1. Forward, backward, step to the side
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.2474 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.42 57p 9|4|0|0|0 2383397
3.1003 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 15.16 47p 10|2|1|0|1 2383981
3.5441 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.39 51p 11|2|0|0|1 2383405
5.3938 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.68 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2383410
4.1424 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.76 57p 9|4|0|0|0 2383989
5.2150 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 10.93 57p 9|4|0|0|0 2383414
2.6616 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 18.41 49p 10|3|0|0|1 2384359
4.5372 Rune Toft Optics- 11.02 50p 12|0|0|1|0 2383419
0.0699 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 28.61 2p 7|2|1|3|1 2383998
4.0962 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.38 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2383428
0.0000 Kristoffer Hitsøy Production Optics- 16.77 0p 7|2|0|4|1 2384004
6.7255 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 9.07 61p 9|4|0|0|0 2384548
3.4812 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.65 51p 7|5|1|0|0 2384367
6.4894 Roy Helland Open+ 9.40 61p 9|4|0|0|0 2384551
1.8072 Ole B. Humborstad Production- 19.92 36p 5|7|0|1|0 2384104
2.0976 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 20.50 43p 12|1|0|0|2 2384376
2.5244 Frode Jensen Production- 22.58 57p 10|2|1|0|0 2384559
2.3226 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 23.68 55p 8|5|0|0|0 2384015
3.7455 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 16.82 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2384385
3.4144 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 17.28 59p 10|3|0|0|0 2384023
2.7523 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 22.89 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2384562
2.1138 Bent Pettersen Standard- 26.02 55p 8|5|0|0|0 2384030
0.0000 Per Allen Open- 15.65 0p 5|2|1|5|0 2384044
1.0352 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 28.98 30p 8|3|1|1|1 2384056
4.8346 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 11.79 57p 9|4|0|0|0 2384567
2.1769 Aleksander Bjelke Standard- 14.70 32p 5|5|2|1|0 2383435
3.5931 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 18.09 65p 13|0|0|0|0 2384572
2.9827 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 19.11 57p 9|4|0|0|0 2384573
3.0284 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 15.52 47p 9|4|0|0|1 2384579
4.7773 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 12.35 59p 10|3|0|0|0 2384066
3.3370 Roy Aasnæs Standard+ 17.98 60p 10|2|1|0|0 2384390
4.2180 Rafal Policinski Custom- 15.41 65p 13|0|0|0|0 2384396
3.7517 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 14.66 55p 9|3|1|0|0 2384399
4.4531 Petter Solås Production- 12.80 57p 10|2|1|0|0 2384083
4.6392 Michal Lorenc Custom- 13.58 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2384405
4.8435 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 13.42 65p 13|0|0|0|0 2384408
3.3130 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.79 49p 10|3|0|0|0 2384419
4.8485 Kristian Hundven Open+ 9.90 48p 10|2|0|1|0 2384582
3.7212 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 16.93 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2384424
2.0952 Ole Larsen Production- 15.75 33p 10|1|0|2|0 2384586
5.4498 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 11.56 63p 12|1|0|0|0 2384094
2.4551 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 16.70 41p 11|2|0|0|2 2384590
5.9296 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.95 59p 10|3|0|0|0 2384595
2. Lucky Luke
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.2491 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.08 36p 6|2|0|0|0 2383513
4.1894 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 10.98 46p 8|2|0|0|0 2384200
4.7009 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.36 44p 7|3|0|0|0 2383456
4.6729 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 8.56 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2383466
5.5626 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 7.91 44p 7|3|0|0|0 2384136
4.3908 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 9.11 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2383473
3.5742 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.87 46p 8|2|0|0|0 2384492
6.5527 Rune Toft Optics- 7.02 46p 9|0|1|0|0 2383484
1.9157 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 26.10 50p 10|0|0|0|0 2384142
3.1222 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.21 35p 9|0|0|1|0 2383493
3.7696 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 9.55 36p 4|4|0|0|0 2384656
5.2036 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 8.84 46p 9|0|1|0|0 2384447
5.7783 Roy Helland Open+ 8.48 49p 9|1|0|0|0 2384606
0.9110 Ole B. Humborstad Production- 18.66 17p 4|2|1|1|0 2384145
4.8544 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 10.30 50p 10|0|0|0|0 2384451
2.8553 Frode Jensen Production- 15.41 44p 7|3|0|0|0 2384610
1.7191 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 20.36 35p 6|1|2|0|0 2384148
