1. At the front
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.4186 Francois Scheffer Production- 33.49 81p 12|7|0|0|0 524272
2.4763 Ian Carr Classic+ 29.48 73p 13|4|1|1|0 524264
1.8374 Craig Patrick Standard- 35.92 66p 12|5|1|1|0 524265
0.8955 Shaun Patrick Standard- 80.40 72p 14|4|0|1|0 524270
3.9286 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 19.60 77p 15|3|0|1|0 524262
1.9309 Evandre Bourne Production- 29.52 57p 13|4|0|2|0 524267
3.2354 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 26.89 87p 15|4|0|0|0 524268
2.5394 Johan Horn Standard- 22.84 58p 9|7|2|1|0 524269
2.7636 Marques Mendonca Production- 29.31 81p 12|7|0|0|0 524263
2.2947 Tino Van Der Schyff Standard- 27.89 64p 11|6|1|1|0 524266
1.1013 Wildri Peach Production- 41.77 46p 14|2|0|3|0 524271
2. Lengthwise
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1951 Francois Scheffer Production- 14.71 47p 6|5|2|0|0 524283
3.3981 Ian Carr Classic+ 18.54 63p 11|2|0|0|0 524282
1.7526 Craig Patrick Standard- 30.24 53p 7|6|0|0|0 524274
0.6755 Shaun Patrick Standard- 32.57 22p 3|4|5|1|0 524281
4.2657 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 14.30 61p 9|4|0|0|0 524276
0.8134 Evandre Bourne Production- 23.36 19p 4|6|1|2|0 524273
2.2929 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 21.37 49p 6|6|1|0|0 524279
1.7001 Johan Horn Standard- 16.47 28p 2|9|1|1|0 524280
1.2403 Marques Mendonca Production- 25.80 32p 6|3|3|1|0 524277
1.2814 Tino Van Der Schyff Standard- 21.07 27p 8|2|1|2|0 524275
0.7239 Wildri Peach Production- 46.97 34p 9|3|0|1|0 524278
3. Sidewise
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.8448 Francois Scheffer Production- 15.72 29p 5|4|2|1|0 524294
2.7847 Ian Carr Classic+ 20.11 56p 10|1|1|0|0 524290
0.5526 Craig Patrick Standard- 83.25 46p 5|7|0|0|0 524286
1.1464 Shaun Patrick Standard- 22.68 26p 8|2|0|2|0 524292
2.2479 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ 15.57 35p 7|5|0|0|0 524288
1.2541 Evandre Bourne Production- 18.34 23p 5|1|5|1|0 524291
1.6595 Jean-Pierre De Meillon Production- 18.68 31p 9|2|0|1|0 524289
2.4868 Johan Horn Standard- 20.91 52p 8|4|0|0|0 524285
0.9222 Marques Mendonca Production- 17.35 16p 4|5|1|2|0 524284
1.0000 Tino Van Der Schyff Standard- 16.00 16p 4|5|1|2|0 524287
1.3023 Wildri Peach Production- 25.34 33p 6|4|1|1|0 524293

Last result: 18th February 2025 17:50 (UTC)

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