1. CLC-35
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.2930 Folke Myrvang Production- 5.29 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527109
3.6554 Roy Thorud Classic- 7.66 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527133
0.5005 Tore Haugli Production- 9.99 5p 5|0|0|1|1 527115
3.9216 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 6.63 26p 4|2|0|0|0 527083
4.1958 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 5.72 24p 3|3|0|0|0 527121
1.6644 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 7.21 12p 4|0|2|0|1 527139
5.1095 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 5.48 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527145
1.3174 Halvor Ajer Production- 8.35 11p 3|2|0|1|0 527175
4.7782 Jens Berentzen Production- 5.86 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527090
2.7650 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 8.68 24p 3|3|0|0|0 527127
3.8835 Aksel Gresvig Production- 7.21 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527151
6.6514 Herman Dyrø Open+ 4.36 29p 5|1|0|0|0 527097
2.9536 Claus Emil Haga Production- 9.48 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527181
3.8179 Tormod Strand Production- 6.81 26p 4|2|0|0|0 527157
1.0870 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 16.56 18p 4|2|0|0|1 527163
3.4653 Rune Skimten Production- 8.08 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527169
4.3818 Geir Herdal Production- 6.39 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527103
2.5184 Egil Gulliksen Production- 9.53 24p 4|1|1|0|0 526983
2. CLC-45
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.3963 Folke Myrvang Production- 5.93 32p 5|2|1|0|0 527110
1.9814 Roy Thorud Classic- 8.58 17p 4|2|1|1|0 527134
3.7879 Tore Haugli Production- 10.56 40p 8|0|0|0|0 527116
3.7559 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 8.52 32p 5|2|1|0|0 527084
3.5806 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 7.82 28p 4|2|2|0|0 527122
4.7407 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 6.75 32p 5|2|1|0|0 527140
4.4619 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 7.62 34p 6|1|1|0|0 527146
0.0000 Halvor Ajer Production- 17.28 0p 4|2|0|2|0 527176
5.0279 Jens Berentzen Production- 7.16 36p 6|2|0|0|0 527091
2.9963 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 10.68 32p 4|4|0|0|0 527128
4.2984 Aksel Gresvig Production- 7.91 34p 5|3|0|0|0 527152
5.4962 Herman Dyrø Open+ 6.55 36p 6|1|1|0|0 527098
2.6125 Claus Emil Haga Production- 13.78 36p 6|2|0|0|0 527182
3.4858 Tormod Strand Production- 9.18 32p 5|2|1|0|0 527158
2.7982 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 13.58 38p 6|2|0|0|0 527164
0.2353 Rune Skimten Production- 8.50 2p 4|0|2|2|0 527170
4.7059 Geir Herdal Production- 6.80 32p 5|2|1|0|0 527104
2.1424 Egil Gulliksen Production- 15.87 34p 6|1|1|0|0 526984
3. CLC-59
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.2839 Folke Myrvang Production- 9.23 58p 11|1|0|0|0 527111
5.0682 Roy Thorud Classic- 10.26 52p 8|4|0|0|0 527135
6.8587 Tore Haugli Production- 7.29 50p 7|5|0|0|0 527117
4.6512 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 9.03 42p 4|7|1|0|0 527085
5.1020 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 7.84 40p 5|4|3|0|0 527123
5.5138 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 7.98 44p 6|4|2|0|0 527141
4.7893 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 10.44 50p 12|0|0|0|1 527147
3.9350 Halvor Ajer Production- 11.69 46p 6|5|1|0|0 527177
5.6604 Jens Berentzen Production- 9.54 54p 9|3|0|0|0 527092
4.1488 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 13.98 58p 11|1|0|0|0 527129
4.5502 Aksel Gresvig Production- 9.67 44p 5|6|1|0|0 527153
7.8910 Herman Dyrø Open+ 6.97 55p 9|2|1|0|0 527099
2.5240 Claus Emil Haga Production- 16.64 42p 8|4|0|0|1 527183
5.5147 Tormod Strand Production- 10.88 60p 12|0|0|0|0 527159
3.4826 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 16.08 56p 8|4|0|0|0 527165
4.4635 Rune Skimten Production- 11.65 52p 8|4|0|0|0 527171
5.1339 Geir Herdal Production- 8.96 46p 7|3|2|0|0 527105
3.1886 Egil Gulliksen Production- 18.19 58p 11|1|0|0|0 526985
4. CLC-65
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
8.1871 Folke Myrvang Production- 3.42 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527112
6.5574 Roy Thorud Classic- 4.27 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527136
