1. Barricades
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.1416 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 13.28 55p 7|5|0|0|0 557856
3.6620 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 14.20 52p 8|4|0|0|0 557857
3.3058 Mikael Madsen Production- 16.94 56p 10|2|0|0|0 557877
3.7685 Frode Steinnes Production- 14.86 56p 10|2|0|0|0 557274
0.0000 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 557852
3.4241 Tord Andreas Fredriksen Production- 12.85 44p 5|6|1|0|0 557854
3.6545 Roar Holden Standard+ 15.05 55p 9|2|1|0|0 557871
3.4483 Trond Sørhøy Production- 14.50 50p 8|3|1|0|0 557868
2.8660 Anita Larsen Production- 16.05 46p 5|7|0|0|0 557862
3.4648 Gjøran Moen Production- 16.74 58p 11|1|0|0|0 557867
3.9385 Tor Olav Nordgård Standard- 10.41 41p 9|2|0|1|0 557860
4.5763 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 11.80 54p 9|3|0|0|0 557865
3.1464 Morten Lærnes Production- 14.62 46p 5|7|0|0|0 557875
3.0837 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 13.62 42p 4|7|1|0|0 557863
5.9211 Eirik Johannes Larsen Standard- 9.12 54p 9|3|0|0|0 557869
4.4559 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 11.67 52p 9|2|1|0|0 557872
5.4228 Per A Hansen Standard+ 10.88 59p 11|1|0|0|0 557275
2. Forward motion
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.6461 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 12.94 86p 8|11|1|0|0 557901
5.3047 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 17.72 94p 17|3|0|0|0 557899
5.3232 Mikael Madsen Production- 18.41 98p 19|1|0|0|0 557883
6.4076 Frode Steinnes Production- 14.67 94p 17|3|0|0|0 557276
4.9383 Tord Andreas Fredriksen Production- 17.01 84p 12|8|0|0|0 557903
6.0626 Roar Holden Standard+ 15.01 91p 13|6|1|0|0 557887
5.4381 Trond Sørhøy Production- 16.55 90p 15|5|0|0|0 557890
4.6866 Anita Larsen Production- 18.35 86p 13|7|0|0|0 557896
5.2426 Gjøran Moen Production- 17.93 94p 17|3|0|0|0 557892
7.8947 Tor Olav Nordgård Standard- 11.40 90p 15|5|0|0|0 557897
5.8824 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 14.62 86p 13|7|0|0|0 557893
4.5349 Morten Lærnes Production- 21.61 98p 19|1|0|0|0 557884
5.9722 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 14.40 86p 13|7|0|0|0 557894
8.6344 Eirik Johannes Larsen Standard- 11.35 98p 19|1|0|0|0 557888
7.4513 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 11.81 88p 14|6|0|0|0 557885
9.2412 Per A Hansen Standard+ 10.28 95p 15|5|0|0|0 557277
3. Dont lose the plot
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.4830 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 33.46 150p 24|7|1|0|0 557934
4.1207 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 34.46 142p 24|7|1|0|0 557947
2.9199 Mikael Madsen Production- 42.81 125p 22|8|1|1|0 557921
3.7567 Frode Steinnes Production- 33.54 126p 23|6|3|0|1 557278
2.3388 Tord Andreas Fredriksen Production- 42.33 99p 21|8|0|3|0 557944
3.1494 Roar Holden Standard+ 33.34 105p 17|12|1|2|1 557913
1.7010 Trond Sørhøy Production- 58.20 99p 20|9|2|1|2 557906
2.9730 Anita Larsen Production- 44.40 132p 20|10|2|0|0 557932
1.9966 Gjøran Moen Production- 53.59 107p 21|6|4|1|1 557928
6.0394 Tor Olav Nordgård Standard- 22.85 138p 22|9|1|0|0 557936
2.5218 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 32.12 81p 22|2|5|3|1 557925
2.4599 Morten Lærnes Production- 38.62 95p 19|10|0|3|0 557919
3.4509 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 39.99 138p 23|7|2|0|0 557922
4.9068 Eirik Johannes Larsen Standard- 30.57 150p 27|5|0|0|0 557910
3.5822 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 29.87 107p 23|7|1|1|2 557917
6.1795 Per A Hansen Standard+ 18.61 115p 25|5|0|2|0 557280
4. Rolfsengs puzzle
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.6618 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 13.60 77p 13|3|0|0|0 557826
4.7742 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 15.50 74p 13|3|0|0|0 557821
3.9707 Mikael Madsen Production- 19.14 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557838
4.5877 Frode Steinnes Production- 16.13 74p 13|3|0|0|0 557281
3.8326 Tord Andreas Fredriksen Production- 19.83 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557823
4.1568 Roar Holden Standard+ 16.84 70p 10|4|2|0|0 557845
2.9874 Trond Sørhøy Production- 25.44 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557849
3.3793 Anita Larsen Production- 22.49 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557829
3.1885 Gjøran Moen Production- 25.09 80p 16|0|0|0|0 557831
4.9127 Tor Olav Nordgård Standard- 15.47 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557825
3.4965 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 20.02 70p 12|3|1|0|0 557833
4.0276 Morten Lærnes Production- 18.87 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557839
3.6660 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- 19.64 72p 13|2|1|0|0 557836
5.0364 Eirik Johannes Larsen Standard- 15.09 76p 14|2|0|0|0 557847
3.6424 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 18.12 66p 10|5|1|0|0 557844
7.8663 Per A Hansen Standard+ 10.17 80p 16|0|0|0|0 557282

Last result: 1st February 2025 13:50 (UTC)

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