1. The wall
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.5291 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 45.78 70p 18|3|1|2|1 1731481
1.6725 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 54.41 91p 9|14|0|1|0 1731859
1.5442 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 53.75 83p 15|6|2|1|1 1731873
3.6376 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 30.24 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1729645
3.8332 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 29.74 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1729628
3.5446 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 29.34 104p 21|3|0|0|1 1729670
1.9959 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 44.09 88p 18|6|0|0|2 1729606
3.9349 Sander Rasmussen Production- 26.43 104p 16|8|0|0|0 1731496
6.4693 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 18.24 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1731453
3.9759 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 24.90 99p 20|3|0|1|0 1731506
3.6786 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 30.99 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1731517
4.2879 Anders Bekkerud Production- 26.12 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1731527
0.9631 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 36.34 35p 15|2|4|3|2 1731540
4.4220 Øyvind Haug Production- 25.78 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1731555
5.1187 Viktor Grønskag Production- 21.49 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1731565
3.5364 Kristian Flaten Production- 28.56 101p 21|2|0|1|0 1731576
3.2442 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 35.14 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1731585
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9813 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 8.03 40p 7|1|2|0|0 1731758
3.0364 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 14.82 45p 5|5|0|0|0 1731896
2.4177 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 19.44 47p 7|3|0|0|0 1731879
4.7529 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 10.52 50p 10|0|0|0|0 1729848
5.9740 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 7.70 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1729794
5.6117 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 8.91 50p 10|0|0|0|0 1729704
4.2751 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 10.76 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1729754
5.6511 Sander Rasmussen Production- 8.14 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1731635
10.1833 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 4.91 50p 10|0|0|0|0 1731621
4.7083 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 9.77 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1731659
5.4187 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 8.12 44p 8|1|1|0|0 1731669
6.9803 Anders Bekkerud Production- 6.59 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1731680
1.2763 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 13.32 17p 4|1|4|1|0 1731697
6.1538 Øyvind Haug Production- 6.50 40p 6|3|1|0|0 1731711
6.3444 Viktor Grønskag Production- 6.62 42p 7|2|1|0|0 1731720
4.3053 Kristian Flaten Production- 10.22 44p 8|1|1|0|0 1731734
4.2269 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 8.99 38p 6|2|2|0|0 1731744
3. Table weak hand
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0525 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 17.54 36p 5|3|2|0|0 1731762
1.0366 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 36.66 38p 4|3|3|0|0 1731887
1.6636 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 27.05 45p 7|2|1|0|0 1731907
2.6854 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 15.64 42p 6|4|0|0|0 1729859
2.0471 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 19.54 40p 5|5|0|0|0 1729836
1.8067 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 22.14 40p 6|3|1|0|0 1729725
1.0978 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 40.08 44p 7|3|0|0|0 1729784
0.6974 Sander Rasmussen Production- 63.09 44p 8|1|1|0|0 1731651
4.5455 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 5.94 27p 6|2|1|1|0 1731634
4.0201 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 9.95 40p 6|3|1|0|0 1731663
3.8630 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 11.39 44p 7|3|0|0|0 1731678
4.2726 Anders Bekkerud Production- 9.83 42p 6|4|0|0|0 1731691
2.8329 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 14.12 40p 5|5|0|0|0 1731703
3.7320 Øyvind Haug Production- 11.79 44p 7|3|0|0|0 1731718
2.9038 Viktor Grønskag Production- 11.02 32p 3|5|2|0|0 1731729
2.4603 Kristian Flaten Production- 12.60 31p 7|2|0|1|0 1731738
2.4230 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 19.81 48p 9|1|0|0|0 1731751
4. Box
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0000 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 41.21 0p 5|4|6|9|1 1731909
0.5408 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 70.27 38p 14|3|3|4|1 1731593
0.8718 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 74.56 65p 11|9|2|2|1 1731573
3.2203 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 35.40 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1730034
2.3018 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 46.05 106p 17|7|0|0|0 1730020
2.5379 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 40.19 102p 15|9|0|0|0 1729982
1.5245 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 62.97 96p 17|7|0|0|1 1730004
