1. At the front
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.2697 Francois Scheffer Rimfire Standard- 44.50 101p 16|7|0|0|0 513842
2.0354 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 41.27 84p 15|6|1|1|0 513838
2.2201 Wesley Buck Rimfire Standard- 41.44 92p 19|2|1|1|0 513837
1.2297 Craig Patrick Standard- 51.23 63p 11|9|1|2|0 513829
1.2866 Tazio Resca Open- 31.09 40p 11|8|1|3|0 513828
2.6630 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 32.67 87p 12|8|3|0|0 513830
2.0009 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 44.98 90p 16|4|2|1|0 513841
0.0000 Tino Van Der Schyff Classic- 71.37 0p 10|5|1|7|0 513831
1.3544 Johann Koekemoer Production- 62.02 84p 14|8|0|1|0 513832
0.7507 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 43.96 33p 18|1|0|4|0 513834
1.7151 Victor Bands Standard+ 47.81 82p 18|3|0|2|0 513833
1.3344 Christo De Lange Standard- 51.71 69p 15|4|2|2|0 513835
1.8570 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 39.31 73p 15|6|0|2|0 513836
0.6563 Shaun Patrick Standard- 83.80 55p 9|9|3|2|0 513839
2.1303 Johannes Rath Groenewald Standard- 48.35 103p 18|4|1|0|0 513840
2. In the middle
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.8148 Francois Scheffer Rimfire Standard- 27.00 76p 14|2|0|0|0 513847
3.7393 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 19.79 74p 13|3|0|0|0 513848
2.5694 Wesley Buck Rimfire Standard- 28.80 74p 13|3|0|0|0 513853
1.6165 Craig Patrick Standard- 40.83 66p 9|7|0|0|0 513851
3.1384 Tazio Resca Open- 21.03 66p 11|3|2|0|0 513843
2.9995 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 20.67 62p 9|5|2|0|0 513844
1.6877 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 39.70 67p 7|7|2|0|0 513857
1.2990 Tino Van Der Schyff Classic- 41.57 54p 7|5|4|0|0 513845
1.1095 Johann Koekemoer Production- 34.25 38p 9|4|1|2|0 513846
3.0557 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 20.29 62p 8|7|1|0|0 513849
2.6866 Victor Bands Standard+ 26.80 72p 10|5|1|0|0 513850
2.8251 Christo De Lange Standard- 27.61 78p 15|1|0|0|0 513852
2.4631 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 28.42 70p 11|5|0|0|0 513854
0.5464 Shaun Patrick Standard- 36.60 20p 1|11|2|2|0 513855
2.2001 Johannes Rath Groenewald Standard- 24.09 53p 9|6|0|1|0 513856
3. On the back
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.9487 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- 7.80 23p 6|1|0|1|0 513867
3.5023 Wesley Buck Rimfire Standard- 10.85 38p 7|1|0|0|0 513869
1.4896 Craig Patrick Standard- 20.14 30p 3|5|0|0|0 513868
3.3195 Tazio Resca Open- 7.23 24p 2|4|2|0|0 513865
2.6243 Danie Swanepoel Standard- 7.24 19p 4|3|0|1|0 513871
2.2936 Adriaan Marais Standard+ 8.72 20p 4|2|1|1|0 513870
2.2167 Tino Van Der Schyff Classic- 16.24 36p 6|2|0|0|0 513863
2.6542 Johann Koekemoer Production- 12.81 34p 5|3|0|0|0 513866
1.7281 Jaco Van Deventer Production- 8.68 15p 3|3|1|1|0 513864
3.3246 Victor Bands Standard+ 11.43 38p 6|2|0|0|0 513862
1.7085 Christo De Lange Standard- 9.95 17p 4|2|1|1|0 513859
3.1687 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 10.73 34p 5|3|0|0|0 513858
2.2346 Shaun Patrick Standard- 12.53 28p 4|2|2|0|0 513861
3.0576 Johannes Rath Groenewald Standard- 11.12 34p 6|1|1|0|0 513860

Last result: 20th February 2025 02:36 (UTC)

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