1. Strong man
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.3513 Rune Toft Production Optics- 12.41 54p 9|3|0|0|0 2094199
2.5012 Morten Myking Classic- 21.59 54p 9|3|0|0|0 2094200
1.9678 Jan Ove Midtun Classic- 16.77 33p 6|4|1|1|0 2094292
3.0861 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- 16.85 52p 8|4|0|0|0 2094295
3.1480 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 19.06 60p 12|0|0|0|0 2094265
2.3429 Atle Meyer Production- 17.50 41p 9|2|0|1|0 2094296
0.2063 Odd Eirik Smistad Production Optics- 29.09 6p 1|6|3|2|0 2094267
0.8552 Arne Monsen Open+ 16.37 14p 8|1|0|3|0 2094298
0.8207 Geir Irgens Production- 30.46 25p 3|6|2|1|0 2094300
2.9638 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 16.87 50p 8|3|1|0|0 2094270
2.6653 Roy Helland Open- 19.51 52p 9|2|1|0|0 2094272
1.8004 Tommas Skår Production- 25.55 46p 7|3|2|0|0 2094275
2.6841 Anders Barane Production Optics- 14.53 39p 8|3|0|1|0 2094201
2.3088 Krzysztof Bajor Production Optics- 20.79 48p 8|2|2|0|0 2094302
5.5769 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- 10.40 58p 11|1|0|0|0 2094277
2.2360 Kristian Hundven Open+ 21.02 47p 3|7|2|0|0 2094303
2.2567 Andries Ferla Production- 21.27 48p 8|2|2|0|0 2094305
2.6036 Mats Sønstebø Production- 16.90 44p 5|6|1|0|0 2094280
2.3695 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 22.79 54p 9|3|0|0|0 2094282
3.2213 Flemming Mark Pedersen Production Optics- 14.28 46p 7|3|2|0|0 2094202
2. Two hand and mine fingers
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.5962 Rune Toft Production Optics- 10.40 27p 8|2|1|1|0 2094207
4.3027 Morten Myking Classic- 13.48 58p 11|1|0|0|0 2094203
3.2531 Jan Ove Midtun Classic- 15.37 50p 8|3|1|0|0 2094315
2.5191 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- 13.10 33p 6|4|1|1|0 2094306
3.7599 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 13.83 52p 8|4|0|0|0 2094291
3.1123 Atle Meyer Production- 14.78 46p 7|3|2|0|0 2094307
4.6569 Arne Monsen Open+ 12.24 57p 9|3|0|0|0 2094308
0.0000 Geir Irgens Production- 19.09 0p 3|4|0|5|0 2094309
2.9360 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 17.03 50p 8|3|1|0|0 2094284
3.4607 Roy Helland Open- 13.87 48p 6|6|0|0|0 2094286
3.0731 Tommas Skår Production- 16.27 50p 8|3|1|0|0 2094287
2.9437 Anders Barane Production Optics- 11.89 35p 6|5|0|1|0 2094205
3.0286 Krzysztof Bajor Production Optics- 17.83 54p 9|3|0|0|0 2094310
5.8760 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- 9.19 54p 9|3|0|0|0 2094288
1.8815 Kristian Hundven Open+ 28.70 54p 6|6|0|0|0 2094312
3.0208 Andries Ferla Production- 15.89 48p 8|2|2|0|0 2094314
3.8700 Mats Sønstebø Production- 12.92 50p 8|3|1|0|0 2094289
3.3314 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 16.81 56p 10|2|0|0|0 2094290
4.5208 Flemming Mark Pedersen Production Optics- 11.06 50p 7|5|0|0|0 2094206
3. The door
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.7287 Rune Toft Production Optics- 20.09 95p 17|3|1|0|0 2094211
4.0552 Morten Myking Classic- 23.92 97p 17|4|0|0|0 2094212
3.7435 Jan Ove Midtun Classic- 26.98 101p 19|2|0|0|0 2094326
2.5362 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- 27.60 70p 11|8|1|1|0 2094327
3.7697 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 24.14 91p 19|2|0|0|1 2094256
2.9805 Atle Meyer Production- 29.19 87p 13|7|1|0|0 2094319
1.1570 Odd Eirik Smistad Production Optics- 38.03 44p 11|5|4|1|2 2094260
4.3225 Arne Monsen Open+ 24.06 104p 20|1|0|0|0 2094321
0.0000 Geir Irgens Production- 58.69 0p 13|4|0|4|4 2094322
3.7067 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 24.55 91p 15|5|1|0|0 2094258