3.5679 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 10.09 36p 7|0|1|0|0 2384456
3.0156 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 10.28 31p 7|2|0|1|0 2384153
3.1768 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 14.48 46p 8|2|0|0|0 2384616
0.9724 Bent Pettersen Standard- 19.54 19p 5|1|1|1|0 2384159
0.9180 Per Allen Open- 15.25 14p 6|1|1|2|0 2384162
0.2398 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 25.02 6p 5|0|1|2|0 2384167
3.1612 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 9.49 30p 4|3|1|0|0 2384620
1.7918 Aleksander Bjelke Standard- 23.44 42p 6|4|0|0|0 2383503
4.4231 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 10.40 46p 9|0|1|0|0 2384624
1.5247 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 11.15 17p 4|2|1|1|0 2384629
3.7962 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 10.01 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384633
3.1579 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 12.35 39p 7|1|1|0|0 2384172
4.5933 Rafal Policinski Custom- 10.45 48p 9|1|0|0|0 2384462
2.4732 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 12.13 30p 4|3|1|0|0 2384465
4.2316 Petter Solås Production- 8.98 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384178
6.3291 Michal Lorenc Custom- 7.90 50p 10|0|0|0|0 2384470
4.6796 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 9.83 46p 8|2|0|0|0 2384475
2.7592 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.96 33p 8|1|0|1|0 2384481
1.3734 Kristian Hundven Open+ 11.65 16p 6|1|1|2|0 2384639
4.6796 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.83 46p 8|2|0|0|0 2384486
2.8571 Ole Larsen Production- 13.30 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384641
3.1394 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 10.83 34p 5|3|0|0|0 2384188
2.2774 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.49 33p 8|1|0|1|0 2384646
6.2147 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 7.08 44p 7|3|0|0|0 2384651
3. Step to the side, then the other
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.2000 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.50 65p 13|3|1|1|0 2383594
3.9959 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 19.52 78p 12|6|0|0|0 2384373
4.0939 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 16.61 68p 13|4|1|0|1 2383614
5.5306 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.38 74p 10|8|0|0|0 2383534
1.6962 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.56 23p 7|5|3|3|0 2384383
4.5093 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 15.08 68p 8|9|1|0|0 2383543
3.1852 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 27.00 86p 16|2|0|0|0 2384557
6.1107 Rune Toft Optics- 13.91 85p 16|1|2|0|0 2383556
2.2636 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 30.04 68p 10|5|3|0|0 2384283
4.8101 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.80 76p 11|7|0|0|0 2383567
7.6029 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 11.18 85p 13|5|0|0|0 2384107
3.4501 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 18.55 64p 8|7|3|0|0 2384563
4.0057 Roy Helland Open+ 13.98 56p 6|8|2|1|0 2384118
0.0000 Ole B. Humborstad Production- 28.41 0p 3|5|5|4|0 2384294
4.4709 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 20.13 90p 18|0|0|0|0 2384568
1.4523 Frode Jensen Production- 33.05 48p 8|5|3|1|0 2383999
1.3412 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 49.21 66p 9|7|0|0|0 2384307
2.6947 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 23.75 64p 9|6|1|0|0 2384518
0.0000 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 25.38 0p 5|4|3|4|1 2384316
0.0000 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 26.78 0p 4|6|2|8|0 2384005
0.5137 Bent Pettersen Standard- 42.83 22p 4|6|4|2|0 2384326
0.0000 Per Allen Open- 28.28 0p 3|4|6|4|0 2384332
0.0000 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 25.02 0p 0|6|2|8|0 2384339
2.0625 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 15.03 31p 6|6|3|1|1 2384010
0.0000 Aleksander Bjelke Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 2383575
4.0886 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 17.61 72p 9|9|0|0|0 2384017
1.0342 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 25.14 26p 6|8|2|1|2 2384028
2.2034 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 17.70 39p 5|7|3|1|0 2384037
0.9227 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 22.76 21p 6|6|3|3|0 2384346
4.9283 Rafal Policinski Custom- 16.03 79p 14|3|0|0|0 2384524
1.9769 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 26.81 53p 9|5|3|1|0 2384528
0.7004 Petter Solås Production- 19.99 14p 4|7|3|2|1 2384353
4.5922 Michal Lorenc Custom- 14.59 67p 9|7|1|0|0 2384531
3.4692 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 18.16 63p 7|9|1|0|0 2384535
0.6572 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 36.52 24p 5|9|2|2|1 2384544
3.5461 Kristian Hundven Open+ 15.51 55p 7|6|3|1|0 2384051
2.1913 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 23.73 52p 12|4|0|2|0 2384553
0.0000 Ole Larsen Production- 24.21 0p 4|3|4|6|0 2384065
4.3640 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 18.79 82p 14|4|0|0|0 2384366
0.0000 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 40.17 0p 2|2|1|12|0 2384093
