1. Double tap
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.9183 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 28.15 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1708004
1.9927 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 19.07 38p 4|5|3|0|0 1708082
0.4632 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 17.27 8p 6|6|0|0|0 1708033
4.0498 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 12.84 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1708005
2.0224 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 18.79 38p 4|5|3|0|0 1708101
2.3868 Ola Sørland Classic+ 20.53 49p 5|5|2|0|0 1708103
0.0000 Dennis Strandenes Production Optics Light- 14.84 0p 4|5|0|3|0 1708035
2.4679 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 19.45 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1708106
3.2022 Arne Monsen Open+ 17.80 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1708052
3.3844 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 12.41 42p 4|7|1|0|0 1708109
2.6251 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 20.19 53p 5|7|0|0|0 1708083
0.7533 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 15.93 12p 4|3|3|2|0 1708037
0.0000 Andreas Høiland Production- 29.41 0p 8|3|1|0|1 1708040
2.2122 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 19.89 44p 6|4|2|0|0 1708086
1.9541 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 20.47 40p 7|5|0|0|1 1708010
1.6436 Frederik Engevik Standard- 26.77 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1708112
1.9918 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 17.07 34p 6|4|2|0|0 1708115
0.0000 Mats Sønstebø Production- 14.78 0p 7|5|0|0|0 1708089
1.9645 Trond Henrikssen Production- 21.38 42p 4|7|1|0|0 1708006
0.0000 Inga Vollert Standard- 38.78 0p 8|4|0|0|0 1708045
2.2874 Ove Toranger Standard- 20.11 46p 5|7|0|0|0 1708011
0.7390 Vemund Skage Production- 25.71 19p 3|8|0|1|1 1708118
2.2901 Christer Garmann Standard- 20.96 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1708091
3.0822 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 17.52 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708046
2.7842 Barton Hardie Production- 17.24 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1708048
2.2177 Tor Holst Standard- 19.84 44p 7|2|3|0|0 1708095
2.0171 Marius Dyngeland Production- 19.83 40p 4|6|2|0|0 1708120
3.5433 Terje Eikemo Standard- 15.24 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708097
2.1413 Michal Lorenc Production- 18.68 40p 5|4|3|0|0 1708099
2.5653 Joakim Skogedal Production- 21.05 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708123
0.9300 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 20.43 19p 4|6|1|1|0 1708122
2. Cardio
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0000 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 22.22 0p 4|0|0|20|0 1708009
2.9040 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 29.27 85p 15|6|2|1|0 1708144
3.9589 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 27.28 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1708077
4.3760 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 24.68 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1708007
3.2195 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 25.47 82p 18|4|0|2|0 1708180
3.9188 Ola Sørland Classic+ 28.07 110p 16|7|1|0|0 1708165
0.0000 Dennis Strandenes Production Optics Light- 15.81 0p 3|5|0|16|0 1708059
2.9618 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 37.14 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1708167
4.5651 Arne Monsen Open+ 25.41 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1708079
4.0546 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 25.65 104p 16|8|0|0|0 1708169
3.7246 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 30.07 112p 20|2|2|0|0 1708146
2.3092 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 31.18 72p 13|9|0|2|0 1708061
1.5359 Andreas Høiland Production- 35.81 55p 16|5|0|3|1 1708063
3.6340 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 30.82 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1708129
3.2268 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 32.23 104p 17|6|1|0|0 1708016
2.4882 Frederik Engevik Standard- 33.76 84p 19|3|0|2|0 1708171
4.2965 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 23.74 102p 15|9|0|0|0 1708173
3.4340 Mats Sønstebø Production- 26.50 91p 17|5|1|1|0 1708131
3.1481 Trond Henrikssen Production- 32.40 102p 21|2|1|0|1 1708008
0.0000 Inga Vollert Standard- 36.95 0p 9|1|1|13|0 1708068
3.5056 Ove Toranger Standard- 22.25 78p 17|4|1|2|0 1708015
0.6236 Vemund Skage Production- 48.11 30p 8|9|3|4|0 1708174
3.9021 Christer Garmann Standard- 28.19 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1708134
3.7216 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 26.87 100p 19|5|0|0|1 1708070
2.8415 Barton Hardie Production- 36.60 104p 17|6|1|0|0 1708075
1.9624 Tor Holst Standard- 37.20 73p 17|6|0|1|2 1708137
3.3223 Marius Dyngeland Production- 30.10 100p 16|6|2|0|0 1708176
4.8627 Terje Eikemo Standard- 22.21 108p 19|4|1|0|0 1708139
2.6584 Michal Lorenc Production- 27.46 73p 10|10|3|1|0 1708142
2.1427 Joakim Skogedal Production- 36.87 79p 12|9|2|1|0 1708181
0.1390 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 35.97 5p 12|5|0|7|0 1708178
