard Brurok Production- 23.85 142p 23|9|0|0|0 1519025
5. Be quick
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.6000 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 7.50 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1518416
6.0852 Arve Yttri Production- 9.86 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1518765
4.1081 Rune Lillerust Open+ 9.25 38p 10|2|0|0|2 1518770
3.2200 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 11.18 36p 10|2|0|0|0 1518777
3.8233 Kai Skjerdal Production- 15.17 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519228
6.7114 Robert Dobosz Production- 8.94 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1518780
8.0556 Piotr Sitek Production- 7.20 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1518737
3.6561 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 14.77 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1518743
2.1700 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 27.65 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1519236
4.7431 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 12.65 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1519245
4.2823 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 12.61 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519022
2.4857 Katharina Vikør Standard- 15.69 39p 8|3|0|1|0 1518417
5.9671 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 9.72 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519026
4.5079 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 13.31 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1518418
5.5222 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 8.33 46p 6|5|1|0|0 1519346
3.5980 Jarle Aase Production- 16.12 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519030
4.4077 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 7.26 32p 8|4|0|0|2 1518415
6.9051 Harald Kismul Production- 8.11 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1518751
0.0000 Barton Hardie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518760
5.7537 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 8.69 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1519348
7.5949 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 7.90 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1519351
8.2963 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 6.75 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1519367
2.0803 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 27.88 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519035
5.8190 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 9.28 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1519355
4.2385 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 13.92 59p 11|1|0|0|0 1519343
6.1246 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 9.47 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519317
8.8060 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 6.70 59p 11|1|0|0|0 1519319
2.6874 Tor Holst Standard- 14.14 38p 11|1|0|0|2 1519321
5.1151 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 11.73 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1519323
3.9548 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 14.16 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1519315
3.6732 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 15.79 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1519020
5.6095 Håvard Brurok Production- 9.27 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1519260
6. In the box
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.3126 Aun Egil Vikør Open+ 48.76 64p 16|2|3|3|0 1518419
2.7103 Arve Yttri Production- 32.10 87p 20|2|1|1|1 1518831
4.1063 Rune Lillerust Open+ 24.84 102p 18|5|1|0|1 1518839
4.3139 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- 26.89 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1518845
3.2549 Kai Skjerdal Production- 34.41 112p 21|2|1|0|0 1519308
5.0979 Robert Dobosz Production- 21.97 112p 21|2|1|0|0 1518851
4.6412 Piotr Sitek Production- 23.27 108p 23|1|0|0|1 1518858
2.8802 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 39.58 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1518811
1.4066 Sarah Dijkstra Standard- 76.78 108p 19|4|1|0|0 1519302
3.6680 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- 31.08 114p 22|1|1|0|0 1519304
2.9945 Sjur Ove Lothe Production- 38.07 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1519080
2.6114 Katharina Vikør Standard- 37.91 99p 20|3|0|1|0 1518420
3.7836 Lars Gaute Terum Production Optics Light- 30.13 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1519099
1.1884 Stig Yngve Røkenes Production- 33.66 40p 20|0|0|4|0 1518421
4.5313 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 19.20 87p 19|4|0|1|1 1519361
2.7404 Jarle Aase Production- 40.87 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1519125
4.6919 Kjartan Vikør Standard- 21.10 99p 20|3|0|1|0 1518422
3.6653 Harald Kismul Production- 28.92 106p 17|7|0|0|0 1518815
0.0000 Barton Hardie Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1518821
4.2042 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 26.64 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1519363
3.4809 Andreas Lyssand Standard- 23.27 81p 17|5|1|1|1 1519364
4.3155 Ingebrigt Polden Pistol Caliber Carbine- 26.88 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1519368
0.9711 Ranja Børilden Sjøvold Production- 76.20 74p 20|1|1|2|1 1519152
1.0582 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- 24.57 26p 14|5|1|4|0 1519365
3.1269 Frode Instefjord Classic+ 33.58 105p 19|5|0|0|1 1519366
4.2339 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 27.87 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1519332
5.1647 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ 22.46 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1519334
3.4592 Tor Holst Standard- 34.69 120p 24|0|0|0|0 1519335
2.4089 Øyvind Kvittingen Standard- 33.21 80p 19|1|2|2|0 1519336
2.9049 John Arvid Kleppe Revolver- 34.08 99p 21|1|1|1|0 1519337
2.2148 Helge Vidar Nummedal Production- 32.96 73p 19|2|2|1|2 1519165
4.0289 Håvard Brurok Production- 26.31 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1519307

Last result: 1st September 2024 16:18 (UTC)

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