1. Backwards
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.7187 Per Dalén Production- 16.53 78p 15|1|0|0|0 503882
4.1139 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 18.96 78p 14|2|0|0|0 503883
2.7509 Trond Stenvik Production- 26.90 74p 13|3|0|0|0 503884
5.3215 Morten Samuelsen Production- 13.53 72p 12|4|0|0|0 503885
6.0413 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 12.58 76p 12|4|0|0|0 503886
4.6866 fred tore gundersen Production- 17.07 80p 16|0|0|0|0 503887
4.3427 Anders Røine Production- 17.04 74p 13|3|0|0|0 503888
3.8769 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 17.54 68p 11|4|1|0|0 503889
4.5198 Anders Långberg Production- 14.16 64p 8|8|0|0|0 503890
4.5822 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 14.84 68p 10|6|0|0|0 503891
2.9295 Kevin Vågan Production- 12.63 37p 8|5|2|1|1 503892
4.9808 Jon Regbo Production- 15.66 78p 15|1|0|0|0 503893
3.9202 Eindride Stien Classic- 14.54 57p 11|4|0|1|0 503894
4.2394 Håkon Myklebust Production- 12.03 51p 13|2|0|1|1 503895
3.6267 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 18.75 68p 11|4|1|0|0 503896
3.6086 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 14.41 52p 12|4|0|0|2 503897
4.9486 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 10.71 53p 9|6|0|1|0 503898
3.6036 Knut Harald Graven Production- 17.76 64p 9|6|1|0|0 503899
3.6502 Geir Herdal Production- 13.15 48p 12|2|2|0|2 503900
4.9421 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 12.95 64p 9|6|1|0|0 503901
4.4153 Christoffer Kohl Production- 16.76 74p 13|3|0|0|0 503902
3.0468 Anders Nerheim Open+ 21.99 67p 13|3|0|0|1 503903
6.3213 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 11.39 72p 12|4|0|0|0 503904
3.9574 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 19.71 78p 15|1|0|0|0 503905
4.7028 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 15.31 72p 12|4|0|0|0 503704
1.9881 John Martin Dervå Production- 28.67 57p 11|4|0|1|0 503906
3.2987 Lars Lien Standard+ 22.13 73p 9|7|0|0|0 503907
5.2786 Nils Einar Eide Production- 13.64 72p 12|4|0|0|0 503908
3.7663 Marianne Barbo Standard- 20.71 78p 15|1|0|0|0 503909
2.9396 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 18.71 55p 15|0|0|1|1 503910
4.3966 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 10.69 47p 8|5|2|1|0 503911
4.7736 Rolf Meum Classic- 16.34 78p 15|1|0|0|0 503912
2.9868 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 17.41 52p 8|7|1|0|1 503913
6.2753 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 9.88 62p 7|9|0|0|0 503914
2.6032 Kian Spongsveen Production- 26.89 70p 11|5|0|0|0 503915
1.9187 Alexander Bull Open+ 35.44 68p 14|2|0|0|1 503916
4.2958 Olav Delphin Standard+ 14.20 61p 11|3|2|0|1 503917
4.6446 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 14.21 66p 10|5|1|0|0 503918
5.5556 Tore Haugli Standard+ 10.08 56p 8|6|1|1|0 503919
4.4317 Marius Gålås Standard+ 13.99 62p 8|8|0|0|1 503920
3.9863 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 17.56 70p 11|5|0|0|0 503921
2.7730 Ståle Støvland Production- 23.08 64p 8|8|0|0|0 503922
0.0000 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 504025
4.3053 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 15.33 66p 9|7|0|0|0 503923
5.5771 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 12.91 72p 12|4|0|0|0 503924
4.0000 David Solbakke Production- 17.50 70p 11|5|0|0|0 503925
6.3393 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 11.20 71p 7|9|0|0|0 503926
6.4171 Steinar Haugli Production- 11.22 72p 13|2|1|0|0 503927
4.1052 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 15.59 64p 13|3|0|0|1 503928
2. weak and wobbely
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.3749 Per Dalén Production- 32.73 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503836
2.5210 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 17.85 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503837
0.0000 Trond Stenvik Production- 37.95 0p 2|0|0|7|0 503838
2.0510 Morten Samuelsen Production- 21.94 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503839
2.0492 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 21.96 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503840
0.8666 fred tore gundersen Production- 34.62 30p 8|0|0|1|0 503841
2.0756 Anders Røine Production- 21.68 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503842
1.1789 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 38.17 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503843
0.4544 Anders Långberg Production- 66.02 30p 8|0|0|1|0 503844
1.1858 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 25.30 30p 8|0|0|1|0 503845
2.2889 Kevin Vågan Production- 19.66 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503846
2.2670 Jon Regbo Production- 19.85 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503847
