1. S1 fun run
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.6378 Francois Scheffer Standard- 42.74 70p 11|5|0|0|0 361770
0.5545 Johan Horn Standard- 25.25 14p 5|5|4|2|0 361758
1.0896 Marcell Van Aswegen Production- 40.38 44p 11|3|0|2|0 361759
0.8136 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 44.25 36p 7|7|0|2|0 361762
1.5625 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 36.48 57p 11|4|0|1|0 361760
0.0000 Craig Patrick Production- 29.17 0p 6|5|1|4|0 361761
0.7052 Anne Scheffer Standard- 63.81 45p 8|4|3|1|0 361768
1.5548 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 28.30 44p 8|6|0|2|0 361771
1.9739 Ian Carr Classic+ 31.41 62p 12|3|0|1|0 361763
2.3121 Francois Esterhuizen Production- 27.68 64p 11|2|3|0|0 361764
2.3644 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 28.76 68p 10|6|0|0|0 361765
1.3882 Johan Barnard Standard- 40.34 56p 9|7|0|0|0 361766
1.3983 Sieg Schlebusch Standard- 41.48 58p 8|5|3|0|0 361767
0.8772 Brandon Wegner Production- 53.58 47p 8|5|2|1|0 361769
2. s2 focus and save some hostages
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.1656 Francois Scheffer Standard- 15.70 34p 6|8|0|2|0 361784
3.8731 Johan Horn Standard- 18.59 72p 12|4|0|0|0 361780
2.1302 Marcell Van Aswegen Production- 33.80 72p 12|4|0|0|0 361773
2.6444 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 28.74 76p 14|2|0|0|0 361785
2.7695 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 26.72 74p 13|3|0|0|0 361779
1.4686 Craig Patrick Production- 36.77 54p 6|7|3|0|0 361778
1.4402 Anne Scheffer Standard- 51.38 74p 13|3|0|0|0 361782
1.1317 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 29.16 33p 11|2|0|3|0 361783
3.8620 Ian Carr Classic+ 19.42 75p 11|5|0|0|0 361777
2.6365 Francois Esterhuizen Production- 21.24 56p 7|6|3|0|0 361775
3.9474 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 18.24 72p 12|4|0|0|0 361776
1.9367 Johan Barnard Standard- 38.21 74p 13|3|0|0|0 361774
2.3396 Sieg Schlebusch Standard- 29.92 70p 11|5|0|0|0 361772
1.9942 Brandon Wegner Production- 31.09 62p 9|5|2|0|0 361781
3. S3 some left some right
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0000 Francois Scheffer Standard- 4.21 0p 2|3|1|2|0 361799
6.0150 Johan Horn Standard- 3.99 24p 2|4|2|0|0 361793
4.3590 Marcell Van Aswegen Production- 7.80 34p 5|3|0|0|0 361790
2.9276 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 6.49 19p 5|1|1|1|0 361788
6.0177 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 5.65 34p 6|1|1|0|0 361789
0.0000 Craig Patrick Production- 5.10 0p 1|4|1|2|0 361792
2.8191 Anne Scheffer Standard- 12.77 36p 6|2|0|0|0 361797
0.0000 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 5.14 0p 4|0|0|4|0 361798
1.6842 Ian Carr Classic+ 4.75 8p 4|2|0|2|0 361786
8.2645 Francois Esterhuizen Production- 3.63 30p 5|1|2|0|0 361791
8.5714 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 4.20 36p 6|2|0|0|0 361787
2.1703 Johan Barnard Standard- 5.99 13p 2|4|1|1|0 361794
2.1847 Sieg Schlebusch Standard- 10.07 22p 2|3|3|0|0 361796
1.5901 Brandon Wegner Production- 5.66 9p 1|4|2|1|0 361795

Last result: 21st February 2025 21:11 (UTC)

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