1. Hus og vegger
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.2890 Steinar Haugli Standard+ 18.34 97p 17|5|1|1|0 158243
4.8791 Hilde Nakling Standard+ 22.75 111p 17|6|1|0|0 158249
2.7702 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 22.02 61p 16|3|2|3|0 158239
3.1180 Brynjulv Afdal Revolver+ 35.92 112p 18|5|1|0|0 158247
6.5431 Anders Christiansen Open+ 17.27 113p 17|7|0|0|0 158185
5.0622 Rino olsen Classic- 22.52 114p 22|1|1|0|0 158129
4.6075 Trond Magne Loktu Classic- 23.44 108p 19|4|1|0|0 158128
3.6193 Harald Westbye Production- 22.38 81p 13|8|2|1|0 158131
2.3492 Benedicte K. Schreiner Open- 34.48 81p 14|6|3|1|0 158238
2.6137 Freddy Bolle Production- 29.46 77p 12|8|3|1|0 158240
5.1481 Markus Alvestad Standard- 20.59 106p 18|5|1|0|0 158130
2.2578 Andreas Myrer Standard- 24.36 55p 12|8|1|3|0 158241
1.2226 Rune Mellem Production- 27.81 34p 11|5|4|4|0 158214
3.9373 Roger Severinsen Classic- 24.89 98p 16|5|3|0|0 158242
2.1654 Michel Duits Production- 38.33 83p 15|5|3|1|0 158218
3.3977 Robin Ringkilen Production- 30.02 102p 15|9|0|0|0 158209
3.8298 Håkon Myklebust Production- 18.80 72p 13|9|0|2|0 158133
3.1804 Øivind Johnsen Production- 32.70 104p 16|8|0|0|0 158132
2.7666 Ronny Slettebakken Standard- 39.76 110p 20|3|1|0|0 158186
2.3429 Svein-Åge Slettebakken Standard- 38.84 91p 16|7|0|1|0 158189
3.5154 Henrik Dahlen Production- 31.86 112p 20|4|0|0|0 158190
5.2089 Mikkel Moland Open+ 17.47 91p 15|5|3|1|0 158188
3.1839 Vinjar Bjerkan Production- 30.78 98p 15|7|2|0|0 158192
3.5446 Bjørn H-Bruun Production- 29.34 104p 18|4|2|0|0 158193
5.7205 Rune Vikeby Standard+ 18.53 106p 16|5|3|0|0 158195
4.1473 Roger Jensen Standard- 21.46 89p 16|6|1|1|0 158194
5.2658 Jostein Berntsen Standard+ 19.75 104p 12|10|2|0|0 158135
3.2284 Eric Martinez Standard- 24.78 80p 17|5|0|2|0 158134
4.3003 Per Vangsnes Open+ 26.51 114p 18|6|0|0|0 158196
3.6768 Olav Soldal Production- 24.75 91p 17|5|1|1|0 158212
2.9302 Bjorn Erik Flekke Production- 32.08 94p 15|5|4|0|0 158246
2.6703 Petter Bjurstrøm Production- 33.33 89p 16|6|1|1|0 158138
2.6750 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 35.14 94p 14|7|3|0|0 158215
3.3083 Tore Haugli Production- 33.25 110p 19|5|0|0|0 158213
4.3243 Njål Ladstein Production- 24.05 104p 16|8|0|0|0 158140
3.9065 tom solberg Classic+ 27.39 107p 13|10|1|0|0 158197
4.9684 Simen Amundsen Production- 22.14 110p 19|5|0|0|0 158245
3.1891 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- 21.95 70p 14|6|2|2|0 158216
6.2077 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Open+ 17.72 110p 18|4|2|0|0 158248
3.3865 Per Jakobsen Production- 25.10 85p 18|5|0|1|1 158139
1.2056 Terje Ødemark Classic+ 87.92 106p 12|11|1|0|0 158244
5.3079 Hans Petter Lie Production- 18.84 100p 15|8|1|0|0 158199
3.3179 Øyvind Stensrud Standard- 30.14 100p 16|6|2|0|0 158304
2. Shootnoshoot
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
11.5486 Steinar Haugli Standard+ 3.81 44p 8|1|0|0|0 158231
8.7137 Hilde Nakling Standard+ 4.82 42p 6|3|0|0|0 158236
6.8106 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 6.02 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158227
5.3483 Brynjulv Afdal Revolver+ 8.04 43p 7|2|0|0|0 158235
11.0553 Anders Christiansen Open+ 3.98 44p 8|1|0|0|0 158175
8.2828 Rino olsen Classic- 4.95 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158137
8.4746 Trond Magne Loktu Classic- 5.31 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158143
7.5229 Harald Westbye Production- 5.45 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158142
6.1475 Benedicte K. Schreiner Open- 7.32 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158226
5.5256 Freddy Bolle Production- 7.42 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158229
7.9929 Markus Alvestad Standard- 5.63 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158144
6.9919 Andreas Myrer Standard- 6.15 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158228
6.2802 Rune Mellem Production- 6.21 39p 6|3|0|0|0 158224
7.6350 Roger Severinsen Classic- 5.37 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158230