1.6304 Eindride Stien Classic- 27.60 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503848
2.4876 Håkon Myklebust Production- 18.09 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503849
1.1870 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 37.91 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503850
2.2983 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 19.58 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503851
2.6300 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 17.11 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503852
1.8116 Knut Harald Graven Production- 24.84 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503853
2.8553 Geir Herdal Production- 15.76 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503854
2.6517 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 16.97 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503855
0.9677 Christoffer Kohl Production- 46.50 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503856
3.4642 Anders Nerheim Open+ 12.99 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503857
3.0283 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 14.86 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503858
0.0000 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 45.93 0p 6|0|0|3|0 503859
1.8087 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 24.88 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503705
1.0681 John Martin Dervå Production- 42.13 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503860
0.9686 Lars Lien Standard+ 46.46 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503861
1.2182 Nils Einar Eide Production- 36.94 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503862
2.0045 Marianne Barbo Standard- 22.45 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503863
0.6558 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 68.62 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503864
1.4544 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 30.94 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503865
1.9868 Rolf Meum Classic- 22.65 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503866
2.1087 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 21.34 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503867
1.9447 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 23.14 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503868
0.5306 Kian Spongsveen Production- 28.27 15p 7|0|0|2|0 503869
1.8263 Alexander Bull Open+ 24.64 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503870
1.4281 Olav Delphin Standard+ 31.51 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503871
2.0576 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 21.87 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503872
2.8499 Tore Haugli Standard+ 15.79 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503873
2.1117 Marius Gålås Standard+ 21.31 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503874
0.7176 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 62.71 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503875
0.5072 Ståle Støvland Production- 88.72 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503876
0.0000 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 504026
1.5075 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 29.85 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503877
2.0261 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 22.21 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503878
2.1750 David Solbakke Production- 20.69 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503879
1.9625 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 22.93 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503880
2.3232 Steinar Haugli Production- 19.37 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503706
2.4644 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 18.26 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503881
3. Rolfs'revenge
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.2492 Per Dalén Production- 32.90 74p 17|3|0|1|1 503738
2.0502 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 47.80 98p 14|7|0|0|0 503739
2.5518 Trond Stenvik Production- 31.35 80p 15|5|0|1|0 503740
3.3147 Morten Samuelsen Production- 26.85 89p 15|4|2|0|0 503741
3.3708 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 18.69 63p 11|6|2|2|0 503742
3.8114 fred tore gundersen Production- 25.45 97p 17|4|0|0|0 503743
4.2404 Anders Røine Production- 24.29 103p 20|1|0|0|0 503744
1.4892 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 31.56 47p 10|9|0|2|1 503745
4.4634 Anders Långberg Production- 19.94 89p 15|4|2|0|0 503746
