1. Not what you expected?
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.7813 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 20.21 36p 4|5|1|0|0 327109
3.1133 Vegard Natvik Production- 16.06 50p 10|0|0|0|0 327110
3.4063 Idar Olsen Open- 12.33 42p 6|4|0|0|0 327111
3.5256 Kurt Hafsås Production- 12.48 44p 7|3|0|0|0 327112
0.2617 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 38.21 10p 7|1|2|0|0 327113
0.8246 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 21.83 18p 7|1|0|2|0 327114
1.4860 Emil Hallstensson Production- 29.61 44p 8|1|1|0|0 327115
1.3248 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 20.38 27p 3|5|1|1|0 327304
0.0000 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 17.63 0p 6|0|0|4|0 327312
2.5000 Edvin Sylte Open- 18.40 46p 8|2|0|0|0 327315
1.1126 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 22.47 25p 4|5|0|1|0 327326
3.4612 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 13.29 46p 6|4|0|0|0 327244
2.1716 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 18.88 41p 3|6|1|0|0 327331
2.4718 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 18.61 46p 8|2|0|0|0 327117
2.3134 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 19.02 44p 6|3|1|0|0 327247
1.9231 Espen Engebretsen Production- 22.88 44p 8|1|1|0|0 327248
0.4160 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 33.65 14p 6|1|1|2|0 327257
2.1175 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 18.89 40p 7|1|2|0|0 327250
0.0000 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 25.39 0p 9|1|0|0|0 327258
0.7348 Frode Bloch Standard- 13.61 10p 5|5|0|0|0 327259
2.3364 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 19.26 45p 5|5|0|0|0 327264
2.1445 Jonas Holten Open- 21.45 46p 9|0|1|0|0 327276
0.5743 Henning Gartz Production- 27.86 16p 6|2|0|2|0 327342
0.0000 Einar Darre Kaarbø Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 327251
3.0087 Bastian Myhre Classic- 12.63 38p 5|4|1|0|0 327278
3.4261 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 14.01 48p 9|1|0|0|0 327346
1.7621 Espen Marken Standard- 27.24 48p 9|1|0|0|0 327252
2.1674 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 16.61 36p 5|3|2|0|0 327116
2.1978 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 20.93 46p 8|2|0|0|0 327350
3.9474 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 12.16 48p 9|1|0|0|0 327298
2.8928 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 15.21 44p 8|1|1|0|0 327254
2. Easy points
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.2043 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 13.61 30p 3|5|0|0|0 327118
3.4602 Vegard Natvik Production- 11.56 40p 8|0|0|0|0 327119
2.4410 Idar Olsen Open- 12.29 30p 8|0|0|0|1 327120
2.6862 Kurt Hafsås Production- 8.19 22p 1|5|2|0|0 327890
1.9943 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 14.04 28p 3|4|1|0|0 328097
1.1086 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 18.04 20p 3|5|0|0|1 328098
0.0000 Emil Hallstensson Production- 19.47 0p 8|0|0|0|0 328094
1.8646 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 10.19 19p 1|6|0|1|0 327439
2.8358 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 13.40 38p 6|2|0|0|0 327406
1.4368 Edvin Sylte Open- 13.92 20p 3|5|0|0|1 327411
0.0000 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 11.96 0p 2|4|2|0|0 327719
3.9278 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 9.42 37p 5|3|0|0|0 327414
2.8336 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 10.94 31p 1|6|1|0|0 327417
2.5974 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 12.32 32p 4|4|0|0|0 327121
0.0598 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 16.72 1p 3|4|0|1|2 327459
2.4016 Espen Engebretsen Production- 14.99 36p 6|2|0|0|0 327462
0.0000 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 25.19 0p 6|2|0|0|0 327404
2.5020 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 12.79 32p 4|4|0|0|0 327475
0.0000 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 20.67 0p 1|6|1|0|1 327378
2.4206 Frode Bloch Standard- 13.22 32p 4|4|0|0|0 327383
2.4914 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 11.64 29p 3|2|3|0|0 327387
1.9594 Jonas Holten Open- 14.29 28p 3|4|1|0|0 327393
1.6780 Henning Gartz Production- 19.07 32p 4|4|0|0|0 327422
3.9036 Bastian Myhre Classic- 8.71 34p 5|3|0|0|0 327395
0.0000 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 9.87 0p 4|2|0|2|3 327431
0.0000 Espen Marken Standard- 11.95 0p 4|3|1|0|0 327508
2.3985 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 10.84 26p 2|5|1|0|0 327122
0.9431 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 31.81 30p 3|5|0|0|0 327435
2.1818 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 13.75 30p 8|0|0|0|1 327399
0.5221 Tore Lundberg Standard+ 65.12 34p 2|6|0|0|0 327510