1.4372 Sander Rasmussen Production- 43.14 62p 12|6|4|2|0 1731913
4.4589 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 24.67 110p 20|3|1|0|0 1731871
2.8833 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 36.07 104p 16|8|0|0|0 1731916
0.5367 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 33.54 18p 3|13|4|4|0 1731876
3.3972 Anders Bekkerud Production- 32.38 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1731878
0.7172 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 54.38 39p 8|8|5|3|0 1731884
0.0000 Øyvind Haug Production- 33.61 0p 6|6|6|6|2 1731889
1.7894 Viktor Grønskag Production- 44.15 79p 15|8|0|1|1 1731894
0.0000 Kristian Flaten Production- 38.35 0p 12|4|3|5|1 1731900
1.1404 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 56.12 64p 14|8|0|2|1 1731903
5. El president
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.3433 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 16.75 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1731944
3.5950 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 13.63 49p 5|5|2|0|0 1731625
2.6266 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 21.32 56p 8|4|0|0|0 1731637
4.3154 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 12.05 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1730068
3.9918 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 9.77 39p 8|3|0|1|0 1730060
4.1885 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 13.37 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1730080
2.7224 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 15.06 41p 10|0|1|1|0 1730054
4.1237 Sander Rasmussen Production- 12.61 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1731947
7.2822 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 7.69 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1731926
4.4326 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 11.28 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1731949
3.6458 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 11.52 42p 4|7|1|0|0 1731953
4.1568 Anders Bekkerud Production- 8.42 35p 7|3|1|1|0 1731928
2.6299 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 15.97 42p 5|5|2|0|0 1731929
6.4088 Øyvind Haug Production- 9.05 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1731932
3.6364 Viktor Grønskag Production- 13.20 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1731935
3.5008 Kristian Flaten Production- 13.14 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1731936
2.1722 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 25.78 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1731939
6. Palle stage
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.1222 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 63.27 71p 13|10|6|3|0 1732002
0.0000 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 82.24 0p 7|7|11|7|2 1731748
0.9382 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 107.65 101p 17|11|1|3|0 1731705
2.1862 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 59.92 131p 25|5|1|1|0 1730175
2.1148 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 64.31 136p 20|12|0|0|0 1730158
1.3257 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 62.61 83p 16|10|3|3|0 1730116
0.8753 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 99.40 87p 18|8|3|3|0 1730137
1.7226 Sander Rasmussen Production- 56.89 98p 17|10|3|2|0 1732005
3.2763 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 41.51 136p 22|8|2|0|0 1731968
2.7885 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 51.64 144p 24|8|0|0|0 1732008
0.6613 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 65.02 43p 10|13|4|5|0 1732010
1.8764 Anders Bekkerud Production- 49.03 92p 19|8|3|2|1 1732011
0.0000 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 79.53 0p 11|8|3|10|0 1731974
0.0000 Øyvind Haug Production- 53.43 0p 13|1|8|10|4 1731980
1.2533 Viktor Grønskag Production- 64.63 81p 16|9|4|3|0 1731984
1.7992 Kristian Flaten Production- 65.03 117p 19|10|2|1|0 1731989
0.3579 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 83.82 30p 12|8|6|6|0 1731997
7. Strong hand
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.2202 Ian Christopher Edvardsen Production- 10.90 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1731813
1.7844 Petter Gramnæs Classic+ 26.90 48p 8|2|0|0|0 1731899
1.8416 Bård Arne Arnljot Standard+ 21.72 40p 10|0|0|0|0 1731882
4.4484 Janik Mikkelsen Production- 11.24 50p 10|0|0|0|0 1729853
4.1451 Svein-Ove Paulsen Production- 11.58 48p 9|1|0|0|0 1729806
3.7066 Nicholay Gudmestad Production Optics- 12.95 48p 9|1|0|0|0 1729734
2.2461 Monika Larssen Production Optics- 20.48 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1729766
3.2907 Sander Rasmussen Production- 10.94 36p 3|7|0|0|0 1731815
7.4468 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- 5.64 42p 7|2|1|0|0 1731772
3.4205 Eystein Jahnsen Production- 9.94 34p 4|4|2|0|0 1731775
4.2918 Eirik T Ramstad Production- 9.32 40p 5|5|0|0|0 1731784
4.7004 Anders Bekkerud Production- 8.51 40p 5|5|0|0|0 1731788
1.9263 Mona Ingebrigtsen Production- 17.65 34p 4|4|2|0|0 1731796
4.6566 Øyvind Haug Production- 8.59 40p 5|5|0|0|0 1731800
4.5627 Viktor Grønskag Production- 7.89 36p 4|5|1|0|0 1731804
3.8462 Kristian Flaten Production- 10.92 42p 6|4|0|0|0 1731806
3.4175 Per Christian Ludvigsen Production- 13.46 46p 8|2|0|0|0 1731809

Last result: 9th November 2024 09:07 (UTC)

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