1. The long kiss goodnight
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.9289 Øystein Skog Production- 38.24 112p 20|4|0|0|0 347808
1.9338 Einar Winnem Standard- 37.75 73p 13|9|1|1|1 347809
2.7464 Bjørn Kristensen Standard- 24.76 68p 7|8|9|0|0 347810
3.0956 Marius Gaare Standard- 29.72 92p 17|5|2|0|1 347811
1.6158 Svein Wara Standard- 27.85 45p 11|10|0|3|0 347812
3.7755 Marcus Eriksen Standard- 19.60 74p 15|6|1|2|0 347663
2.4139 Geir K Hansen Production- 31.07 75p 11|9|3|1|0 347813
2.5117 Sten Helge Eilertsen Production- 36.23 91p 16|7|0|1|0 347814
2.2896 Robert Meyer Standard- 29.70 68p 13|7|2|2|0 347661
2.6560 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 38.78 103p 22|1|0|1|0 347815
3.4047 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 26.14 89p 15|8|0|1|0 347662
1.9282 Ernst Bolle Production- 40.97 79p 15|8|0|1|1 347816
1.6704 Henning F Production- 44.90 75p 11|9|3|1|0 347817
2. A barrel of fun.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.7993 Øystein Skog Production- 27.15 76p 11|7|0|0|0 347826
0.5006 Einar Winnem Standard- 23.97 12p 7|5|2|4|0 347825
0.0000 Bjørn Kristensen Standard- 12.85 0p 6|2|3|7|0 347824
4.7046 Marius Gaare Standard- 18.28 86p 16|2|0|0|0 347823
3.2506 Svein Wara Standard- 22.15 72p 11|5|2|0|0 347818
4.2767 Marcus Eriksen Standard- 15.90 68p 9|7|2|0|0 347664
3.5652 Geir K Hansen Production- 17.11 61p 12|3|2|1|0 347819
3.2398 Sten Helge Eilertsen Production- 25.31 82p 14|4|0|0|0 347820
2.6113 Robert Meyer Standard- 23.36 61p 10|7|0|1|0 347666
2.8327 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 26.83 76p 11|7|0|0|0 347821
3.1746 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 14.49 46p 9|7|0|2|0 347665
0.0000 Ernst Bolle Production- 3.69 0p 0|1|0|17|0 347822
0.0000 Henning F Production- 32.69 0p 5|6|2|5|0 347827
3. Wounded knee
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.2348 Øystein Skog Production- 17.93 58p 8|6|0|0|0 347833
2.4390 Einar Winnem Standard- 15.99 39p 6|6|1|1|0 347832
0.0000 Bjørn Kristensen Standard- 14.22 0p 1|6|4|3|0 347831
4.0521 Marius Gaare Standard- 13.82 56p 7|7|0|0|0 347830
1.9395 Svein Wara Standard- 12.89 25p 3|5|5|1|0 347829
4.4248 Marcus Eriksen Standard- 11.30 50p 6|6|2|0|0 347669
1.3323 Geir K Hansen Production- 13.51 18p 3|7|2|2|0 347837
2.8257 Sten Helge Eilertsen Production- 19.11 54p 7|6|1|0|0 347828
2.9648 Robert Meyer Standard- 16.19 48p 5|7|2|0|0 347668
3.0966 Odd-Erik Lauritzen Production- 18.73 58p 8|6|0|0|0 347836
5.4688 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 10.24 56p 9|3|2|0|0 347667
1.8747 Ernst Bolle Production- 18.67 35p 9|3|1|1|0 347835
1.7224 Henning F Production- 30.19 52p 8|3|3|0|0 347834

Last result: 22nd February 2025 21:55 (UTC)

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