1. varsku hæær, fyr hær!
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.7934 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 18.15 87p 15|3|0|0|0 1796583
3.5350 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 14.71 52p 12|4|0|2|0 1795883
1.4757 Terje Vernly Open+ 25.75 38p 8|7|0|3|0 1795895
5.5802 Harald Feragen Open+ 15.77 88p 16|2|0|0|0 1795908
2.2699 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 16.30 37p 11|2|2|3|0 1795916
3.4138 Lisa Augensen Standard- 24.02 82p 15|2|1|0|0 1794570
3.6671 Kent Säker Production Optics- 17.18 63p 12|4|1|1|0 1795924
3.6936 Felix Magnusson Production- 18.41 68p 7|11|0|0|0 1794571
2.4935 Morten Augensen Standard- 19.25 48p 10|6|0|2|0 1796587
3.4743 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 19.86 69p 14|3|0|1|0 1794573
3.1635 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 18.65 59p 9|8|0|1|0 1794572
2.1425 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 21.47 46p 9|7|0|2|0 1795935
3.9976 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 16.76 67p 14|2|1|1|0 1794575
4.0318 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 17.61 71p 15|2|0|1|0 1794706
3.5304 Robin Murray Open- 24.36 86p 16|2|0|0|0 1794707
2.9729 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 26.91 80p 13|5|0|0|0 1794708
3.4156 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 21.08 72p 11|5|2|0|0 1794709
3.9654 Tore Halse Production- 19.67 78p 13|4|1|0|0 1795942
0.8115 Petter Langstrand Production- 22.18 18p 8|6|0|4|0 1795951
4.3455 Andre Jensen Standard- 18.41 80p 13|5|0|0|0 1794710
2.9482 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 29.17 86p 14|4|0|0|0 1795966
2.9253 Alfr Nordheim Open- 22.22 65p 13|3|1|1|0 1795978
5.0720 jim sæther Production- 17.35 88p 17|1|0|0|0 1796595
4.2254 Geir Kvæl Production- 17.04 72p 10|7|1|0|0 1796604
3.0204 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 15.23 46p 10|5|1|2|0 1796614
3.3415 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 24.54 82p 14|4|0|0|0 1794711
2.9115 Andreas Gaarden Production- 26.79 78p 14|2|2|0|0 1794703
3.1583 Daniel Kling Production- 25.33 80p 13|5|0|0|0 1796624
2.7578 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 25.02 69p 14|3|0|1|0 1794704
3.3565 Mads Gløtta Production- 24.43 82p 14|4|0|0|0 1796629
2.3457 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 19.61 46p 10|5|1|2|0 1794577
0.8984 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 17.81 16p 8|5|1|4|0 1796637
2.6472 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 28.71 76p 11|7|0|0|0 1794705
2.9385 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 22.12 65p 12|5|0|1|0 1796644
3.3637 Stian Andreassen Production- 17.54 59p 9|8|0|1|0 1795989
2. The Nordal bridge
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.0106 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 37.90 152p 28|3|0|0|0 1796737
3.6844 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 34.47 127p 18|12|1|0|0 1796177
1.5087 Terje Vernly Open+ 70.92 107p 15|12|2|2|0 1796088
4.4811 Harald Feragen Open+ 30.35 136p 18|10|3|0|0 1796100
2.2516 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 35.53 80p 16|8|4|3|0 1796124
2.1957 Lisa Augensen Standard- 51.92 114p 19|9|2|1|0 1794629
1.0519 Kent Säker Production Optics- 40.88 43p 18|7|2|4|0 1796138
2.4116 Felix Magnusson Production- 43.54 105p 19|10|0|2|0 1794618
0.5418 Morten Augensen Standard- 38.76 21p 20|3|2|6|0 1796685
3.6281 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 37.21 135p 22|8|1|0|0 1794625
3.2258 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 32.86 106p 16|11|3|1|0 1794621
3.0448 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 39.74 121p 15|15|1|0|0 1796147
3.4580 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 35.28 122p 22|7|1|1|0 1794622
2.8554 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 48.68 139p 24|6|1|0|0 1794802
2.0921 Robin Murray Open- 62.14 130p 25|5|0|1|0 1794725
1.6961 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 71.34 121p 17|11|3|0|0 1794731
2.3051 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 56.83 131p 20|10|1|0|0 1794740
0.9245 Tore Halse Production- 45.43 42p 11|11|4|5|0 1796155
0.1847 Petter Langstrand Production- 59.56 11p 19|5|1|6|1 1796162