3.8559 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 23.60 91p 15|5|1|0|0 503747
3.4134 Kevin Vågan Production- 26.66 91p 14|7|0|0|0 503748
4.0408 Jon Regbo Production- 25.49 103p 20|1|0|0|0 503749
4.2326 Eindride Stien Classic- 23.39 99p 18|3|0|0|0 503750
5.1031 Håkon Myklebust Production- 19.40 99p 19|1|1|0|0 503751
3.2235 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 28.23 91p 14|7|0|0|0 503752
5.7449 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 15.84 91p 14|7|0|0|0 503753
4.6832 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 18.15 85p 13|6|2|0|0 503754
3.8479 Knut Harald Graven Production- 22.61 87p 17|4|0|0|1 503755
5.5521 Geir Herdal Production- 16.03 89p 13|8|0|0|0 503756
4.6154 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 21.45 99p 18|3|0|0|0 503757
3.2314 Christoffer Kohl Production- 28.78 93p 17|2|2|0|0 503758
4.0079 Anders Nerheim Open+ 25.20 101p 17|4|0|0|0 503759
4.1836 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 17.21 72p 12|7|1|1|0 503760
2.8371 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 35.60 101p 19|2|0|0|0 503761
4.4390 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 20.50 91p 14|7|0|0|0 503762
2.8024 John Martin Dervå Production- 33.90 95p 16|5|0|0|0 503763
3.4863 Lars Lien Standard+ 28.11 98p 16|4|1|0|0 503764
4.6032 Nils Einar Eide Production- 22.81 105p 21|0|0|0|0 503765
2.0913 Marianne Barbo Standard- 33.95 71p 15|5|1|0|2 503766
2.0394 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 44.62 91p 19|2|0|0|1 503767
5.5018 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 16.54 91p 15|5|1|0|0 503768
4.2196 Rolf Meum Classic- 24.41 103p 20|1|0|0|0 503769
3.3865 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 25.69 87p 14|5|2|0|0 503770
4.9447 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 17.19 85p 12|8|1|0|0 503771
2.0340 Kian Spongsveen Production- 27.04 55p 15|3|1|2|1 503772
2.4189 Alexander Bull Open+ 38.86 94p 14|5|2|0|0 503773
3.0049 Olav Delphin Standard+ 26.29 79p 13|5|2|1|0 503774
2.6754 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 19.81 53p 15|2|2|2|1 503775
5.9459 Tore Haugli Standard+ 16.65 99p 17|3|1|0|0 503776
3.8322 Marius Gålås Standard+ 24.79 95p 13|7|1|0|0 503777
2.8016 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 30.34 85p 12|8|1|0|0 503778
2.3969 Ståle Støvland Production- 38.80 93p 16|4|1|0|0 503779
2.3555 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 28.02 66p 14|5|1|1|1 503780
3.6140 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 28.50 103p 20|1|0|0|0 503781
3.6889 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 20.06 74p 17|3|0|1|1 503782
3.7122 David Solbakke Production- 26.13 97p 17|4|0|0|0 503783
5.0553 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 18.99 96p 14|6|1|0|0 503784
6.0443 Steinar Haugli Production- 16.71 101p 19|2|0|0|0 503785
5.1983 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 18.66 97p 17|4|0|0|0 503786
4. 1982
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.8953 Per Dalén Production- 13.47 39p 6|3|0|0|0 503787
2.0380 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 7.36 15p 7|0|0|2|0 503788
2.6210 Trond Stenvik Production- 14.88 39p 6|3|0|0|0 503789
3.7718 Morten Samuelsen Production- 10.34 39p 7|1|1|0|0 503790
5.8583 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 7.34 43p 7|2|0|0|0 503791
5.6040 fred tore gundersen Production- 8.03 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503792
4.4903 Anders Røine Production- 8.24 37p 6|2|1|0|0 503793
1.4241 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 6.32 9p 4|3|0|2|0 503794
6.1144 Anders Långberg Production- 5.07 31p 3|5|1|0|0 503795
5.4521 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 7.52 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503796
3.5038 Kevin Vågan Production- 10.56 37p 6|2|1|0|0 503797
6.4018 Jon Regbo Production- 4.53 29p 2|6|1|0|0 503798
7.7406 Eindride Stien Classic- 4.78 37p 6|2|1|0|0 503799
9.3671 Håkon Myklebust Production- 3.95 37p 6|2|1|0|0 503800
3.4749 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 7.77 27p 3|3|3|0|0 503801
8.5595 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 4.79 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503802
6.0109 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 3.66 22p 4|4|0|1|0 503803
6.7657 Knut Harald Graven Production- 6.06 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503804
4.4295 Geir Herdal Production- 7.45 33p 4|4|1|0|0 503805
5.1383 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 7.59 39p 7|1|1|0|0 503806
2.9226 Christoffer Kohl Production- 12.66 37p 6|2|1|0|0 503807
4.4539 Anders Nerheim Open+ 9.43 42p 6|3|0|0|0 503808
5.6440 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 6.91 39p 7|1|1|0|0 503809
