1. Svelgen Swingers
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5966 Andreas Rogne Production- 14.18 51p 9|2|0|0|0 450567
3.8378 Espen Sande Standard+ 13.81 53p 9|2|0|0|0 450589
3.5390 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 11.02 39p 5|4|2|0|0 450551
4.1719 Marius Breivik Open+ 7.91 33p 5|4|1|1|0 450538
1.8005 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 13.33 24p 7|3|0|1|1 450613
1.1384 Geir Pedersen Open- 11.42 13p 4|4|1|2|0 450614
1.5394 Jonny André Berg Production- 33.13 51p 9|2|0|0|0 449893
1.7349 Runar Kleppe Production- 20.75 36p 9|0|1|1|0 449900
5.7432 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 8.88 51p 9|2|0|0|0 450615
2. Mirror
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.1948 Andreas Rogne Production- 18.48 96p 18|2|0|0|0 450570
4.3006 Espen Sande Standard+ 21.16 91p 15|3|2|0|0 450616
6.4865 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 12.95 84p 14|4|2|0|0 450552
10.1996 Marius Breivik Open+ 9.02 92p 12|8|0|0|0 450539
3.3874 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 20.96 71p 17|2|0|1|1 450617
2.7875 Geir Pedersen Open- 17.22 48p 8|9|1|2|0 450618
2.0964 Jonny André Berg Production- 42.93 90p 15|5|0|0|0 449894
2.6394 Runar Kleppe Production- 37.13 98p 19|1|0|0|0 449901
9.2042 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 10.43 96p 18|2|0|0|0 450619
3. Woods Walk
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.3967 Andreas Rogne Production- 46.81 159p 31|1|1|0|0 450573
2.4399 Espen Sande Standard+ 55.74 136p 24|9|0|0|2 450701
1.2390 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 38.74 48p 19|7|2|5|0 450555
0.0000 Marius Breivik Open+ 39.52 0p 17|6|3|7|2 450540
3.1910 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 45.44 145p 24|8|1|0|0 450685
1.7898 Geir Pedersen Open- 60.90 109p 25|4|2|2|1 450695
2.3049 Jonny André Berg Production- 70.72 163p 32|1|0|0|0 449895
1.3898 Runar Kleppe Production- 111.53 155p 28|5|0|0|0 449902
2.6637 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 27.03 72p 22|7|1|3|0 450697
4. Open Carry
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.2308 Andreas Rogne Production- 16.25 85p 17|0|0|0|0 450575
4.4225 Espen Sande Standard+ 19.22 85p 17|0|0|0|0 450732
1.1868 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 16.01 19p 12|3|0|2|2 450563
6.1300 Marius Breivik Open+ 13.54 83p 15|2|0|0|0 450548
5.4843 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 14.04 77p 13|4|0|0|0 450739
3.8328 Geir Pedersen Open- 17.22 66p 14|2|0|1|0 450730
2.6051 Jonny André Berg Production- 31.86 83p 16|1|0|0|0 449896
1.9598 Runar Kleppe Production- 38.27 75p 17|0|0|0|1 449903
5.9398 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 12.29 73p 16|1|0|0|1 450731
5. Tribute to Brage
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.4337 Andreas Rogne Production- 18.49 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450580
2.2796 Espen Sande Standard+ 19.74 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450786
1.5478 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 26.49 41p 7|2|0|0|0 450564
0.0000 Marius Breivik Open+ 17.35 0p 9|0|0|0|0 450549
1.2210 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 24.57 30p 8|0|0|1|0 450799
1.0015 Geir Pedersen Open- 25.96 26p 6|2|0|1|0 450805
1.3850 Jonny André Berg Production- 32.49 45p 9|0|0|0|0 449897
0.5109 Runar Kleppe Production- 88.08 45p 9|0|0|0|0 449904
3.8894 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 11.57 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450784
6. Window shopping
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.4466 Andreas Rogne Production- 10.12 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450581
3.4749 Espen Sande Standard+ 12.95 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450836
3.6378 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 12.37 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450565
3.9613 Marius Breivik Open+ 11.36 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450550
3.3198 Ingmar Svortevik Production- 12.35 41p 7|2|0|0|0 450824
3.9929 Geir Pedersen Open- 11.27 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450829
2.1941 Jonny André Berg Production- 20.51 45p 9|0|0|0|0 449898
2.4631 Runar Kleppe Production- 18.27 45p 9|0|0|0|0 449905
5.4348 Tor Martin Kandal Standard- 8.28 45p 9|0|0|0|0 450833

Last result: 28th July 2024 05:17 (UTC)

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