1. Use both hands
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.6656 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 12.86 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606397
2.1529 Kristian Roaldsnes Production- 27.87 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606398
3.4307 Ivan Sørli Standard+ 15.74 54p 8|3|1|0|0 606388
0.9791 Solvor Haugnes Standard- 29.62 29p 6|2|3|1|0 606391
2.3417 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 23.06 54p 10|1|1|0|0 606389
5.3065 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 10.93 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606387
5.1195 Magnus Amdam Production- 11.72 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606392
3.1436 Jarle Reitan Standard- 11.77 37p 8|2|1|1|0 606390
2.6523 Anita Larsen Production- 20.36 54p 9|3|0|0|0 606395
3.6991 Roar Holden Standard+ 16.22 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606393
3.1991 Thomas Larsen Production- 18.13 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606394
5.4028 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ 10.55 57p 9|3|0|0|0 606396
3.8978 Trond Sørhøy Production- 14.88 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606385
3.6047 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 16.09 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606384
3.5431 Gareth Lord Standard- 16.37 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606386
2. Barrels
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.6966 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 25.97 96p 20|2|0|0|1 606420
2.0736 Kristian Roaldsnes Production- 42.92 89p 19|1|1|1|0 606422
2.3545 Ivan Sørli Standard+ 38.65 91p 15|6|1|0|1 606405
0.1916 Solvor Haugnes Standard- 130.47 25p 15|3|1|3|3 606410
2.1574 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 34.30 74p 17|3|0|2|0 606406
3.2875 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 29.81 98p 16|6|0|0|0 606419
4.3679 Magnus Amdam Production- 23.81 104p 19|3|0|0|0 606411
2.0781 Jarle Reitan Standard- 31.76 66p 17|3|2|0|3 606408
2.2233 Anita Larsen Production- 40.48 90p 14|6|2|0|0 606416
4.0638 Roar Holden Standard+ 26.33 107p 19|3|0|0|0 606413
3.3304 Thomas Larsen Production- 22.82 76p 11|10|1|0|1 606415
3.6973 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ 23.26 86p 18|4|0|0|2 606418
3.3462 Trond Sørhøy Production- 31.08 104p 20|1|1|0|0 606400
3.4866 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 26.96 94p 19|3|0|0|1 606401
2.9076 Gareth Lord Standard- 35.08 102p 18|4|0|0|0 606417
3. Speed is key
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
11.3422 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 5.29 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606427
7.3082 Kristian Roaldsnes Production- 8.21 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606428
7.7236 Ivan Sørli Standard+ 7.38 57p 11|0|1|0|0 606442
3.7014 Solvor Haugnes Standard- 16.21 60p 12|0|0|0|0 606431
6.1376 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 9.45 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606430
9.2308 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 5.85 54p 10|1|1|0|0 606439
9.0604 Magnus Amdam Production- 5.96 54p 9|3|0|0|0 606432
6.1376 Jarle Reitan Standard- 9.45 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606429
5.7819 Anita Larsen Production- 7.61 44p 6|4|2|0|0 606435
9.0452 Roar Holden Standard+ 5.97 54p 8|3|1|0|0 606433
6.3356 Thomas Larsen Production- 5.84 37p 7|4|0|1|0 606434
8.8468 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ 6.33 56p 8|4|0|0|0 606438
7.8261 Trond Sørhøy Production- 6.90 54p 9|3|0|0|0 606426
7.6821 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 7.55 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606424
6.7678 Gareth Lord Standard- 8.57 58p 11|1|0|0|0 606436
4. Behind the door
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.5421 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 14.98 98p 16|6|0|0|0 606482
2.8843 Kristian Roaldsnes Production- 32.59 94p 14|8|0|0|0 606483
3.2996 Ivan Sørli Standard+ 30.61 101p 13|9|0|0|0 606490
0.3395 Solvor Haugnes Standard- 44.18 15p 13|3|1|5|1 606478
2.7117 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 26.92 73p 16|4|1|1|1 606497
6.5085 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 14.75 96p 15|7|0|0|0 606488
6.8787 Magnus Amdam Production- 15.41 106p 20|2|0|0|0 606474
2.9183 Jarle Reitan Standard- 20.56 60p 17|1|2|2|1 606477
3.9775 Anita Larsen Production- 23.13 92p 13|9|0|0|0 606480
3.7056 Roar Holden Standard+ 19.16 71p 9|6|6|1|0 606475
4.4977 Thomas Larsen Production- 17.12 77p 17|4|0|1|1 606479
5.6032 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ 17.49 98p 12|9|1|0|0 606485
3.4648 Trond Sørhøy Production- 27.13 94p 16|4|2|0|0 606473
5.0829 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 18.10 92p 15|5|2|0|0 606471
3.7306 Gareth Lord Standard- 28.95 108p 21|1|0|0|0 606481
5. Forward
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.3492 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 26.92 144p 27|3|0|0|0 606450
3.5420 Kristian Roaldsnes Production- 41.22 146p 28|2|0|0|0 606449
3.5411 Ivan Sørli Standard+ 40.10 142p 24|5|1|0|0 606465
0.2617 Solvor Haugnes Standard- 72.59 19p 15|8|0|7|0 606453
3.8261 Asbjørn Sagøy Open- 34.50 132p 26|4|0|0|1 606467
5.0942 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- 23.36 119p 21|8|0|1|0 606470
4.6123 Magnus Amdam Production- 29.92 138p 24|6|0|0|0 606455
3.5695 Jarle Reitan Standard- 36.14 129p 26|3|0|1|0 606469
2.6723 Anita Larsen Production- 42.66 114p 18|11|1|0|1 606461
4.0336 Roar Holden Standard+ 30.99 125p 21|7|1|1|0 606457
4.8073 Thomas Larsen Production- 24.13 116p 16|11|3|0|0 606459
4.2641 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ 33.77 144p 24|6|0|0|0 606463
4.1914 Trond Sørhøy Production- 31.97 134p 22|8|0|0|0 606445
4.1839 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- 33.94 142p 27|2|1|0|0 606447
3.6595 Gareth Lord Standard- 37.71 138p 24|6|0|0|0 606462

Last result: 22nd February 2025 05:13 (UTC)

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