2.5747 Roy Helland Open- 29.13 75p 11|10|0|0|1 2094240
2.5676 Tommas Skår Production- 37.00 95p 16|5|0|0|0 2094245
4.1629 Anders Barane Production Optics- 22.34 93p 20|1|0|0|1 2094209
0.8674 Krzysztof Bajor Production Optics- 32.28 28p 12|6|0|3|2 2094323
4.4512 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- 23.14 103p 20|1|0|0|0 2094248
1.1994 Kristian Hundven Open+ 49.19 59p 9|7|3|2|0 2094324
1.9150 Andries Ferla Production- 35.51 68p 14|6|0|1|1 2094325
3.7081 Mats Sønstebø Production- 25.08 93p 15|6|0|0|0 2094250
4.4857 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 22.07 99p 18|3|0|0|0 2094254
4.3773 Flemming Mark Pedersen Production Optics- 22.16 97p 17|4|0|0|0 2094210
4. Two barrel of whisky
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.6322 Rune Toft Production Optics- 14.68 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2094215
3.5853 Morten Myking Classic- 20.64 74p 13|3|0|0|0 2094216
2.6840 Jan Ove Midtun Classic- 23.10 62p 9|5|2|0|0 2094285
2.8583 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- 23.79 68p 12|2|2|0|0 2094281
2.3206 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 23.27 54p 9|6|1|0|1 2094297
2.4605 Atle Meyer Production- 21.54 53p 9|6|0|1|0 2094283
4.1053 Arne Monsen Open+ 19.00 78p 14|2|0|0|0 2094269
0.1015 Geir Irgens Production- 29.57 3p 5|5|3|3|0 2094271
3.2834 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 20.71 68p 11|4|1|0|0 2094299
1.8580 Roy Helland Open- 20.99 39p 9|4|2|1|1 2094301
1.3475 Tommas Skår Production- 24.49 33p 7|5|3|1|1 2094213
4.1056 Anders Barane Production Optics- 17.05 70p 11|5|0|0|0 2094217
1.5075 Krzysztof Bajor Production Optics- 25.87 39p 12|3|0|1|2 2094274
3.1400 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- 22.93 72p 12|4|0|0|0 2094304
3.4483 Kristian Hundven Open+ 22.04 76p 12|4|0|0|0 2094276
3.0252 Andries Ferla Production- 23.80 72p 12|4|0|0|0 2094279
3.4602 Mats Sønstebø Production- 20.23 70p 12|3|1|0|0 2094293
3.9115 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 19.43 76p 14|2|0|0|0 2094294
3.2091 Flemming Mark Pedersen Production Optics- 19.32 62p 8|7|1|0|0 2094214
5. The piggi
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9846 Rune Toft Production Optics- 29.29 146p 28|2|0|0|0 2094225
3.8410 Morten Myking Classic- 36.97 142p 26|4|0|0|0 2094227
3.7229 Jan Ove Midtun Classic- 38.68 144p 27|3|0|0|0 2094261
4.4855 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- 30.32 136p 24|5|1|0|0 2094253
2.9838 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 46.25 138p 25|4|1|0|0 2094317
3.7531 Atle Meyer Production- 36.77 138p 25|4|1|0|0 2094255
4.4451 Arne Monsen Open+ 32.62 145p 27|2|1|0|0 2094257
0.7343 Geir Irgens Production- 61.28 45p 25|0|0|5|0 2094242
3.0451 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- 34.81 106p 22|5|1|2|0 2094318
2.7954 Roy Helland Open- 45.79 128p 24|6|0|0|1 2094320
3.7815 Tommas Skår Production- 38.08 144p 27|3|0|0|0 2094232
4.0119 Anders Barane Production Optics- 36.89 148p 29|1|0|0|0 2094229
2.7262 Krzysztof Bajor Production Optics- 50.62 138p 29|1|0|0|1 2094244
2.5816 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- 45.32 117p 25|4|0|1|0 2094311
3.4483 Kristian Hundven Open+ 31.03 107p 21|8|0|1|2 2094247
3.3012 Andries Ferla Production- 43.62 144p 27|3|0|0|0 2094251
3.7451 Mats Sønstebø Production- 38.45 144p 27|3|0|0|0 2094313
4.2424 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 33.00 140p 25|5|0|0|0 2094316
3.4342 Flemming Mark Pedersen Production Optics- 34.36 118p 27|1|0|2|0 2094235

Last result: 27th July 2024 12:46 (UTC)

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