1. Jingle Bells Building
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2. Quicky
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3. The Bad & Ugly
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4. HG short
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.0278 Cruy Cruywagen Standard+ 6.83 48p 8|2|0|0|0 501075
4.5128 Pierre Radley Standard- 9.75 44p 7|3|0|0|0 501256
5.0661 Rudolph Van Eeden Production- 9.08 46p 8|2|0|0|0 501276
4.5537 Pieter Janse van Rensburg Production- 10.98 50p 10|0|0|0|0 501261
3.9036 Badie Nieuwoudt Standard- 8.71 34p 4|4|2|0|0 501112
5.5024 Jaco Reynders Production- 8.36 46p 8|2|0|0|0 501115
2.2463 Gary Meyer Standard- 12.02 27p 7|0|2|1|0 501110
4.6512 Ian Bester Standard+ 7.31 34p 8|1|0|1|0 501253
3.1345 Markus Borgenheimer Production- 9.89 31p 7|2|0|1|0 501266
7.8431 Anton Du Preez Standard- 6.12 48p 9|1|0|0|0 501271
4.8485 Renier Reynders Production- 8.25 40p 5|5|0|0|0 501114
4.7952 Werner Swanepoel Production- 10.01 48p 9|1|0|0|0 501079
3.9900 Dries Swanepoel Standard- 12.03 48p 9|1|0|0|0 501072
5.7772 Juda Kruger Standard- 7.27 42p 6|4|0|0|0 501085
4.7160 Jan Kruger Standard+ 9.33 44p 4|6|0|0|0 501092
5. HG house
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.5940 Cruy Cruywagen Standard+ 19.26 127p 15|13|0|0|0 501161
2.5732 Pierre Radley Standard- 50.52 130p 24|3|1|0|0 501323
3.0563 Rudolph Van Eeden Production- 35.01 107p 20|5|2|1|0 501332
4.4797 Pieter Janse van Rensburg Production- 29.02 130p 24|3|1|0|0 501341
3.2268 Badie Nieuwoudt Standard- 30.99 100p 12|12|4|0|0 501192
4.6476 Jaco Reynders Production- 26.25 122p 19|9|0|0|0 501208
4.6551 Gary Meyer Standard- 23.63 110p 14|13|1|0|0 501191
3.8473 Ian Bester Standard+ 34.31 132p 22|5|1|0|0 501303
3.7893 Markus Borgenheimer Production- 31.14 118p 17|11|0|0|0 501297
5.5021 Anton Du Preez Standard- 21.81 120p 19|8|1|0|0 501292
4.6610 Renier Reynders Production- 23.60 110p 15|11|2|0|0 501198
3.4434 Werner Swanepoel Production- 35.43 122p 20|7|1|0|0 501150
2.9613 Dries Swanepoel Standard- 43.90 130p 24|3|1|0|0 501214
5.1791 Juda Kruger Standard- 23.17 120p 19|8|1|0|0 501165
5.0019 Jan Kruger Standard+ 26.39 132p 20|8|0|0|0 501172
6. HG swinger
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5096 Cruy Cruywagen Standard+ 22.51 79p 11|6|0|0|0 501202
1.0708 Pierre Radley Standard- 38.29 41p 9|5|1|2|0 501209
1.3583 Rudolph Van Eeden Production- 21.35 29p 6|5|4|2|0 501237
3.0510 Pieter Janse van Rensburg Production- 21.96 67p 10|5|2|0|0 501215
2.0460 Badie Nieuwoudt Standard- 23.46 48p 7|7|2|1|0 501049
1.6404 Jaco Reynders Production- 29.87 49p 13|1|1|2|0 501008
2.0670 Gary Meyer Standard- 17.90 37p 7|7|1|2|0 501036
1.7773 Ian Bester Standard+ 40.51 72p 10|4|3|0|0 501219
1.3324 Markus Borgenheimer Production- 29.27 39p 9|4|2|2|0 501222
4.0176 Anton Du Preez Standard- 18.17 73p 13|2|2|0|0 501228
3.6293 Renier Reynders Production- 17.91 65p 8|8|1|0|0 501056
0.8423 Werner Swanepoel Production- 26.12 22p 6|7|1|3|0 501017
1.4316 Dries Swanepoel Standard- 33.53 48p 7|7|2|1|0 501012
2.2034 Juda Kruger Standard- 29.50 65p 9|6|2|0|0 501022
2.7007 Jan Kruger Standard+ 26.66 72p 6|10|1|0|0 501030

Last result: 20th February 2025 02:43 (UTC)

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