4.4760 Michel Duits Production- 9.16 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158223
0.0000 Robin Ringkilen Production- 5.04 0p 4|0|2|3|3 158219
5.2381 Håkon Myklebust Production- 4.20 22p 5|2|1|1|0 158141
6.6874 Øivind Johnsen Production- 6.43 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158146
6.3649 Ronny Slettebakken Standard- 7.07 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158174
5.0111 Svein-Åge Slettebakken Standard- 8.98 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158176
4.6750 Henrik Dahlen Production- 8.77 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158177
5.8442 Mikkel Moland Open+ 4.62 27p 5|2|2|0|1 158178
5.4499 Vinjar Bjerkan Production- 7.89 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158179
4.7418 Bjørn H-Bruun Production- 9.49 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158181
9.1278 Rune Vikeby Standard+ 4.93 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158183
8.0235 Roger Jensen Standard- 5.11 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158180
8.8531 Jostein Berntsen Standard+ 4.97 44p 8|1|0|0|0 158148
6.7504 Eric Martinez Standard- 6.37 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158145
9.3361 Per Vangsnes Open+ 4.82 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158182
6.2395 Olav Soldal Production- 5.93 37p 5|4|0|0|0 158221
5.6136 Bjorn Erik Flekke Production- 7.66 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158234
3.4264 Petter Bjurstrøm Production- 7.88 27p 5|4|0|0|1 158147
5.7099 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 6.48 37p 5|4|0|0|0 158220
6.3518 Tore Haugli Production- 6.14 39p 6|3|0|0|0 158225
7.0326 Njål Ladstein Production- 5.83 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158152
4.3411 tom solberg Classic+ 6.45 28p 6|2|0|1|0 158184
7.5885 Simen Amundsen Production- 5.93 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158233
1.9967 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- 6.01 12p 4|4|0|1|1 158222
6.8182 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Open+ 4.40 30p 4|5|0|0|1 158237
7.1192 Per Jakobsen Production- 6.04 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158149
1.2490 Terje Ødemark Classic+ 24.02 30p 6|2|1|0|1 158232
9.4907 Hans Petter Lie Production- 4.32 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158187
4.1522 Øyvind Stensrud Standard- 5.78 24p 5|3|0|1|0 158308
3. Knebøy
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.9630 Steinar Haugli Standard+ 5.40 43p 7|2|0|0|0 158272
5.2851 Hilde Nakling Standard+ 7.19 38p 6|1|2|0|0 158277
3.5714 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 7.56 27p 4|1|4|0|0 158278
3.1299 Brynjulv Afdal Revolver+ 12.78 40p 6|2|1|0|0 158275
6.6978 Anders Christiansen Open+ 6.42 43p 7|2|0|0|0 158107
6.2027 Rino olsen Classic- 6.61 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158173
5.6923 Trond Magne Loktu Classic- 6.50 37p 5|4|0|0|0 158162
5.7423 Harald Westbye Production- 7.14 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158161
0.2273 Benedicte K. Schreiner Open- 13.20 3p 3|2|2|2|0 158207
4.9242 Freddy Bolle Production- 7.92 39p 7|1|1|0|0 158206
4.8316 Markus Alvestad Standard- 6.83 33p 4|4|1|0|0 158164
5.2755 Andreas Myrer Standard- 8.53 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158208
2.0888 Rune Mellem Production- 7.66 16p 3|3|2|1|0 158250
2.9586 Roger Severinsen Classic- 6.76 20p 4|3|1|1|0 158211
0.0000 Michel Duits Production- 10.83 0p 3|1|2|3|0 158252
1.5363 Robin Ringkilen Production- 7.16 11p 5|2|0|2|0 158251
6.2857 Håkon Myklebust Production- 5.25 33p 5|2|2|0|0 158166
1.0989 Øivind Johnsen Production- 10.01 11p 5|2|0|2|0 158165
2.2831 Ronny Slettebakken Standard- 15.33 35p 4|5|0|0|0 158104
3.8318 Svein-Åge Slettebakken Standard- 10.70 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158117
4.3043 Henrik Dahlen Production- 9.99 43p 8|1|0|0|0 158116
7.9365 Mikkel Moland Open+ 5.04 40p 6|2|1|0|0 158122
2.8128 Vinjar Bjerkan Production- 10.31 29p 3|4|2|0|0 158120
0.5622 Bjørn H-Bruun Production- 12.45 7p 4|2|1|2|0 158121
4.5603 Rune Vikeby Standard+ 6.14 28p 6|2|0|1|0 158123