2.0757 Andre Jensen Standard- 60.22 125p 17|13|1|0|0 1794749
2.4058 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 49.88 120p 22|7|1|1|1 1796167
2.4632 Alfr Nordheim Open- 49.53 122p 23|5|2|1|0 1796171
1.7829 jim sæther Production- 38.70 69p 21|4|2|4|0 1796688
3.0640 Geir Kvæl Production- 40.47 124p 22|8|0|1|0 1796698
2.2832 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 43.36 99p 22|6|1|2|0 1796705
2.3511 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 58.27 137p 22|9|0|0|0 1794760
1.0666 Andreas Gaarden Production- 65.63 70p 18|5|5|3|0 1794771
1.6381 Daniel Kling Production- 51.89 85p 19|5|5|2|0 1796714
1.9809 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 58.56 116p 23|7|0|1|0 1794786
2.2598 Mads Gløtta Production- 61.51 139p 23|8|0|0|0 1796720
0.7022 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 52.69 37p 13|9|5|4|0 1794627
2.4368 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 44.32 108p 21|7|2|1|1 1796727
1.7738 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 63.14 112p 21|9|0|1|0 1794794
2.6277 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 54.42 143p 26|4|1|0|0 1796731
2.9065 Stian Andreassen Production- 45.76 133p 22|7|2|0|0 1796174
3. Hard work!
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5133 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 15.37 54p 8|3|1|0|0 1796850
3.3188 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 11.45 38p 3|7|2|0|0 1796216
1.9255 Terje Vernly Open+ 23.37 45p 5|3|4|0|0 1796222
3.8033 Harald Feragen Open+ 15.25 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1796187
2.5953 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 12.33 32p 4|4|3|1|0 1796190
2.6911 Lisa Augensen Standard- 18.58 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1794650
3.7227 Kent Säker Production Optics- 15.58 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1796192
1.7127 Felix Magnusson Production- 18.10 31p 9|2|0|1|1 1794653
2.8497 Morten Augensen Standard- 15.44 44p 10|1|1|0|1 1796859
2.1046 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 15.68 33p 6|4|1|1|0 1794635
1.9661 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 14.75 29p 8|3|0|1|1 1794638
1.9515 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 16.91 33p 6|4|1|1|0 1796195
3.7062 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 14.57 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1794639
4.0588 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 14.29 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1794926
3.0175 Robin Murray Open- 14.25 43p 10|1|0|1|0 1794936
0.3980 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 32.66 13p 8|1|0|3|0 1794859
2.4942 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 21.65 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1794869
2.8909 Tore Halse Production- 15.22 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1796197
0.6829 Petter Langstrand Production- 23.43 16p 8|2|0|2|1 1796202
3.3520 Andre Jensen Standard- 17.90 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1794878
3.0835 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 18.81 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1796203
1.7967 Alfr Nordheim Open- 17.81 32p 4|7|1|0|1 1796207
3.9563 jim sæther Production- 14.66 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1796788
3.3981 Geir Kvæl Production- 16.48 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1796796
1.8125 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 16.00 29p 8|3|0|1|0 1796805
1.4616 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 21.21 31p 9|2|0|1|1 1794895
0.8104 Andreas Gaarden Production- 22.21 18p 9|1|0|2|1 1794900
2.5067 Daniel Kling Production- 22.34 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1796815
3.1539 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 18.39 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1794912
3.2165 Mads Gløtta Production- 17.41 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1796822
1.6341 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 28.15 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1794644
2.1205 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 20.75 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1796832
