1. Things of 3
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1731 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 21.43 68p 9|7|2|0|0 565058
2.2074 De Wet Linde Production- 24.01 53p 8|7|2|1|0 565048
1.4237 Gerrit Lotter Production- 29.50 42p 13|2|1|2|0 565047
0.4087 Willem (Bossie) Boshoff Open- 73.40 30p 8|6|2|2|0 565049
2.1672 Graham Van Der Merwe Production- 29.07 63p 12|4|1|1|0 565050
2.3392 Hendrik Basson Production- 32.49 76p 11|7|0|0|0 565051
2.3114 Gunther Swart Production- 29.42 68p 17|1|0|0|0 565052
2.0557 Craig Patrick Standard- 30.16 62p 7|8|3|0|0 565046
2.5242 Francois Theron Production- 34.07 86p 16|2|0|0|0 565053
2.6988 Esti Bender Standard- 20.75 56p 6|7|5|0|0 565057
3.7709 Ian Carr Classic+ 21.48 81p 11|6|1|0|0 565059
4.1088 Gerrit-Jan Bakker Standard- 18.01 74p 15|3|0|0|0 565056
2.0350 Tino Van Der Schyff Production- 28.01 57p 10|5|2|1|0 565054
2.3616 Diedre Theron Open- 28.37 67p 13|4|0|1|0 565055
2. Bad Presidential
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.6450 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 11.41 53p 10|4|1|1|0 565072
4.0310 De Wet Linde Production- 12.90 52p 5|8|3|0|0 565060
0.8293 Gerrit Lotter Production- 20.50 17p 8|1|4|3|0 565061
6.4249 Willem (Bossie) Boshoff Open- 9.65 62p 10|3|3|0|0 565062
3.8036 Graham Van Der Merwe Production- 14.46 55p 10|5|0|1|0 565063
1.9541 Hendrik Basson Production- 20.47 40p 9|5|0|2|0 565064
3.0712 Gunther Swart Production- 21.49 66p 14|2|0|0|0 565065
3.4529 Craig Patrick Standard- 15.06 52p 7|9|0|0|0 565066
5.3945 Francois Theron Production- 14.83 80p 16|0|0|0|0 565067
4.3988 Esti Bender Standard- 10.23 45p 6|8|1|1|0 565068
6.2218 Ian Carr Classic+ 11.09 69p 9|5|2|0|0 565073
7.4074 Gerrit-Jan Bakker Standard- 8.64 64p 13|3|0|0|0 565069
6.2290 Tino Van Der Schyff Production- 11.88 74p 13|3|0|0|0 565070
1.7769 Diedre Theron Open- 26.45 47p 12|2|1|1|0 565071
3. Last hope
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1758 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- 13.54 43p 8|4|1|1|0 565086
0.0000 De Wet Linde Production- 16.16 0p 6|3|1|4|0 565082
1.9577 Gerrit Lotter Production- 25.03 49p 10|3|0|1|0 565084
2.0823 Willem (Bossie) Boshoff Open- 19.69 41p 6|7|0|1|0 565076
3.3744 Graham Van Der Merwe Production- 15.41 52p 7|5|2|0|0 565075
2.2575 Hendrik Basson Production- 23.92 54p 8|4|2|0|0 565081
1.6366 Gunther Swart Production- 23.83 39p 10|3|0|1|0 565077
2.2311 Craig Patrick Standard- 17.48 39p 7|4|2|1|0 565085
3.3195 Francois Theron Production- 16.87 56p 8|5|1|0|0 565078
1.5288 Esti Bender Standard- 14.39 22p 5|5|2|2|0 565079
2.2499 Ian Carr Classic+ 16.89 38p 8|4|1|1|0 565087
4.5340 Gerrit-Jan Bakker Standard- 11.91 54p 11|3|0|0|0 565074
1.0059 Tino Van Der Schyff Production- 16.90 17p 7|4|0|3|0 565080
2.3077 Diedre Theron Open- 26.00 60p 10|3|1|0|0 565083

Last result: 21st February 2025 12:41 (UTC)

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