2.8470 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 11.24 32p 4|4|0|0|0 327506
3. The Room
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.8887 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 29.65 56p 10|2|0|0|0 327885
2.3570 Vegard Natvik Production- 22.91 54p 9|3|0|0|0 327887
0.0000 Idar Olsen Open- 19.36 0p 3|4|3|2|0 327123
0.0000 Kurt Hafsås Production- 15.82 0p 5|0|3|4|1 327891
1.7135 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 29.18 50p 7|5|0|0|0 327124
1.3877 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 34.59 48p 6|6|0|0|0 328086
0.9638 Emil Hallstensson Production- 47.73 46p 10|2|0|0|1 327125
3.0769 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 18.85 58p 10|2|0|0|0 327552
1.4331 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 41.17 59p 11|1|0|0|0 327554
1.6680 Edvin Sylte Open- 25.78 43p 10|1|0|1|0 327527
1.6174 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 28.44 46p 5|7|0|0|0 327530
3.3296 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 17.72 59p 11|1|0|0|0 327651
2.0047 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 25.44 51p 7|3|2|0|0 327536
0.6540 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 29.05 19p 5|4|2|1|1 327884
2.1470 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 24.22 52p 6|5|1|0|0 327654
1.1847 Espen Engebretsen Production- 32.92 39p 8|3|0|1|0 327639
1.1922 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 48.65 58p 11|1|0|0|0 327675
2.0772 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 26.96 56p 10|2|0|0|0 327641
1.4933 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 20.76 31p 9|2|0|1|1 327682
0.0000 Frode Bloch Standard- 28.71 0p 8|2|0|2|3 327663
0.3166 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 34.74 11p 3|6|1|2|0 327668
1.1869 Jonas Holten Open- 47.18 56p 10|2|0|0|0 327670
0.0000 Henning Gartz Production- 40.56 0p 7|1|1|3|1 327545
1.1403 Bastian Myhre Classic- 17.54 20p 5|5|0|2|0 327671
2.4043 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 22.46 54p 9|3|0|0|0 327549
1.2409 Espen Marken Standard- 46.74 58p 11|1|0|0|0 327645
2.4856 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 22.53 56p 10|2|0|0|0 327126
2.1060 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 27.54 58p 11|1|0|0|0 327551
3.4662 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 17.31 60p 12|0|0|0|0 327672
0.0000 Tore Lundberg Standard+ 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 327647
2.5763 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 20.96 54p 9|3|0|0|0 327649
4. Speed and balance
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0676 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 19.83 41p 11|2|0|2|0 327127
4.6853 Vegard Natvik Production- 14.30 67p 12|2|1|0|0 327128
2.7112 Idar Olsen Open- 19.18 52p 10|4|0|1|0 327129
1.8142 Kurt Hafsås Production- 18.19 33p 8|4|1|2|0 327364
3.2474 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 19.40 63p 10|4|1|0|0 327130
2.0751 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 30.36 63p 9|6|0|0|0 327131
1.9272 Emil Hallstensson Production- 32.69 63p 10|4|1|0|0 327132
0.0000 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 9.60 0p 6|1|0|8|0 327569
2.5501 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 27.45 70p 12|2|1|0|0 327575
3.5014 Edvin Sylte Open- 21.42 75p 15|0|0|0|0 327578
1.8450 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 18.97 35p 9|3|1|2|0 327557
1.9656 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 16.28 32p 10|3|0|2|1 327709
2.1037 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 27.57 58p 10|4|1|0|1 327559
2.4169 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 23.17 56p 12|2|0|1|0 327134
1.9390 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 27.85 54p 10|3|1|1|0 327710
1.7798 Espen Engebretsen Production- 26.97 48p 13|1|0|1|1 327712
2.0083 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 28.88 58p 14|1|0|0|0 327692
1.8088 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 19.35 35p 13|0|0|2|1 327701
1.2703 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 19.68 25p 10|1|2|2|1 327693
2.4217 Frode Bloch Standard- 16.93 41p 11|2|0|2|0 327685
0.9765 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 27.65 27p 7|5|1|2|1 327686
2.7016 Jonas Holten Open- 24.80 67p 13|0|2|0|0 327687
1.5545 Henning Gartz Production- 43.10 67p 11|4|0|0|0 327561
2.3636 Bastian Myhre Classic- 22.00 52p 11|2|1|1|0 327688
3.9423 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 18.01 71p 13|2|0|0|0 327562
1.1122 Espen Marken Standard- 41.36 46p 12|2|0|1|1 327702
3.5734 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 18.19 65p 11|3|1|0|0 327133
2.2815 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 25.86 59p 12|3|0|0|1 327566