1.7355 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 24.20 42p 5|5|2|0|0 1794923
2.4430 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 18.42 45p 11|0|0|1|0 1796840
4.7022 Stian Andreassen Production- 12.76 60p 12|0|0|0|0 1796209
4. Rombakken City
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.5552 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 23.27 106p 18|4|0|0|0 1796960
4.8082 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 19.55 94p 15|6|1|0|0 1796300
2.0000 Terje Vernly Open+ 43.50 87p 11|10|1|0|0 1796310
5.0443 Harald Feragen Open+ 18.04 91p 17|4|0|1|0 1796312
4.5802 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 22.27 102p 14|8|0|0|0 1796245
2.0256 Lisa Augensen Standard- 33.57 68p 15|4|1|2|0 1794687
3.1963 Kent Säker Production Optics- 24.09 77p 17|4|0|1|0 1796256
2.2947 Felix Magnusson Production- 27.89 64p 12|8|0|2|0 1794689
4.1385 Morten Augensen Standard- 25.13 104p 19|3|0|0|0 1796976
3.6258 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 22.34 81p 14|7|0|1|0 1794690
4.6169 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 20.36 94p 15|6|1|0|0 1794679
3.7813 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 24.33 92p 13|9|0|0|0 1796259
4.9285 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 20.29 100p 17|5|0|0|0 1794683
3.9929 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 22.54 90p 13|8|1|0|0 1795080
2.5292 Robin Murray Open- 41.91 106p 20|2|0|0|0 1795091
2.6682 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 35.23 94p 14|8|0|0|0 1795106
3.8445 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 23.41 90p 14|6|2|0|0 1795012
3.0021 Tore Halse Production- 27.98 84p 11|9|2|0|0 1796266
2.1820 Petter Langstrand Production- 48.58 106p 20|2|0|0|0 1796273
4.1434 Andre Jensen Standard- 25.10 104p 19|3|0|0|0 1795021
4.6717 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 22.69 106p 18|4|0|0|0 1796278
2.3512 Alfr Nordheim Open- 27.22 64p 17|3|0|2|0 1796286
4.2982 jim sæther Production- 22.80 98p 16|6|0|0|0 1796988
4.4324 Geir Kvæl Production- 22.11 98p 17|4|1|0|0 1796899
4.3838 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 24.18 106p 20|2|0|0|0 1796907
3.5741 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 26.86 96p 16|5|1|0|0 1795033
2.1080 Andreas Gaarden Production- 37.95 80p 9|11|2|0|0 1795048
2.8205 Daniel Kling Production- 31.20 88p 12|9|1|0|0 1796918
2.7251 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 37.43 102p 18|4|0|0|0 1795057
3.4934 Mads Gløtta Production- 29.77 104p 19|3|0|0|0 1796931
1.9186 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 34.40 66p 14|5|1|2|0 1794684
4.0404 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 24.75 100p 17|5|0|0|0 1796935
2.5468 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 40.05 102p 18|4|0|0|0 1795064
2.6614 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 25.55 68p 19|1|0|2|0 1796954
3.6339 Stian Andreassen Production- 29.72 108p 21|1|0|0|0 1796290
5. Into the tunnel
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.9236 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 16.76 49p 7|3|1|0|0 1797109
1.9683 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 18.29 36p 8|2|0|1|0 1796348
0.7918 Terje Vernly Open+ 21.47 17p 3|5|1|2|0 1796351
2.0949 Harald Feragen Open+ 16.23 34p 6|3|1|1|0 1796354
1.9220 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 17.69 34p 6|3|1|1|0 1796357
1.3999 Lisa Augensen Standard- 21.43 30p 5|5|0|1|0 1794693
0.0000 Kent Säker Production Optics- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 1796328
1.0327 Felix Magnusson Production- 39.70 41p 5|5|1|0|0 1794694
2.7652 Morten Augensen Standard- 17.72 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1797113
2.5469 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 20.81 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1794695
3.0378 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 16.13 49p 9|1|1|0|0 1794696
3.0559 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 15.38 47p 7|4|0|0|0 1796332
2.8132 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 18.84 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1794691
2.5670 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 17.53 45p 8|1|2|0|0 1795228