3. Beware of bathrooms
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6711 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 41.93 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1708013
4.8490 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 21.86 106p 17|7|0|0|0 1708057
5.7258 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 19.91 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1708092
7.7785 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 15.17 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1708014
5.0131 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 19.15 96p 14|8|2|0|0 1708162
6.4764 Ola Sørland Classic+ 18.22 118p 22|2|0|0|0 1708163
2.0118 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 25.35 51p 19|2|0|3|0 1708148
7.2115 Arne Monsen Open+ 16.64 120p 24|0|0|0|0 1708098
5.7382 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 16.73 96p 14|8|2|0|0 1708149
5.9255 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 19.07 113p 19|4|1|0|0 1708058
4.4634 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 19.94 89p 16|6|1|1|0 1708085
3.0326 Andreas Høiland Production- 26.38 80p 18|3|1|2|0 1708087
4.7030 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 24.24 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1708038
4.1312 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 24.69 102p 16|7|1|0|0 1708023
3.4016 Frederik Engevik Standard- 28.81 98p 15|7|2|0|0 1708150
2.6941 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 21.90 59p 18|3|0|3|0 1708152
2.7988 Mats Sønstebø Production- 26.44 74p 19|3|0|2|0 1708041
4.3564 Trond Henrikssen Production- 25.25 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1708012
3.7642 Ove Toranger Standard- 20.19 76p 20|2|0|2|0 1708024
2.1076 Vemund Skage Production- 40.33 85p 15|6|2|1|0 1708155
5.0397 Christer Garmann Standard- 21.43 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1708043
5.1546 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 23.28 120p 24|0|0|0|0 1708090
4.2631 Barton Hardie Production- 24.63 105p 23|0|0|1|0 1708094
3.6401 Tor Holst Standard- 29.12 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1708050
3.7122 Marius Dyngeland Production- 26.13 97p 19|4|0|1|0 1708157
4.0207 Terje Eikemo Standard- 17.41 70p 17|5|0|2|0 1708054
4.3925 Michal Lorenc Production- 21.40 94p 15|5|4|0|0 1708055
3.2555 Joakim Skogedal Production- 32.56 106p 17|7|0|0|0 1708026
2.8531 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 28.04 80p 18|3|1|2|0 1708160
4. Travel light
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0332 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 1628.00 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708018
3.2330 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 17.94 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1708071
3.1233 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 17.93 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708107
4.3867 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 12.31 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708019
3.3313 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 16.21 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708135
3.8905 Ola Sørland Classic+ 13.88 54p 6|6|0|0|0 1708138
3.5646 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 15.71 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708140
4.5418 Arne Monsen Open+ 12.33 56p 8|4|0|0|0 1708100
3.5659 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 12.90 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1708124
3.0099 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 19.27 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1708073
3.4593 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 15.61 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1708113
2.8785 Andreas Høiland Production- 18.76 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1708102
3.2037 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 17.48 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708074
2.8785 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 17.37 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1708031
2.3881 Frederik Engevik Standard- 16.75 40p 5|4|3|0|0 1708125
3.1878 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 14.43 46p 5|7|0|0|0 1708126
3.2626 Mats Sønstebø Production- 18.39 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1708062
4.2056 Trond Henrikssen Production- 12.84 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708017
3.0238 Ove Toranger Standard- 18.52 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708028
0.6964 Vemund Skage Production- 28.72 20p 5|5|0|2|0 1708128
2.9652 Christer Garmann Standard- 19.56 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1708064
3.8728 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 14.46 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708104
2.4178 Barton Hardie Production- 20.68 50p 9|1|2|0|0 1708110
2.2523 Tor Holst Standard- 22.20 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1708065
2.8540 Marius Dyngeland Production- 18.22 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1708130
3.1781 Terje Eikemo Standard- 18.25 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1708067
1.8983 Michal Lorenc Production- 16.33 31p 4|7|0|1|0 1708069
