1. CLC-15
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.8143 Karl Torkildsen Production- 7.27 35p 5|3|1|0|0 213015
3.8012 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 10.26 39p 7|1|1|0|0 213021
3.0303 Alvin Alforte Open+ 4.62 14p 6|1|0|2|0 213018
1.0174 Trond Sørhøy Production- 6.88 7p 4|2|1|2|0 213019
5.9542 Sivert Berg Production- 6.55 39p 7|1|1|0|0 213023
7.4141 Tor olav Nordgård Standard+ 5.53 41p 5|4|0|0|0 213016
3.2680 Anita Larsen Production- 10.71 35p 4|5|0|0|0 213022
4.2578 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 8.69 37p 6|2|1|0|0 213020
6.3683 Thomas Larsen Standard- 5.81 37p 7|0|2|0|0 213026
8.1188 Erlend Berg Open+ 5.05 41p 5|4|0|0|0 213017
8.5890 Roar Moe Open+ 4.89 42p 6|3|0|0|0 213027
2.7195 Fredrik Babinski Production- 12.87 35p 6|1|2|0|0 213024
4.5354 Gaute Lind Forbergskog Production- 9.04 41p 7|2|0|0|0 213025
2. CLC-33
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.3189 Karl Torkildsen Production- 6.02 26p 5|0|1|0|0 213028
1.5458 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 8.41 13p 4|1|0|1|0 213040
1.5474 Alvin Alforte Open+ 5.17 8p 2|1|2|1|0 213034
0.8621 Trond Sørhøy Production- 8.12 7p 1|4|0|1|0 213036
3.4921 Sivert Berg Production- 6.30 22p 4|0|2|0|0 213044
5.0788 Tor olav Nordgård Standard+ 5.71 29p 5|1|0|0|0 213030
0.2545 Anita Larsen Production- 11.79 3p 1|2|2|1|0 213042
0.0000 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 6.69 0p 2|2|0|2|0 213038
3.5961 Thomas Larsen Standard- 7.23 26p 4|2|0|0|0 213050
5.7613 Erlend Berg Open+ 4.86 28p 4|2|0|0|0 213032
4.6512 Roar Moe Open+ 5.59 26p 2|4|0|0|0 213052
0.7582 Fredrik Babinski Production- 11.87 9p 2|3|0|1|0 213046
1.9178 Gaute Lind Forbergskog Production- 7.30 14p 1|2|3|0|0 213048
3. A little of it all
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.5944 Karl Torkildsen Production- 28.60 17p 13|7|1|5|0 213029
1.3002 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 33.84 44p 13|5|4|4|0 213041
5.0532 Alvin Alforte Open+ 22.56 114p 16|7|3|0|0 213035
2.7455 Trond Sørhøy Production- 42.98 118p 20|6|0|0|0 213037
2.8468 Sivert Berg Production- 33.02 94p 21|3|0|2|0 213045
4.5271 Tor olav Nordgård Standard+ 27.17 123p 21|4|1|0|0 213031
1.9309 Anita Larsen Production- 51.79 100p 15|7|4|0|0 213043
3.3372 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 34.16 114p 20|4|2|0|0 213039
3.4076 Thomas Larsen Standard- 30.52 104p 17|5|4|0|0 213051
5.3968 Erlend Berg Open+ 22.05 119p 17|8|1|0|0 213033
3.8209 Roar Moe Open+ 24.34 93p 17|7|0|2|0 213053
1.3777 Fredrik Babinski Production- 59.52 82p 16|7|1|2|0 213047
2.8972 Gaute Lind Forbergskog Production- 42.80 124p 23|3|0|0|0 213049

Last result: 6th March 2025 04:10 (UTC)

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