5.4095 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.31 72p 11|5|2|0|0 2384099
4. Side to side, looking through
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.1712 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.11 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2383710
1.4854 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 16.83 25p 7|0|0|1|0 2384460
2.3585 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 16.96 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2383719
3.3688 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.28 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2383726
2.2029 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 17.25 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384466
1.5915 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 22.62 36p 6|2|0|0|0 2383669
2.2571 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.95 36p 6|2|0|0|0 2384625
3.4722 Rune Toft Optics- 11.52 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2383675
0.4945 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 36.40 18p 5|1|0|1|0 2384474
1.9666 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 20.34 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2383689
4.0041 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 9.74 39p 7|1|0|0|0 2384253
2.2412 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.37 21p 6|0|1|1|0 2384632
3.0000 Roy Helland Open+ 13.00 39p 7|1|0|0|0 2384260
0.1116 Ole B. Humborstad Production- 35.83 4p 4|1|1|2|0 2384401
2.1978 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 17.29 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384640
1.0436 Frode Jensen Production- 22.04 23p 6|1|0|1|0 2384269
0.0196 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 50.95 1p 3|2|0|2|0 2384409
1.9095 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 19.90 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384587
0.0000 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 21.53 0p 3|0|0|4|0 2384416
0.0000 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 20.66 0p 2|0|1|4|0 2384156
1.1749 Bent Pettersen Standard- 30.64 36p 6|2|0|0|0 2384425
0.4812 Per Allen Open- 24.94 12p 4|0|2|1|0 2384434
0.0000 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 23.49 0p 3|0|1|3|0 2384436
2.2788 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 14.92 34p 6|1|1|0|0 2384161
2.4707 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 15.38 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384165
0.8683 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 20.73 18p 5|1|0|1|0 2384173
2.3368 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 14.55 34p 6|1|1|0|0 2384185
1.7410 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 18.38 32p 6|0|2|0|0 2384441
2.0964 Rafal Policinski Custom- 19.08 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2384596
0.8146 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 30.69 25p 7|0|0|1|0 2384600
2.1201 Petter Solås Production- 16.98 36p 6|2|0|0|0 2384449
2.7982 Michal Lorenc Custom- 13.58 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384604
1.2994 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 17.70 23p 6|1|0|1|0 2384607
0.2815 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 35.52 10p 6|0|0|2|0 2384615
2.7481 Kristian Hundven Open+ 13.10 36p 6|1|1|0|0 2384199
2.8070 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.25 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2384619
0.0000 Ole Larsen Production- 18.90 0p 4|0|0|3|0 2384217
2.9762 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 13.44 40p 8|0|0|0|0 2384457
2.6239 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 13.72 36p 7|0|1|0|0 2384232
3.9749 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 9.56 38p 7|1|0|0|0 2384241
5. Zig and Zag
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.0314 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 23.85 120p 18|10|0|0|0 2383806
3.6669 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 29.18 107p 19|7|1|1|0 2384598
4.5852 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 27.48 126p 21|7|0|0|0 2383818
5.6012 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 19.46 109p 20|6|1|1|0 2383826
2.4953 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 21.24 53p 8|13|4|3|0 2384602
4.7379 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 25.75 122p 19|9|0|0|0 2383840
2.4640 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 47.89 118p 17|11|0|0|0 2384130
5.8464 Rune Toft Optics- 22.92 134p 25|3|0|0|0 2383777
1.6328 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 52.67 86p 16|8|2|2|0 2384609
2.5530 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 41.52 106p 24|2|0|2|0 2383793
5.0176 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 19.93 100p 12|10|5|1|0 2384427
3.2364 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 27.50 89p 15|11|1|1|1 2384140
5.6147 Roy Helland Open+ 20.66 116p 12|12|4|0|0 2384435
0.0000 Ole B. Humborstad Production- 35.74 0p 7|9|2|10|1 2384617
1.7502 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 45.71 80p 24|0|0|4|0 2384149
2.6322 Frode Jensen Production- 43.31 114p 17|9|2|0|0 2384443