5.0493 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 8.12 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503810
5.4852 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 7.11 39p 6|3|0|0|0 503811
2.4050 John Martin Dervå Production- 12.89 31p 4|3|2|0|0 503812
3.3419 Lars Lien Standard+ 7.78 26p 4|4|0|1|0 503813
5.0909 Nils Einar Eide Production- 5.50 28p 7|1|0|1|0 503814
4.0157 Marianne Barbo Standard- 10.21 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503815
4.2824 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 8.64 37p 5|4|0|0|0 503816
8.0092 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 4.37 35p 6|1|2|0|0 503817
5.4886 Rolf Meum Classic- 7.47 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503818
3.9340 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 7.88 31p 5|1|3|0|0 503819
3.3588 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 6.55 22p 4|4|0|1|0 503820
3.0641 Kian Spongsveen Production- 7.18 22p 4|4|0|1|0 503821
3.7794 Alexander Bull Open+ 9.79 37p 3|5|1|0|0 503822
6.8106 Olav Delphin Standard+ 6.02 41p 5|4|0|0|0 503823
4.6549 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 6.23 29p 4|2|3|0|0 503824
10.3175 Tore Haugli Standard+ 3.78 39p 7|0|2|0|0 503825
5.6801 Marius Gålås Standard+ 6.69 38p 4|4|1|0|0 503826
2.5773 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 7.76 20p 4|3|1|1|0 503827
3.9594 Ståle Støvland Production- 9.85 39p 6|3|0|0|0 503828
3.8049 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 10.25 39p 7|1|1|0|0 503829
4.0138 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 8.72 35p 4|5|0|0|0 503830
5.3435 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 6.55 35p 5|3|1|0|0 503831
2.6117 David Solbakke Production- 17.23 45p 9|0|0|0|0 503832
2.6690 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 5.62 15p 7|0|0|2|0 503833
10.8179 Steinar Haugli Production- 3.79 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503834
9.3182 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 4.40 41p 7|2|0|0|0 503835
5. longrange targets
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0420 Per Dalén Production- 18.08 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503978
0.6210 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 64.41 40p 10|0|0|1|0 503979
1.5158 Trond Stenvik Production- 25.07 38p 9|1|0|1|0 503980
2.9333 Morten Samuelsen Production- 18.75 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503981
2.5118 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 21.10 53p 9|2|0|0|0 503982
1.5945 fred tore gundersen Production- 17.56 28p 9|1|0|1|0 503983
2.4697 Anders Røine Production- 20.65 51p 9|2|0|0|0 503984
2.3971 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 22.11 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503985
5.6713 Anders Långberg Production- 8.64 49p 9|1|1|0|0 503986
3.9805 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 12.31 49p 8|3|0|0|0 503987
3.6232 Kevin Vågan Production- 15.18 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503988
4.7877 Jon Regbo Production- 11.07 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503989
5.1256 Eindride Stien Classic- 9.95 51p 9|2|0|0|0 503990
4.9120 Håkon Myklebust Production- 10.79 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503991
3.5992 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 14.17 51p 9|2|0|0|0 503992
4.0366 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 13.13 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503993
5.3554 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 10.27 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503994
2.5297 Knut Harald Graven Production- 19.37 49p 8|3|0|0|0 503995
2.8510 Geir Herdal Production- 18.59 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503996
3.0070 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 15.63 47p 7|4|0|0|0 503997
2.3406 Christoffer Kohl Production- 20.08 47p 7|4|0|0|0 503998
4.7576 Anders Nerheim Open+ 11.14 53p 9|2|0|0|0 503999
0.0000 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 41.13 0p 3|0|0|8|0 504000
0.0000 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 504028
4.3301 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 12.24 53p 10|1|0|0|0 503929
2.4663 John Martin Dervå Production- 21.49 53p 10|1|0|0|0 504001
2.0115 Lars Lien Standard+ 24.36 49p 7|3|1|0|0 504002
5.1838 Nils Einar Eide Production- 10.61 55p 11|0|0|0|0 504003
2.6494 Marianne Barbo Standard- 16.23 43p 7|2|2|0|0 503930
3.3639 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 16.35 55p 11|0|0|0|0 504005
5.5118 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 8.89 49p 8|3|0|0|0 504006
2.8766 Rolf Meum Classic- 19.12 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503931