4.1522 Tore Haugli Production- 5.78 24p 4|1|1|0|0 527118
7.5000 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 4.00 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527086
5.8824 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 4.76 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527124
7.6531 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 3.92 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527142
4.5455 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 5.72 26p 5|0|1|0|0 527148
3.6176 Halvor Ajer Production- 7.74 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527178
6.8182 Jens Berentzen Production- 4.40 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527093
5.3388 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 4.87 26p 4|2|0|0|0 527130
6.3348 Aksel Gresvig Production- 4.42 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527154
5.6180 Herman Dyrø Open+ 5.34 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527100
4.8110 Claus Emil Haga Production- 5.82 28p 5|1|0|0|0 527184
7.1429 Tormod Strand Production- 4.20 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527160
3.2843 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 8.83 29p 5|1|0|0|0 527166
6.2241 Rune Skimten Production- 4.82 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527172
6.1475 Geir Herdal Production- 4.88 30p 6|0|0|0|0 527106
3.0706 Egil Gulliksen Production- 9.77 30p 6|0|0|0|0 526986
5. Feltbane 1 - Swinger
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.5556 Folke Myrvang Production- 7.02 39p 7|1|1|0|0 527113
3.6078 Roy Thorud Classic- 10.81 39p 6|3|0|0|0 527137
2.5025 Tore Haugli Production- 9.99 25p 2|4|3|0|0 527119
3.3951 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 9.72 33p 3|6|0|0|0 527087
4.1387 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 8.94 37p 6|2|1|0|0 527125
4.0984 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 8.54 35p 5|3|1|0|0 527143
4.8588 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 8.85 43p 8|1|0|0|0 527149
0.0000 Halvor Ajer Production- 10.18 0p 5|1|0|3|0 527179
4.3067 Jens Berentzen Production- 9.52 41p 7|2|0|0|0 527094
3.0471 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 10.83 33p 4|4|1|0|0 527131
2.5375 Aksel Gresvig Production- 8.67 22p 4|4|0|1|0 527155
5.2980 Herman Dyrø Open+ 7.55 40p 4|5|0|0|0 527101
1.7138 Claus Emil Haga Production- 21.59 37p 6|2|1|0|0 527185
2.3828 Tormod Strand Production- 12.59 30p 8|0|0|1|0 527161
2.0555 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 19.46 40p 6|2|1|0|0 527167
3.7072 Rune Skimten Production- 10.52 39p 6|3|0|0|0 527173
1.2727 Geir Herdal Production- 11.00 14p 3|2|3|1|0 527107
2.6486 Egil Gulliksen Production- 15.48 41p 7|2|0|0|0 526987
6. Feltbane 1 - Two sided
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1406 Folke Myrvang Production- 14.01 44p 9|6|1|2|0 527114
3.7054 Roy Thorud Classic- 21.59 80p 13|5|0|0|0 527138
1.3694 Tore Haugli Production- 32.86 45p 9|6|2|1|1 527120
3.4791 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- 20.12 70p 10|6|2|0|0 527088
2.9878 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- 16.40 49p 10|6|1|1|1 527126
3.8779 Joakim Lied Haga Production- 15.73 61p 10|7|0|1|0 527144
4.0555 Sondre Strømdahl Production- 18.74 76p 11|7|0|0|0 527150
1.8322 Halvor Ajer Production- 27.29 50p 11|5|0|2|0 527180
4.9884 Jens Berentzen Production- 17.24 86p 16|2|0|0|0 527095
2.5943 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- 21.20 55p 12|5|0|1|1 527132
3.8601 Aksel Gresvig Production- 16.58 64p 6|11|1|0|0 527156
4.9661 Herman Dyrø Open+ 13.29 66p 8|9|0|1|0 527102
2.6718 Claus Emil Haga Production- 26.20 70p 9|8|1|0|0 527186
4.3173 Tormod Strand Production- 18.53 80p 14|3|1|0|0 527162
1.1782 Kåre Gulliksen Classic+ 46.68 55p 5|8|4|1|0 527168
2.8683 Rune Skimten Production- 20.57 59p 9|8|0|1|0 527174
3.4157 Geir Herdal Production- 22.25 76p 12|5|1|0|0 527108
1.3216 Egil Gulliksen Production- 31.78 42p 13|2|1|2|1 526988
9. Feltbane 1 - All
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
10. CLC 35 and 45
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
11. CLC 59 and 69 - one round each
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id

Last result: 6th March 2025 12:50 (UTC)

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