1.8940 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 49.63 94p 10|13|5|0|0 2384549
2.3585 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 42.40 100p 14|8|6|0|0 2384157
3.0708 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 35.17 108p 16|8|4|0|0 2384555
0.7833 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 53.62 42p 8|13|3|4|0 2384454
1.4369 Bent Pettersen Standard- 65.42 94p 13|12|3|0|1 2384564
1.1501 Per Allen Open- 35.65 41p 7|9|9|3|0 2384569
0.0000 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 45.42 0p 4|10|5|9|0 2384574
5.0728 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 24.05 122p 20|7|1|0|0 2384360
5.2347 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 24.07 126p 21|7|0|0|0 2384370
2.7401 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 32.48 89p 14|8|5|1|0 2384381
2.3149 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 34.99 81p 14|9|4|1|1 2384391
2.1508 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 37.66 81p 13|11|3|1|1 2384581
1.8712 Roy Aasnæs Standard+ 50.77 95p 11|9|7|1|0 2384007
1.3996 Rafal Policinski Custom- 75.02 105p 17|10|0|1|0 2384020
2.1884 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 32.90 72p 11|11|4|2|0 2384035
2.7324 Petter Solås Production- 30.01 82p 16|6|4|2|0 2384588
4.6828 Michal Lorenc Custom- 26.48 124p 20|8|0|0|0 2384052
3.6059 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 26.90 97p 15|10|2|1|0 2384071
1.7561 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 39.86 70p 14|9|3|2|1 2384100
4.6729 Kristian Hundven Open+ 23.54 110p 10|12|6|0|0 2384397
3.6364 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 36.30 132p 24|4|0|0|0 2384114
0.0000 Ole Larsen Production- 30.02 0p 8|11|1|8|0 2384402
5.1959 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 22.71 118p 17|11|0|0|0 2384594
3.5775 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 29.63 106p 12|15|1|0|0 2384407
6.2280 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 19.91 124p 20|8|0|0|0 2384418
6. Top to bottom or bottom to top
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.1766 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- 10.59 76p 14|2|0|0|0 2383866
4.8322 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Production Optics- 14.90 72p 12|4|0|0|0 2384669
3.7155 Trond Henrikssen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 18.84 70p 12|3|1|0|0 2383873
6.2222 Terje Eikemo Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.25 70p 11|5|0|0|0 2383877
2.2165 Heidi Ryum Marsh Pistol Caliber Carbine- 11.73 26p 3|10|1|2|0 2384670
3.7453 Jan Ove Midtun Optics- 18.69 70p 11|5|0|0|0 2383885
2.8322 Tor Holst Pistol Caliber Carbine- 24.01 68p 15|1|0|0|0 2384289
5.4519 Rune Toft Optics- 13.94 76p 14|2|0|0|0 2383892
1.4990 Herman Rikheim Humborstad Production- 44.03 66p 10|5|1|0|0 2384671
4.2902 Christian Vestbø Pistol Caliber Carbine- 15.85 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2383861
6.4455 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Open+ 10.55 68p 6|9|1|0|0 2384510
3.9349 Harald Kismul Pistol Caliber Carbine- 14.74 58p 6|9|1|0|0 2384297
5.9253 Roy Helland Open+ 10.97 65p 5|9|2|0|0 2384513
3.9216 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- 17.34 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2384304
2.6054 Frode Jensen Production- 26.10 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2384517
2.0408 Jonathan Løvbrekke Production- 24.50 50p 4|9|3|0|0 2384674
3.7363 Jerzy Sokol Standard- 18.20 68p 11|4|1|0|0 2384312
2.4074 Antons Vasiljevs Production- 21.60 52p 6|6|4|0|0 2384675
1.8668 Stig Handeland Production Optics- 27.32 51p 8|7|0|1|0 2384520
1.0839 Bent Pettersen Standard- 35.98 39p 4|9|2|1|0 2384683
1.6909 Per Allen Open- 25.43 43p 6|7|2|1|0 2384647
0.9302 Rayner Daniel Pedersen Open- 21.50 20p 1|11|2|2|0 2384652
3.2166 Ole-Edvard Hagen Classic- 13.99 45p 8|4|3|1|0 2384523
4.4853 Arvid-André Marthinussen Production Optics- 17.39 78p 15|1|0|0|0 2384469
2.3563 Jan Are Rønhovde Production Optics- 17.40 41p 5|8|2|1|0 2384478
3.7799 Stig Gøran Olsen Revolver- 17.99 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2384483
0.5085 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- 23.60 12p 8|4|0|4|0 2384658
2.6794 Roy Aasnæs Standard+ 22.02 59p 9|6|0|1|0 2384322
2.7841 Rafal Policinski Custom- 17.60 49p 7|8|0|1|0 2384205
3.0248 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- 16.53 50p 4|9|3|0|0 2384219
3.7500 Petter Solås Production- 16.00 60p 8|6|2|0|0 2384664
4.0000 Michal Lorenc Custom- 16.50 66p 9|7|0|0|0 2384238
3.2360 Håkon Sekse Production Optics- 22.25 72p 12|4|0|0|0 2384250
2.4490 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 19.60 48p 4|8|4|0|0 2384266
4.7278 Kristian Hundven Open+ 13.96 66p 6|8|2|0|0 2384488
3.5874 Anved Fredriksen Pistol Caliber Carbine- 20.07 72p 12|4|0|0|0 2384275
1.8724 Ole Larsen Production- 17.09 32p 7|5|2|2|0 2384496
4.8285 Andre Storskjær Production Optics- 15.74 76p 14|2|0|0|0 2384667
2.0334 Håkon Strøm Pistol Caliber Carbine- 19.18 39p 4|9|2|1|0 2384500
5.2469 Mikkel Gullstein Pistol Caliber Carbine- 12.96 68p 10|6|0|0|0 2384505

Last result: 23rd February 2025 05:33 (UTC)

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