3.2797 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 16.77 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503932
4.4554 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 10.10 45p 7|3|1|0|0 504008
2.6102 Kian Spongsveen Production- 17.24 45p 11|0|0|0|0 504010
1.3661 Alexander Bull Open+ 18.30 25p 7|2|1|1|0 504011
1.3703 Olav Delphin Standard+ 28.46 39p 9|1|0|1|0 504012
4.2535 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 11.99 51p 9|2|0|0|0 504013
4.7909 Tore Haugli Standard+ 11.48 55p 11|0|0|0|0 504014
2.9994 Marius Gålås Standard+ 16.67 50p 8|2|1|0|0 503933
2.8275 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 17.33 49p 9|1|1|0|0 504016
1.6804 Ståle Støvland Production- 31.54 53p 10|1|0|0|0 504017
3.3203 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 15.36 51p 9|2|0|0|0 504018
3.5076 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 14.54 51p 9|2|0|0|0 504019
2.6675 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 16.12 43p 10|1|0|0|1 504020
3.2487 David Solbakke Production- 16.93 55p 11|0|0|0|0 504021
4.4898 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 12.25 55p 11|0|0|0|0 504022
5.8635 Steinar Haugli Production- 9.38 55p 11|0|0|0|0 503934
4.9302 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 10.75 53p 10|1|0|0|0 504024
6. bob-long
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1329 Per Dalén Production- 35.43 111p 23|5|1|2|0 503935
3.5731 Rune Sandkvist Classic+ 41.98 150p 28|2|1|0|0 503936
3.2890 Trond Stenvik Production- 42.87 141p 24|7|0|0|0 503937
5.2458 Morten Samuelsen Production- 27.26 143p 25|6|0|0|0 503938
7.6254 Magnus Aasehaug Standard+ 19.54 149p 27|3|1|0|0 503939
4.4551 fred tore gundersen Production- 29.18 130p 26|3|1|1|0 503940
6.1102 Anders Røine Production- 25.04 153p 30|1|0|0|0 503941
3.9413 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- 36.79 145p 26|5|0|0|0 503942
7.8377 Anders Långberg Production- 17.99 141p 24|7|0|0|0 503943
4.5784 Alexander Heetmøller Production- 30.36 139p 23|8|0|0|0 503944
5.1736 Kevin Vågan Production- 28.80 149p 28|3|0|0|0 503945
5.9576 Jon Regbo Production- 25.01 149p 28|3|0|0|0 503946
6.5929 Eindride Stien Classic- 22.60 149p 28|3|0|0|0 503947
7.2642 Håkon Myklebust Production- 17.07 124p 23|6|1|1|0 503948
2.7273 Frank Gerardo Valente Production- 30.80 84p 22|4|2|3|1 503949
7.4276 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- 18.31 136p 28|2|0|1|0 503950
7.1537 Aleksander Stanisic Open- 19.71 141p 24|7|0|0|0 503951
5.6325 Knut Harald Graven Production- 21.66 122p 22|7|1|1|0 503952
6.4333 Geir Herdal Production- 22.85 147p 27|4|0|0|0 503953
5.6999 Lars Hjelmeseth Production- 25.79 147p 27|4|0|0|0 503954
4.6998 Christoffer Kohl Production- 29.15 137p 23|7|1|0|0 503955
10.7793 Anders Nerheim Open+ 13.73 148p 24|7|0|0|0 503956
6.8885 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open- 17.13 118p 20|9|1|1|0 503957
0.0000 Lars Petter Mostad Production- 11.01 0p 0|0|0|0|0 503958
4.8651 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- 28.16 137p 25|3|3|0|0 504027
3.4192 John Martin Dervå Production- 40.36 138p 29|1|0|1|0 503959
3.8693 Lars Lien Standard+ 38.25 148p 26|4|1|0|0 503960
6.5778 Nils Einar Eide Production- 23.26 153p 30|1|0|0|0 503961
5.5365 Marianne Barbo Standard- 26.19 145p 27|3|1|0|0 504004
3.3027 Jens Magne Andreassen Standard- 40.27 133p 21|9|1|0|0 503962
6.9262 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Open- 19.78 137p 23|7|1|0|0 503963
6.1199 Rolf Meum Classic- 24.02 147p 27|4|0|0|0 504007
3.7634 Ole Christian Rynning Production- 31.62 119p 26|3|0|2|0 504009
9.9119 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- 13.62 135p 23|6|2|0|0 503964
3.6504 Kian Spongsveen Production- 40.27 147p 28|2|1|0|0 503965
3.4067 Alexander Bull Open+ 42.27 144p 24|5|2|0|0 503966
6.8590 Olav Delphin Standard+ 21.14 145p 21|10|0|0|0 503967
6.3953 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 22.36 143p 27|2|2|0|0 503968
7.8493 Tore Haugli Standard+ 19.11 150p 28|2|1|0|0 503969
6.3200 Marius Gålås Standard+ 22.31 141p 21|8|2|0|0 504015
4.9471 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- 23.65 117p 26|2|1|2|0 503970
4.5339 Ståle Støvland Production- 31.54 143p 26|4|1|0|0 503971
3.6036 Ulrik Waagaard Production- 26.64 96p 21|7|0|3|0 503972
4.3421 Fred Erik Kildal Production- 30.63 133p 22|7|2|0|0 503973
7.6679 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- 18.91 145p 27|3|1|0|0 503974
4.7861 David Solbakke Production- 31.55 151p 29|2|0|0|0 503975
6.4897 Hans Christian Jordan Standard+ 20.34 132p 24|5|1|1|0 503976
7.9117 Steinar Haugli Production- 18.58 147p 27|4|0|0|0 504023
8.6443 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 16.08 139p 24|6|1|0|0 503977

Last result: 22nd February 2025 07:09 (UTC)

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