1. tricky little ones...
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9858 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 17.65 88p 15|4|1|0|0 475663
2.9550 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard- 14.89 44p 15|3|0|2|2 475775
5.0107 Eirin Kirknes Production- 18.76 94p 17|3|0|0|0 475776
6.7466 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- 13.34 90p 16|3|1|0|0 475777
4.9829 Terje Andersen Production- 14.65 73p 14|4|1|1|0 475778
5.5156 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 16.68 92p 16|4|0|0|0 475664
7.1158 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- 13.21 94p 17|3|0|0|0 475665
3.3422 Alexander Malerbakken Production- 18.85 63p 11|5|3|1|0 475666
4.3517 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver+ 22.52 98p 18|2|0|0|0 475779
1.1190 Per-Øivind Berg Production- 71.49 80p 15|5|0|0|1 475780
3.8361 fred tore gundersen Production- 22.94 88p 14|6|0|0|0 475782
7.8061 Torgeir Rui Open+ 12.17 95p 15|5|0|0|0 475667
8.8632 Christopher Thorstensen Open- 10.38 92p 16|4|0|0|0 475783
5.2106 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- 18.04 94p 18|1|1|0|0 475784
0.0000 Hans Johan Stang Production- 15.07 0p 4|7|5|4|3 475785
5.1744 Odd Martin Lange Karlsen Standard- 17.78 92p 16|4|0|0|0 475786
2.1938 Trond Stenvik Production- 30.54 67p 12|5|2|1|0 475788
3.1264 Aurimas Griskevicius Standard- 23.03 72p 11|9|0|0|1 475789
4.2348 Marianne Barbo Standard- 20.78 88p 15|4|1|0|0 475668
4.6838 Jan Hang Olsen Production- 17.08 80p 12|6|2|0|0 475790
8.2363 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 11.17 92p 16|4|0|0|0 475669
5.3140 Per Vangsnes Production- 16.56 88p 15|4|1|0|0 475670
7.5248 Anders Nerheim Open+ 10.10 76p 12|6|1|1|0 475791
5.2302 Rune Skimten Production- 17.59 92p 16|4|0|0|0 475792
6.7618 Magnus Aasehaug Standard- 13.31 90p 15|5|0|0|0 475793
2. Wall of steel
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.8462 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 10.40 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475764
3.5149 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard- 11.38 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475671
1.9484 Eirin Kirknes Production- 20.53 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475672
2.5141 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- 15.91 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475673
2.8309 Terje Andersen Production- 14.13 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475674
3.7453 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 10.68 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475766
4.1408 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- 9.66 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475767
3.2258 Alexander Malerbakken Production- 12.40 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475769
3.5939 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver+ 11.13 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475675
2.7119 Per-Øivind Berg Production- 14.75 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475676
2.8129 fred tore gundersen Production- 14.22 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475677
5.2219 Torgeir Rui Open+ 7.66 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475770
6.2696 Christopher Thorstensen Open- 6.38 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475678
2.6438 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- 15.13 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475679
1.7897 Hans Johan Stang Production- 22.35 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475680
4.1973 Odd Martin Lange Karlsen Standard- 9.53 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475681
2.7454 Trond Stenvik Production- 14.57 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475682
1.5152 Aurimas Griskevicius Standard- 26.40 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475683
3.3003 Marianne Barbo Standard- 12.12 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475771
3.2841 Jan Hang Olsen Production- 12.18 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475684
4.4643 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 8.96 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475772
4.0241 Per Vangsnes Production- 9.94 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475773
5.5402 Anders Nerheim Open+ 7.22 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475685
3.7209 Rune Skimten Production- 10.75 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475686
3.0257 Magnus Aasehaug Standard- 13.22 40p 8|0|0|0|0 475687
3. pick me up, before you go go
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9849 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 13.24 66p 12|2|0|0|0 475688
4.8209 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard- 14.52 70p 14|0|0|0|0 475689
3.5605 Eirin Kirknes Production- 16.29 58p 8|6|0|0|0 475690
4.5204 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- 9.07 41p 7|5|1|1|0 475691
5.4561 Terje Andersen Production- 11.73 64p 12|1|1|0|0 475692
5.3467 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 11.97 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475693
5.5738 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- 12.20 68p 13|1|0|0|0 475694
5.9182 Alexander Malerbakken Production- 11.49 68p 13|1|0|0|0 475695
4.3226 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver+ 15.50 67p 11|3|0|0|0 475696
4.8892 Per-Øivind Berg Production- 13.09 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475697
4.2328 fred tore gundersen Production- 15.12 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475698
7.0175 Torgeir Rui Open+ 9.12 64p 8|6|0|0|0 475699
5.6537 Christopher Thorstensen Open- 11.32 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475700
4.0057 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- 13.98 56p 8|5|1|0|0 475701
4.9037 Hans Johan Stang Production- 11.42 56p 7|7|0|0|0 475702
4.6008 Odd Martin Lange Karlsen Standard- 14.78 68p 13|1|0|0|0 475703
3.0681 Trond Stenvik Production- 20.86 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475704
4.8669 Aurimas Griskevicius Standard- 13.15 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475705
4.9488 Marianne Barbo Standard- 11.72 58p 8|6|0|0|0 475706
4.4669 Jan Hang Olsen Production- 13.88 62p 10|4|0|0|0 475707
7.2687 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 9.08 66p 12|2|0|0|0 475708