3.1851 Robin Murray Open- 16.64 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1795237
0.9964 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 28.10 28p 6|2|2|1|0 1795255
1.9355 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 26.35 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1795269
2.1552 Tore Halse Production- 20.88 45p 6|5|0|0|0 1796333
1.1914 Petter Langstrand Production- 26.86 32p 7|2|1|1|0 1796337
1.7672 Andre Jensen Standard- 19.24 34p 8|1|1|1|0 1795161
2.3341 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 21.85 51p 7|4|0|0|0 1796340
1.1116 Alfr Nordheim Open- 23.39 26p 6|1|3|1|0 1796343
2.4186 jim sæther Production- 22.74 55p 11|0|0|0|0 1797116
2.7331 Geir Kvæl Production- 18.66 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1797120
1.8651 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 25.20 47p 7|4|0|0|0 1797051
2.2970 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 18.72 43p 6|4|1|0|0 1795173
1.0815 Andreas Gaarden Production- 27.74 30p 5|5|0|1|0 1795188
1.6593 Daniel Kling Production- 27.12 45p 6|5|0|0|0 1797064
1.6803 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 22.02 37p 7|4|0|0|0 1795206
1.4706 Mads Gløtta Production- 21.76 32p 6|4|0|1|0 1797076
0.0571 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 35.01 2p 4|4|0|3|0 1794692
2.1768 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 22.51 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1797089
1.3653 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 35.89 49p 9|1|1|0|0 1795221
2.1945 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 23.24 51p 10|0|1|0|0 1797100
2.7672 Stian Andreassen Production- 18.43 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1796345
6. hanging on to the train
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.8754 Kent-ole Edvardsen Open+ 13.16 51p 7|4|0|0|0 1797159
3.4117 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- 13.19 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1796388
0.7912 Terje Vernly Open+ 22.75 18p 4|4|1|2|0 1796391
3.5062 Harald Feragen Open+ 13.69 48p 6|4|1|0|0 1796392
3.1705 Jørgen Mortensen Standard+ 11.67 37p 7|3|0|1|0 1796395
1.9490 Lisa Augensen Standard- 20.01 39p 5|4|2|0|0 1794698
2.4945 Felix Magnusson Production- 18.04 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1794699
2.6549 Morten Augensen Standard- 16.95 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1797165
2.9120 Vegar Gabrielsen Production Optics- 16.14 47p 7|4|0|0|0 1794700
2.3066 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- 14.74 34p 7|3|0|1|0 1794701
1.1117 Halvor Odden Production Optics- 17.99 20p 6|3|1|1|0 1796372
1.8945 Niklas Vik Production Optics- 14.78 28p 4|6|0|1|0 1794702
0.5980 Mats Tretten Production Optics- 21.74 13p 4|4|1|2|0 1795399
2.2284 Robin Murray Open- 14.36 32p 7|2|1|1|0 1795408
2.5803 Ole-Morten Ringmo Production- 18.99 49p 8|3|0|0|0 1795420
1.9580 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 14.30 28p 5|4|1|1|0 1795429
2.4827 Tore Halse Production- 17.32 43p 6|4|1|0|0 1796376
1.5960 Petter Langstrand Production- 25.69 41p 5|5|1|0|0 1796397
2.4628 Andre Jensen Standard- 21.52 53p 10|1|0|0|0 1795441
3.0284 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 15.52 47p 7|2|2|0|0 1796380
1.1019 Alfr Nordheim Open- 25.41 28p 4|6|0|1|0 1796384
2.4855 jim sæther Production- 18.91 47p 8|2|1|0|0 1797169
3.1163 Geir Kvæl Production- 14.44 45p 7|3|1|0|0 1797173
3.3243 Finn Arne Følvik Production- 14.74 49p 9|1|1|0|0 1797176
0.9459 Trygve Reppen Production Optics- 19.03 18p 4|6|0|1|0 1795351
1.9588 Andreas Gaarden Production- 19.91 39p 6|2|3|0|0 1795360
1.6354 Daniel Kling Production- 20.79 34p 7|3|0|1|0 1797141
1.7365 Thomas Vahlberg Standard- 19.58 34p 7|3|0|1|0 1795371
1.9281 Mads Gløtta Production- 19.19 37p 3|7|1|0|0 1797144
1.5504 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 16.77 26p 5|3|2|1|0 1794697
1.7595 Arild Hekkelstrand Standard- 17.05 30p 6|3|1|1|0 1797150
1.5933 Tor-Egil Westerås Production- 32.01 51p 9|2|0|0|0 1795385
1.0388 Niklas Markussen Production Optics- 25.03 26p 5|3|2|1|0 1797155
1.5637 Stian Andreassen Production- 12.79 20p 2|6|2|1|0 1796386

Last result: 9th November 2024 07:54 (UTC)

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