1. Double trouble
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.8027 Vidar Tislevoll Production Optics- 17.84 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1897535
4.1775 Steinar Grundstrøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.49 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1897540
4.6968 Helge Aase Open+ 11.71 55p 7|5|0|0|0 1897643
3.9342 Henning Aase Open+ 13.98 55p 7|5|0|0|0 1897647
2.5559 Christian Skogland Standard- 18.78 48p 11|1|0|0|1 1897651
0.9836 Lasse Tjørhom Production- 18.30 18p 6|2|2|2|0 1897657
4.9587 Olav Vatne Pistol Caliber Carbine- 10.89 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1897590
0.0000 Anders Veggeberg Classic- 31.00 0p 6|2|1|3|1 1897545
1.2860 Kjetil Ellertsen Revolver- 35.77 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1897593
0.0499 Rune Brekken Production- 20.03 1p 7|2|0|3|1 1897555
4.9678 Terje Woll Open+ 10.87 54p 8|3|1|0|0 1897661
1.1759 Åge Hansen Production- 19.56 23p 7|2|2|1|0 1897597
2.5862 Thomas Olaussen Revolver- 20.88 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1897559
4.5724 Kristoffer Robersvik Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.81 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1897665
3.4377 Kjartan Gausland Production- 16.29 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1897601
5.5118 Kristian Lund Pistol Caliber Carbine- 10.16 56p 11|0|1|0|0 1897575
2.1063 Sveinung Hansen Fjelltun Production- 20.89 44p 9|3|0|0|1 1897562
2.7517 Mathias Oftedal Production- 15.99 44p 7|2|3|0|0 1897607
0.5365 Mats Hausken Standard- 33.55 18p 9|1|0|2|1 1897579
3.7951 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production Optics- 10.54 40p 8|3|1|0|1 1897667
4.3807 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 13.24 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1897610
1.4098 Fredrik Skarbøvik Production- 20.57 29p 6|2|3|1|0 1897616
1.0047 Przemyslaw Paluch Production- 29.86 30p 7|5|0|0|2 1897671
1.3137 Bjørne Andre Stangeland Production- 38.06 50p 12|0|0|0|1 1897621
4.8658 Einar Nysted Open+ 11.92 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1897673
2. Keep your head down
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.4286 Vidar Tislevoll Production Optics- 21.00 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1897632
9.1362 Steinar Grundstrøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.04 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1897591
6.7818 Helge Aase Open+ 15.63 106p 20|4|0|0|0 1897560
9.8332 Henning Aase Open+ 11.39 112p 18|5|1|0|0 1897532
6.9782 Christian Skogland Standard- 16.05 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1897536
5.6191 Lasse Tjørhom Production- 19.22 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1897538
8.5169 Olav Vatne Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.62 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1897668
3.7736 Anders Veggeberg Classic- 31.27 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1897594
3.4898 Kjetil Ellertsen Revolver- 33.24 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1897639
4.2757 Rune Brekken Production- 27.13 116p 22|2|0|0|0 1897598
8.2737 Terje Woll Open+ 12.57 104p 18|6|0|0|1 1897542
4.7831 Åge Hansen Production- 24.67 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1897642
5.4795 Thomas Olaussen Revolver- 19.71 108p 23|1|0|0|0 1897604
7.5067 Kristoffer Robersvik Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.92 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1897547
5.5588 Kjartan Gausland Production- 17.09 95p 19|3|1|1|0 1897650
9.7763 Kristian Lund Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.07 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1897625
6.7511 Sveinung Hansen Fjelltun Production- 16.59 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1897609
6.9825 Mathias Oftedal Production- 16.04 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1897662
4.5435 Mats Hausken Standard- 23.33 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1897629
8.4784 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production Optics- 13.21 112p 20|4|0|0|0 1897549
8.0117 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 13.73 110p 19|5|0|0|0 1897670
5.0265 Fredrik Skarbøvik Production- 22.68 114p 21|3|0|0|0 1897655
7.5524 Przemyslaw Paluch Production- 14.30 108p 20|2|2|0|0 1897553
3.7748 Bjørne Andre Stangeland Production- 31.26 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1897664
6.3536 Einar Nysted Open+ 14.48 92p 16|8|0|0|1 1897556
3. Pickup and GO !!!
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6956 Vidar Tislevoll Production Optics- 37.84 102p 22|7|1|2|0 1897675
5.1209 Steinar Grundstrøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 28.12 144p 25|6|1|0|0 1897677
5.2812 Helge Aase Open+ 29.16 154p 26|6|0|0|0 1897624
3.6443 Henning Aase Open+ 27.44 100p 22|7|1|2|1 1897628
1.6657 Christian Skogland Standard- 34.82 58p 22|6|0|4|1 1897586
2.7485 Lasse Tjørhom Production- 50.21 138p 23|7|2|0|0 1897588
5.1212 Olav Vatne Pistol Caliber Carbine- 29.29 150p 27|5|0|0|0 1897564
0.9259 Anders Veggeberg Classic- 68.04 63p 21|6|0|5|0 1897646
1.6919 Kjetil Ellertsen Revolver- 91.02 154p 29|3|0|0|0 1897569
2.3752 Rune Brekken Production- 53.47 127p 23|7|1|1|0 1897653
5.9849 Terje Woll Open+ 25.23 151p 25|6|1|0|0 1897592
0.8963 Åge Hansen Production- 69.17 62p 19|9|0|4|0 1897534
3.5706 Thomas Olaussen Revolver- 42.57 152p 28|4|0|0|0 1897659
4.6948 Kristoffer Robersvik Pistol Caliber Carbine- 31.95 150p 27|5|0|0|0 1897596
3.8663 Kjartan Gausland Production- 36.21 140p 22|10|0|0|0 1897541
5.1333 Kristian Lund Pistol Caliber Carbine- 30.39 156p 30|2|0|0|0 1897669
3.8651 Sveinung Hansen Fjelltun Production- 36.48 141p 29|2|0|1|0 1897666
1.4309 Mathias Oftedal Production- 36.34 52p 15|12|1|4|0 1897546
0.0000 Mats Hausken Standard- 27.56 0p 1|4|1|26|0 1897672
5.7098 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production Optics- 25.57 146p 25|7|0|0|0 1897602
4.5512 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 31.64 144p 25|6|1|0|0 1897572
2.9815 Fredrik Skarbøvik Production- 50.31 150p 27|5|0|0|0 1897552
2.6850 Przemyslaw Paluch Production- 45.81 123p 21|9|1|1|0 1897614
1.8128 Bjørne Andre Stangeland Production- 78.33 142p 23|9|0|0|0 1897558
5.2011 Einar Nysted Open+ 28.84 150p 22|10|0|0|0 1897618

Last result: 11th February 2025 11:05 (UTC)

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