1. CLC-51
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0000 Jan Victor Foss Production- 8.18 0p 2|1|0|3|0 134994
1.5534 ruben sandnes Production- 15.45 24p 3|3|0|0|0 134995
0.0000 skule bjarkli Open- 6.58 0p 0|2|1|3|0 134982
0.0000 Olav Soldal Production- 6.54 0p 1|1|2|2|0 134984
0.0000 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 6.58 0p 0|2|0|4|0 134983
0.0000 Lars Flugstad Production- 6.01 0p 1|3|0|2|0 134985
2.5316 Harald Bakke Standard- 9.48 24p 4|1|1|0|0 134986
0.0000 John Sørbo Production- 6.01 0p 1|1|0|4|0 134987
0.6836 Fredrik Justad Production- 10.24 7p 2|2|1|1|0 134988
0.0000 Michael Bram Production- 7.93 0p 1|1|1|3|0 134989
0.1115 Tore Haugli Production- 8.97 1p 1|1|3|1|0 134990
1.2026 Leif Harald Backe Skustad Production- 10.81 13p 4|1|0|1|0 134991
1.7744 Even Røste Lunde Standard- 15.78 28p 5|1|0|0|0 134992
1.1777 Jørgen Semsøy Standard- 9.34 11p 3|2|0|1|0 134993
3. Circle the box
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.5251 Jan Victor Foss Production- 48.52 74p 12|4|2|0|0 134955
0.4721 ruben sandnes Production- 31.77 15p 8|4|3|3|1 134956
1.4870 skule bjarkli Open- 40.35 60p 9|8|1|0|1 134957
1.3066 Olav Soldal Production- 35.97 47p 9|7|1|1|1 134958
0.9666 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 43.45 42p 8|6|4|0|2 134959
1.4644 Lars Flugstad Production- 30.73 45p 9|6|2|1|1 134960
1.4023 Harald Bakke Standard- 43.50 61p 12|3|2|1|0 134961
2.4223 John Sørbo Production- 24.77 60p 7|7|4|0|0 134962
0.5839 Fredrik Justad Production- 37.68 22p 7|4|5|2|1 134963
0.0000 Michael Bram Production- 38.20 0p 4|7|2|5|0 134964
0.1861 Tore Haugli Production- 48.36 9p 6|5|4|3|1 134965
0.5182 Leif Harald Backe Skustad Production- 57.89 30p 8|6|2|2|1 134966
0.8028 Even Røste Lunde Standard- 43.60 35p 12|1|2|3|0 134967
1.8339 Jørgen Semsøy Standard- 39.26 72p 11|5|2|0|0 134968
4. Forward and backward
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0000 Jan Victor Foss Production- 32.52 0p 3|5|5|4|0 134981
1.9244 ruben sandnes Production- 42.09 81p 15|2|0|0|0 134969
2.0040 Olav Soldal Production- 35.43 71p 11|5|1|0|0 134970
0.9565 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 46.00 44p 6|7|3|1|0 134971
2.1392 Lars Flugstad Production- 31.32 67p 9|7|1|0|0 134972
1.2356 Harald Bakke Standard- 48.56 60p 11|5|0|1|0 134973
1.7635 John Sørbo Production- 28.92 51p 4|9|4|0|0 134974
1.1625 Fredrik Justad Production- 37.85 44p 5|9|2|1|0 134975
1.3498 Michael Bram Production- 42.23 57p 4|12|1|0|0 134976
1.6492 Tore Haugli Production- 43.05 71p 11|5|1|0|0 134977
1.1289 Leif Harald Backe Skustad Production- 71.75 81p 15|2|0|0|0 134978
1.9429 Even Røste Lunde Standard- 42.72 83p 16|1|0|0|0 134979
1.7927 Jørgen Semsøy Standard- 38.49 69p 11|4|2|0|0 134980

Last result: 17th February 2025 09:10 (UTC)

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