1. Refresher
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1752 Francois Scheffer Production- 27.40 87p 17|4|0|1|0 500646
2.6989 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 28.16 76p 9|9|4|0|0 500631
3.0194 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 33.45 101p 13|9|0|0|0 500647
2.1850 George Hakim Production- 39.36 86p 15|7|0|0|0 500645
2.5407 Craig Patrick Standard- 36.21 92p 14|7|1|0|0 500633
2.6176 Victor Bands Standard+ 34.00 89p 13|8|1|0|0 500632
1.6984 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 34.15 58p 15|4|1|2|0 500634
3.4117 Ian Carr Classic+ 31.07 106p 18|4|0|0|0 500635
2.4679 Jan Nel Standard- 38.90 96p 17|3|2|0|0 500636
1.3125 Evandre Bourne Production- 28.19 37p 11|7|1|3|0 500637
4.3265 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 24.50 106p 18|4|0|0|0 500638
2.0528 Marques Mendonca Production- 34.10 70p 11|7|4|0|0 500639
3.3212 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 21.98 73p 13|5|3|1|0 500640
1.8242 Tino Van Der Schyff Open- 48.24 88p 12|9|1|0|0 500641
2.9582 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 27.72 82p 10|10|2|0|0 500642
1.7624 Johann Koekemoer Standard- 50.50 89p 18|3|0|1|0 500643
2.5323 J.A. (Ian) Venter Production- 38.70 98p 17|4|1|0|0 500644
2. Crosscut
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.7905 Francois Scheffer Production- 25.59 97p 19|4|0|1|0 500663
1.5411 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 40.23 62p 18|4|0|2|0 500650
3.8253 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 29.54 113p 17|7|0|0|0 500664
3.6210 George Hakim Production- 33.14 120p 24|0|0|0|0 500648
2.5666 Craig Patrick Standard- 31.17 80p 18|3|1|2|0 500649
3.2751 Victor Bands Standard+ 32.06 105p 23|0|0|1|0 500651
2.1843 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 33.42 73p 22|1|0|1|0 500652
3.9223 Ian Carr Classic+ 27.28 107p 21|3|0|0|0 500653
2.9404 Jan Nel Standard- 37.41 110p 20|3|1|0|0 500654
4.1885 Evandre Bourne Production- 26.74 112p 20|4|0|0|0 500655
5.6413 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 20.74 117p 21|3|0|0|0 500656
3.8651 Marques Mendonca Production- 26.39 102p 16|7|1|0|0 500657
2.5160 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 20.27 51p 14|7|0|3|0 500658
0.3926 Tino Van Der Schyff Open- 35.66 14p 10|7|3|4|0 500659
2.7868 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 21.53 60p 17|5|0|2|0 500660
1.5463 Johann Koekemoer Standard- 49.15 76p 16|5|1|2|0 500661
2.9463 J.A. (Ian) Venter Production- 34.62 102p 20|4|0|0|0 500662
3. On and Off
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0419 Francois Scheffer Production- 19.59 40p 6|3|1|0|0 500694
0.0000 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 28.66 0p 1|3|4|2|0 500689
1.3486 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 24.47 33p 5|4|1|0|0 500693
2.5087 George Hakim Production- 14.35 36p 3|7|0|0|0 500688
1.2582 Craig Patrick Standard- 33.38 42p 6|4|0|0|0 500686
1.9208 Victor Bands Standard+ 25.51 49p 9|1|0|0|0 500680
1.9173 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 16.69 32p 2|7|1|0|0 500673
0.4502 Ian Carr Classic+ 22.21 10p 2|4|2|2|0 500666
0.3410 Jan Nel Standard- 23.46 8p 3|4|1|2|0 500671
1.6989 Evandre Bourne Production- 17.07 29p 6|3|0|1|0 500668
2.7224 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 15.06 41p 5|3|2|0|0 500665
2.8030 Marques Mendonca Production- 12.13 34p 3|6|1|0|0 500667
0.2453 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 12.23 3p 3|6|0|1|0 500669
0.0000 Tino Van Der Schyff Open- 24.08 0p 0|2|4|4|0 500670
1.8775 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 22.37 42p 6|4|0|0|0 500672
1.4298 Johann Koekemoer Standard- 34.97 50p 10|0|0|0|0 500678
1.7924 J.A. (Ian) Venter Production- 26.78 48p 9|1|0|0|0 500683

Last result: 3rd July 2024 03:30 (UTC)

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