5.2551 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 13.13 69p 12|3|0|0|0 327690
2.0924 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 27.72 58p 13|1|0|1|0 327703
5. Toolbox
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.7469 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 51.33 141p 27|2|0|0|0 327135
2.3340 Vegard Natvik Production- 57.84 135p 24|5|0|0|0 327136
1.4633 Idar Olsen Open- 48.52 71p 10|17|0|2|0 327138
1.3799 Kurt Hafsås Production- 47.83 66p 19|7|0|3|1 327371
0.8450 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 55.62 47p 12|12|1|4|0 327942
1.9654 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 67.67 133p 23|6|0|0|0 328085
1.0674 Emil Hallstensson Production- 85.25 91p 21|5|1|2|0 327948
2.2511 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 49.31 111p 17|7|4|1|0 327926
1.3457 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 93.63 126p 20|9|0|0|1 327929
1.6474 Edvin Sylte Open- 77.09 127p 20|9|0|0|0 327931
1.7077 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 65.00 111p 18|10|1|0|1 327933
2.6951 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 42.67 115p 17|9|2|1|0 327917
2.0009 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 68.97 138p 22|7|0|0|0 327921
1.3268 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 71.60 95p 21|6|2|0|3 327137
2.1714 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 61.25 133p 19|9|1|0|0 327918
1.1047 Espen Engebretsen Production- 86.90 96p 14|11|3|1|0 327919
1.5512 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 87.03 135p 24|5|0|0|0 327903
2.0534 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 64.77 133p 24|4|1|0|0 327920
1.5937 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 54.59 87p 18|9|0|2|0 327908
1.9069 Frode Bloch Standard- 62.93 120p 28|0|0|1|1 327911
1.2341 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 76.17 94p 16|11|0|2|0 327899
2.0901 Jonas Holten Open- 58.85 123p 19|9|1|0|0 327900
0.9371 Henning Gartz Production- 105.65 99p 24|3|0|2|0 327924
1.8058 Bastian Myhre Classic- 57.04 103p 21|6|0|2|0 327901
2.7509 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 45.44 125p 20|8|1|0|0 327922
0.0000 Espen Marken Standard- 75.41 0p 16|6|0|7|0 327914
2.2116 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 50.19 111p 15|11|3|0|0 327164
1.9419 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 64.37 125p 19|10|0|0|0 327925
3.3194 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 43.08 143p 28|1|0|0|0 327906
1.8721 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 57.69 108p 22|6|0|1|1 327916
6. On the run
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.2767 Gert Are Hildrestrand Open- 59.53 76p 20|2|0|2|0 327877
1.7195 Vegard Natvik Production- 48.85 84p 19|3|0|2|0 328095
1.4559 Idar Olsen Open- 61.13 89p 20|3|0|1|1 327938
0.3804 Kurt Hafsås Production- 42.06 16p 9|10|1|4|2 328096
1.2463 Willy André Bergstrøm Open- 54.56 68p 14|5|3|2|0 327219
0.8915 Magnus Sæter Jacobsen Production- 66.18 59p 12|9|2|1|2 327222
1.0316 Emil Hallstensson Production- 63.98 66p 15|7|0|2|1 327234
2.9911 Øystein Hjelseng Feie Standard+ 37.11 111p 15|9|0|0|0 328090
1.7040 Trond Yngve Mathisen Classic+ 67.49 115p 19|5|0|0|0 328091
1.6958 Edvin Sylte Open- 60.15 102p 16|7|1|0|0 327694
0.0000 Laurits William Fredriksen Production- 52.93 0p 7|9|3|5|7 328093
2.9197 Henning Lundberg Standard+ 36.99 108p 16|6|2|0|0 327697
2.1195 Ove Andre Grande Standard+ 54.73 116p 22|1|1|0|0 328092
1.9634 Markus Emanuelsson Production- 59.08 116p 22|2|0|0|0 327883
2.1535 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic+ 50.15 108p 22|2|0|0|1 327698
1.6279 Espen Engebretsen Production- 55.90 91p 16|7|0|1|0 327699
1.3706 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 75.15 103p 22|1|0|1|0 327586
2.4436 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- 47.47 116p 22|2|0|0|0 327700
1.7711 Bjørn Egil Larsen Open- 57.59 102p 16|7|1|0|0 327592
1.7313 Frode Bloch Standard- 38.70 67p 15|7|1|1|2 327625
1.0217 Sindre Kallmyr Standard+ 65.58 67p 9|8|5|2|0 327628
1.7446 Jonas Holten Open- 66.49 116p 22|2|0|0|0 327579
0.8387 Henning Gartz Production- 97.77 82p 18|4|0|2|0 328088
1.1447 Bastian Myhre Classic- 43.68 50p 15|5|0|4|0 327582
2.4831 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 45.91 114p 22|1|1|0|0 328089
0.2517 Espen Marken Standard- 71.51 18p 14|6|0|4|1 327695
1.2387 Joacim Moen Volle Production- 44.40 55p 14|8|1|1|3 327237
2.1400 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 53.27 114p 21|3|0|0|0 328087
4.3510 Tor Martin Kandal Production- 27.12 118p 23|1|0|0|0 327584
2.1834 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 43.51 95p 18|5|0|1|0 327696

Last result: 23rd February 2025 05:55 (UTC)

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