5.3333 Per Vangsnes Production- 12.00 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475709
8.3750 Anders Nerheim Open+ 8.00 67p 11|3|0|0|0 475710
5.2718 Rune Skimten Production- 12.14 64p 11|3|0|0|0 475711
5.5556 Magnus Aasehaug Standard- 9.00 50p 5|8|1|0|0 475712
4. Spinn it..
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.6763 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 8.34 39p 6|3|0|0|0 475713
1.2896 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard- 8.53 11p 6|0|1|2|0 475714
2.2267 Eirin Kirknes Production- 9.88 22p 5|2|1|1|0 475715
0.0000 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- 6.28 0p 4|3|1|1|2 475716
1.2088 Terje Andersen Production- 9.10 11p 5|2|0|2|0 475717
0.9698 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 9.28 9p 5|1|1|2|0 475718
1.2456 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- 5.62 7p 3|4|0|2|0 475719
1.0989 Alexander Malerbakken Production- 7.28 8p 4|2|2|1|1 475720
2.9520 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver+ 13.55 40p 4|5|0|0|0 475721
1.2155 Per-Øivind Berg Production- 9.05 11p 6|0|1|2|0 475722
3.4774 fred tore gundersen Production- 10.64 37p 5|4|0|0|0 475723
7.1168 Torgeir Rui Open+ 5.48 39p 7|0|2|0|0 475724
4.6233 Christopher Thorstensen Open- 5.84 27p 3|3|3|0|0 475725
2.5674 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- 7.79 20p 4|3|1|1|0 475726
2.5131 Hans Johan Stang Production- 9.55 24p 5|3|0|1|0 475727
3.9326 Odd Martin Lange Karlsen Standard- 8.90 35p 5|3|1|0|0 475728
0.4624 Trond Stenvik Production- 15.14 7p 3|4|0|2|0 475729
1.0274 Aurimas Griskevicius Standard- 11.68 12p 5|2|1|1|1 475730
0.1139 Marianne Barbo Standard- 8.78 1p 2|3|2|2|0 475731
2.3681 Jan Hang Olsen Production- 9.29 22p 4|4|0|1|0 475732
4.0073 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 5.49 22p 4|4|0|1|0 475733
4.2151 Per Vangsnes Production- 6.88 29p 6|3|0|0|1 475734
6.7500 Anders Nerheim Open+ 4.00 27p 5|3|0|1|0 475735
5.1250 Rune Skimten Production- 8.00 41p 7|2|0|0|0 475736
0.0000 Magnus Aasehaug Standard- 6.50 0p 3|3|0|3|1 475737
5. "Run" by torgeir "copyright"
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1485 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 41.29 130p 28|0|0|1|0 475739
3.9026 Jan Olav Stangeland Standard- 34.08 133p 23|6|0|0|0 475740
2.9895 Eirin Kirknes Production- 37.13 111p 15|11|3|0|0 475741
4.6435 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- 27.35 127p 22|5|2|0|0 475742
2.2661 Terje Andersen Production- 44.57 101p 21|5|1|2|0 475743
3.1821 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 33.94 108p 23|4|1|1|1 475744
4.3350 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- 27.22 118p 23|4|1|1|0 475745
3.8757 Alexander Malerbakken Production- 31.22 121p 18|10|1|0|0 475746
2.9540 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver+ 46.04 136p 24|3|2|0|0 475747
2.5705 Per-Øivind Berg Production- 32.29 83p 14|10|3|2|0 475748
3.2709 fred tore gundersen Production- 31.49 103p 21|6|0|2|0 475749
5.5581 Torgeir Rui Open+ 21.59 120p 20|7|1|1|0 475750
4.2904 Christopher Thorstensen Open- 18.18 78p 16|9|1|3|0 475751
1.4787 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- 72.36 107p 23|4|0|2|0 475752
3.9096 Hans Johan Stang Production- 34.53 135p 24|5|0|0|0 475753
3.9489 Odd Martin Lange Karlsen Standard- 33.68 133p 24|4|1|0|0 475754
1.8245 Trond Stenvik Production- 52.07 95p 19|6|2|2|0 475755
2.0629 Aurimas Griskevicius Standard- 40.72 84p 19|6|1|3|0 475756
2.6101 Marianne Barbo Standard- 42.91 112p 19|9|0|1|0 475757
3.4120 Jan Hang Olsen Production- 31.36 107p 24|2|1|2|0 475758
4.7342 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 24.08 114p 21|6|1|1|0 475759
3.1782 Per Vangsnes Production- 31.15 99p 22|2|3|2|0 475760
7.6574 Anders Nerheim Open+ 17.63 135p 21|7|1|0|0 475761
3.3004 Rune Skimten Production- 35.45 117p 18|8|3|0|0 475762
2.7101 Magnus Aasehaug Standard- 25.46 69p 18|6|1|4|0 475763

Last result: 4th February 2025 12:59 (UTC)

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