5.8074 Roger Jensen Standard- 7.06 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158124
5.1750 Jostein Berntsen Standard+ 6.57 34p 4|2|3|0|0 158171
2.0025 Eric Martinez Standard- 7.99 16p 3|3|2|1|0 158168
6.2241 Per Vangsnes Open+ 7.23 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158127
5.0000 Olav Soldal Production- 7.80 39p 6|3|0|0|0 158253
3.9320 Bjorn Erik Flekke Production- 9.41 37p 5|4|0|0|0 158273
0.4946 Petter Bjurstrøm Production- 10.11 5p 4|1|2|2|0 158169
1.3995 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 7.86 11p 6|0|1|2|0 158256
3.2847 Tore Haugli Production- 8.22 27p 3|3|3|0|0 158255
3.2211 Njål Ladstein Production- 6.83 22p 5|2|1|1|0 158170
3.3186 tom solberg Classic+ 13.56 45p 9|0|0|0|0 158126
5.9390 Simen Amundsen Production- 6.23 37p 5|4|0|0|0 158210
0.0000 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- 5.94 0p 4|0|1|4|0 158258
8.7576 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Open+ 4.91 43p 7|2|0|0|0 158274
4.7786 Per Jakobsen Production- 8.58 41p 7|2|0|0|0 158172
1.0796 Terje Ødemark Classic+ 37.05 40p 6|2|1|0|0 158271
4.9839 Hans Petter Lie Production- 6.22 31p 4|3|2|0|0 158125
4.4571 Øyvind Stensrud Standard- 8.75 39p 7|1|1|0|0 158311
4. The strip
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.7514 Steinar Haugli Standard+ 14.32 111p 17|6|1|0|0 158257
6.1399 Hilde Nakling Standard+ 18.73 115p 19|5|0|0|0 158264
5.9406 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 16.16 96p 15|6|3|0|0 158203
4.7894 Brynjulv Afdal Revolver+ 24.22 116p 20|4|0|0|0 158261
7.5613 Anders Christiansen Open+ 14.68 111p 17|6|1|0|0 158106
6.4165 Rino olsen Classic- 16.52 106p 17|7|0|0|0 158163
4.3246 Trond Magne Loktu Classic- 18.73 81p 12|10|1|1|0 158153
5.0873 Harald Westbye Production- 20.05 102p 16|7|1|0|0 158150
1.6533 Benedicte K. Schreiner Open- 37.50 62p 11|8|3|2|0 158198
4.4335 Freddy Bolle Production- 24.36 108p 18|6|0|0|0 158200
5.3293 Markus Alvestad Standard- 16.70 89p 16|6|1|1|0 158151
4.0369 Andreas Myrer Standard- 22.79 92p 12|10|2|0|0 158201
3.7903 Rune Mellem Production- 24.80 94p 13|9|2|0|0 158265
5.3743 Roger Severinsen Classic- 20.84 112p 20|4|0|0|0 158202
1.0438 Michel Duits Production- 23.95 25p 11|6|2|5|0 158266
1.9585 Robin Ringkilen Production- 26.04 51p 11|8|2|3|0 158263
5.1924 Håkon Myklebust Production- 16.37 85p 15|6|2|1|0 158154
3.7037 Øivind Johnsen Production- 26.46 98p 18|6|0|0|1 158155
2.0161 Ronny Slettebakken Standard- 54.56 110p 19|5|0|0|0 158105
3.1188 Svein-Åge Slettebakken Standard- 30.46 95p 18|5|0|1|0 158108
3.6685 Henrik Dahlen Production- 30.53 112p 20|4|0|0|0 158109
8.4644 Mikkel Moland Open+ 13.35 113p 17|7|0|0|0 158110
4.2553 Vinjar Bjerkan Production- 27.26 116p 22|2|0|0|0 158111
2.9907 Bjørn H-Bruun Production- 37.45 112p 20|4|0|0|0 158113
8.3333 Rune Vikeby Standard+ 14.04 117p 21|3|0|0|0 158119
4.7591 Roger Jensen Standard- 17.02 81p 16|7|0|1|1 158114
7.0508 Jostein Berntsen Standard+ 14.75 104p 10|13|1|0|0 158156
4.2982 Eric Martinez Standard- 22.80 98p 14|9|1|0|0 158157
5.4477 Per Vangsnes Open+ 21.11 115p 19|5|0|0|0 158115
5.3999 Olav Soldal Production- 19.63 106p 18|5|1|0|0 158269
3.2889 Bjorn Erik Flekke Production- 22.50 74p 19|3|0|2|0 158259
3.7285 Petter Bjurstrøm Production- 23.87 89p 16|6|1|1|0 158160
3.1646 Rebecca Flugstad Production- 25.28 80p 9|10|5|0|0 158268
4.0785 Tore Haugli Production- 25.99 106p 18|5|1|0|0 158267
5.5295 Njål Ladstein Production- 19.17 106p 17|7|0|0|0 158159
5.0195 tom solberg Classic+ 23.11 116p 20|4|0|0|0 158112
4.5658 Simen Amundsen Production- 24.53 112p 20|4|0|0|0 158204
4.2390 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- 19.58 83p 12|11|0|1|0 158270
4.9734 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Open+ 22.52 112p 16|8|0|0|0 158262
3.4073 Per Jakobsen Production- 19.37 66p 13|6|3|2|0 158158
0.5208 Terje Ødemark Classic+ 55.68 29p 11|8|1|4|0 158260
6.7568 Hans Petter Lie Production- 16.28 110p 19|5|0|0|0 158118
3.8462 Øyvind Stensrud Standard- 22.36 86p 12|7|5|0|0 158313

Last result: 20th July 2024 13:33 (UTC)

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