1. 3 Pigeons
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.8194 Tony Renstrom Open- 8.64 33p 6|1|0|0|0 341230
3.8509 Nils Knut Lindbo Standard- 8.05 31p 5|2|0|0|0 341276
3.8961 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- 8.47 33p 6|1|0|0|0 341271
3.7227 Jens Arvei Production- 7.79 29p 4|3|0|0|0 341236
3.1646 Kristen Kåsin Standard- 11.06 35p 7|0|0|0|0 341281
2.3386 Bjørn Ole Luteberget Production- 10.69 25p 3|3|1|0|0 341251
3.7961 Fredrik W. Ørmen Production- 9.22 35p 7|0|0|0|0 341256
2.1827 Jan André Kinnerud Production- 12.37 27p 4|2|1|0|0 341235
3.2028 Mads Hilden Production- 8.43 27p 4|2|1|0|0 341241
3.2310 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- 6.19 20p 6|0|0|1|0 341266
0.3610 Haugen Kim-Inge Production- 8.31 3p 4|1|0|2|0 341261
2.9805 Per Arne Nilsen Production- 9.73 29p 4|3|0|0|0 341246
2. MacGyver
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.0609 Tony Renstrom Open- 11.33 80p 14|3|1|0|0 341231
5.0343 Nils Knut Lindbo Standard- 17.48 88p 17|1|0|0|0 341277
6.1934 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- 13.24 82p 14|4|0|0|0 341272
6.2787 Jens Arvei Production- 13.06 82p 14|4|0|0|0 341237
7.5203 Kristen Kåsin Standard- 9.84 74p 13|2|3|0|0 341282
0.8559 Bjørn Ole Luteberget Production- 14.02 12p 7|5|2|4|0 341252
6.1096 Fredrik W. Ørmen Production- 11.13 68p 8|9|1|0|0 341257
4.5922 Jan André Kinnerud Production- 12.63 58p 9|7|2|0|1 341286
6.8718 Mads Hilden Production- 9.75 67p 14|2|1|1|0 341242
7.8313 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- 9.96 78p 13|4|1|0|0 341267
5.2253 Haugen Kim-Inge Production- 15.31 80p 13|5|0|0|0 341262
6.7912 Per Arne Nilsen Production- 11.78 80p 13|5|0|0|0 341247
3. Hanging in a string
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.3953 Tony Renstrom Open- 12.37 42p 8|0|2|0|0 341232
4.2951 Nils Knut Lindbo Standard- 10.71 46p 8|2|0|0|0 341278
4.8048 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- 9.99 48p 9|1|0|0|0 341273
4.3868 Jens Arvei Production- 10.03 44p 7|3|0|0|0 341238
5.3050 Kristen Kåsin Standard- 7.54 40p 6|3|1|0|0 341283
0.0000 Bjørn Ole Luteberget Production- 11.55 0p 3|3|1|3|0 341253
4.8352 Fredrik W. Ørmen Production- 9.10 44p 7|3|0|0|0 341258
4.3344 Jan André Kinnerud Production- 9.69 42p 7|2|1|0|0 341287
3.7157 Mads Hilden Production- 6.19 23p 4|4|1|1|0 341243
6.2589 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- 7.03 44p 7|3|0|0|0 341268
3.5806 Haugen Kim-Inge Production- 11.73 42p 7|2|1|0|0 341263
0.0000 Per Arne Nilsen Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 341248
4. Lefty
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6806 Tony Renstrom Open- 35.44 95p 20|5|0|1|0 341233
3.0964 Nils Knut Lindbo Standard- 33.91 105p 21|3|1|1|0 341279
2.8646 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- 34.56 99p 18|6|1|1|0 341274
1.9849 Jens Arvei Production- 39.80 79p 18|6|1|1|2 341239
2.9895 Kristen Kåsin Standard- 26.76 80p 8|11|7|0|0 341284
1.1364 Bjørn Ole Luteberget Production- 39.60 45p 9|13|1|3|0 341254
2.1182 Fredrik W. Ørmen Production- 42.96 91p 19|5|1|1|1 341259
2.2642 Jan André Kinnerud Production- 29.15 66p 12|12|0|2|1 341288
2.9454 Mads Hilden Production- 34.97 103p 20|4|1|1|0 341244
2.8507 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- 26.66 76p 12|12|0|2|0 341269
2.8225 Haugen Kim-Inge Production- 32.95 93p 19|6|0|1|0 341264
4.0070 Per Arne Nilsen Production- 28.45 114p 19|6|1|0|0 341249
5. Have a seat
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.6250 Tony Renstrom Open- 12.80 72p 12|4|0|0|0 341234
4.6723 Nils Knut Lindbo Standard- 15.41 72p 12|4|0|0|0 341280
5.8824 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- 10.20 60p 9|4|3|0|0 341275
4.5101 Jens Arvei Production- 12.86 58p 7|7|2|0|0 341240
3.6238 Kristen Kåsin Standard- 11.59 42p 2|9|5|0|0 341285
3.5418 Bjørn Ole Luteberget Production- 18.07 64p 10|4|2|0|0 341255
3.8855 Fredrik W. Ørmen Production- 14.67 57p 12|2|1|1|0 341260
3.8724 Jan André Kinnerud Production- 17.56 68p 11|4|1|0|0 341289
1.6432 Mads Hilden Production- 12.78 21p 7|5|1|3|0 341245
5.1029 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- 12.15 62p 7|9|0|0|0 341270
4.0195 Haugen Kim-Inge Production- 16.42 66p 9|7|0|0|0 341265
4.1803 Per Arne Nilsen Production- 15.31 64p 8|8|0|0|0 341250

Last result: 5th March 2025 19:45 (UTC)

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