0.0845 Joakim Skogedal Production- 23.66 2p 6|4|0|2|0 1708030
2.5768 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 20.18 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1708133
5. Seatbelts
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.3789 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 22.70 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708022
3.7992 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 14.74 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708116
2.8137 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 17.77 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1708158
5.9426 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 9.76 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1708020
3.4574 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 15.04 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1708042
4.0831 Ola Sørland Classic+ 13.96 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1708044
3.5616 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 14.60 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1708047
3.3728 Arne Monsen Open+ 10.97 37p 3|8|0|1|0 1708151
1.9675 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 11.69 23p 3|5|3|1|0 1708049
2.7267 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 14.67 40p 6|5|0|1|0 1708117
3.4277 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 13.42 46p 6|5|1|0|0 1708159
0.0000 Andreas Høiland Production- 12.24 0p 3|3|3|3|0 1708153
3.4417 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 15.69 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1708119
3.5874 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 13.38 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1708053
2.5688 Frederik Engevik Standard- 16.35 42p 5|5|2|0|0 1708032
3.3898 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 14.75 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1708034
2.9582 Mats Sønstebø Production- 15.55 46p 5|7|0|0|0 1708121
3.1094 Trond Henrikssen Production- 18.01 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708021
3.0471 Ove Toranger Standard- 14.44 44p 7|2|3|0|0 1708161
0.9013 Vemund Skage Production- 22.19 20p 6|3|1|2|0 1708036
3.0921 Christer Garmann Standard- 16.17 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1708105
3.8851 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 11.84 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1708154
0.1947 Barton Hardie Production- 15.41 3p 5|2|2|3|0 1708156
2.4027 Tor Holst Standard- 20.81 50p 9|1|2|0|0 1708108
2.9851 Marius Dyngeland Production- 18.76 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1708039
3.5111 Terje Eikemo Standard- 15.38 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1708111
2.5401 Michal Lorenc Production- 14.96 38p 3|7|2|0|0 1708114
2.8448 Joakim Skogedal Production- 16.17 46p 6|5|1|0|0 1708056
3.0637 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 16.32 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1708051
6. Don’t swing low
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.2039 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics Light- 53.16 64p 20|8|0|4|0 1708025
2.9083 Kristian Hundven Production Optics- 47.45 138p 19|14|1|0|0 1708172
2.3125 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 58.81 136p 27|7|0|0|2 1708141
4.4160 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- 31.25 138p 22|9|1|0|0 1708027
2.9916 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production Optics- 45.46 136p 23|10|1|0|1 1708078
2.6527 Ola Sørland Classic+ 48.63 129p 21|11|0|0|2 1708080
3.6466 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 46.07 168p 33|1|0|0|0 1708081
1.8626 Arne Monsen Open+ 34.36 64p 26|1|0|5|0 1708127
2.4172 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Production- 41.37 100p 15|14|3|2|0 1708084
3.5917 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ 43.99 158p 24|9|1|0|0 1708179
1.5717 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 40.72 64p 17|9|2|5|0 1708143
1.2917 Andreas Høiland Production- 46.45 60p 19|8|1|4|2 1708145
3.3633 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 43.41 146p 25|7|0|0|0 1708164
3.3164 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 43.42 144p 22|11|1|0|0 1708096
1.1161 Frederik Engevik Standard- 64.51 72p 23|5|2|2|2 1708088
3.0366 Ole-Edvard Hagen Production- 43.14 131p 25|5|1|1|0 1708066
0.6724 Mats Sønstebø Production- 37.18 25p 22|5|0|6|2 1708175
1.7398 Trond Henrikssen Production- 62.65 109p 24|6|1|1|2 1708029
0.0000 Ove Toranger Standard- 35.33 0p 14|9|1|8|1 1708147
0.8922 Vemund Skage Production- 97.51 87p 18|8|3|3|0 1708072
2.5974 Christer Garmann Standard- 52.36 136p 25|7|0|0|1 1708177
4.0646 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 38.38 156p 30|2|0|0|0 1708132
0.0000 Barton Hardie Production- 45.49 0p 11|8|3|10|1 1708136
1.4562 Tor Holst Standard- 71.42 104p 27|3|0|2|1 1708166
2.1696 Marius Dyngeland Production- 59.92 130p 23|8|1|0|1 1708076
1.1208 Terje Eikemo Standard- 40.15 45p 14|11|2|6|0 1708168
2.2665 Michal Lorenc Production- 43.68 99p 19|11|1|2|1 1708170
1.5405 Joakim Skogedal Production- 59.07 91p 18|9|4|3|0 1708060
1.0132 Petter Kjekshus Standard- 71.06 72p 18|10|2|3|2 1708093

Last result: 27th July 2024 23:14 (UTC)

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