1. Table
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.0639 Daniel Gulle Production- 13.78 56p 8|5|1|0|0 636263
3.3512 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 14.92 50p 7|4|3|0|0 636273
3.0398 Karin Wiklund Production- 19.08 58p 9|4|1|0|0 636274
2.8634 Ludvig Wessén Production- 18.16 52p 8|3|3|0|0 636276
1.6541 Ronnie Persson Production- 21.16 35p 6|4|3|1|0 636490
2.3822 Dan Tiger Production- 18.89 45p 9|3|1|1|0 636277
1.0406 Patric Broddheimer Production- 20.18 21p 10|0|1|3|0 636570
4.0353 Mikael Markgren Production- 15.86 64p 11|3|0|0|0 636279
1.9188 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 27.10 52p 7|5|2|0|0 636483
3.6295 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 15.98 58p 9|4|1|0|0 636266
2.1884 Peter Andersson Production- 16.45 36p 10|2|0|2|0 636280
1.7984 Jenny Jernström Production- 32.25 58p 9|4|1|0|0 636485
2.4035 Hagbard Paulson Production- 27.46 66p 12|2|0|0|0 636494
2.5606 Leif Hagberg Classic- 21.87 56p 9|3|2|0|0 636571
2.3188 Ted Torbenson Production- 24.15 56p 8|5|1|0|0 636572
1.1449 Micke Raittila Production- 22.71 26p 6|5|1|2|0 636495
1.5996 Bertil Haglund Classic- 20.63 33p 4|7|2|1|0 636574
1.9566 Anders Carlander Production- 23.51 46p 8|0|6|0|0 636282
3.0568 Martin Skoog Production- 18.32 56p 7|7|0|0|0 636283
0.7624 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 24.92 19p 7|2|3|2|0 636261
2.3663 Fredrik Andersson Production- 21.13 50p 6|6|2|0|0 636284
2.2715 Christoffer Borgh Production- 18.05 41p 6|7|0|1|0 636499
1.8018 Leif Petersen Standard- 16.65 30p 7|5|0|2|0 636487
2.9213 Pär Petersen Standard- 17.80 52p 7|5|2|0|0 636497
2.7130 Jonas Brandt Production- 18.43 50p 6|6|2|0|0 636286
0.5654 Aurimas Jucius Production- 24.76 14p 3|5|4|2|0 636271
2.7290 Charlie Johansson Standard- 20.52 56p 7|7|0|0|0 636552
2.9805 Stefan Öhman Production- 19.46 58p 9|4|1|0|0 635064
2.6087 Peter Berglöf Standard- 23.00 60p 10|3|1|0|0 635066
2.8143 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 22.03 62p 10|4|0|0|0 635061
2.3718 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 28.67 68p 12|2|0|0|0 636493
2.4400 William Parhammar Production- 24.59 60p 10|3|1|0|0 636492
3.4904 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 17.19 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636556
2.0371 Tove Stillfjord Production- 22.09 45p 9|3|1|1|0 636558
0.4109 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 68.15 28p 6|3|3|2|0 636566
2.0057 Konny Johansson Standard- 17.45 35p 6|4|3|1|0 636561
1.9548 Liza Jansson Standard- 32.74 64p 12|1|1|0|0 636563
2. Hot range first
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.7843 Daniel Gulle Production- 10.57 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636264
3.6765 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 10.88 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636293
3.1177 Karin Wiklund Production- 12.83 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636306
4.5977 Ludvig Wessén Production- 9.57 44p 8|1|1|0|0 636290
1.7706 Ronnie Persson Production- 12.99 23p 4|4|1|1|0 636420
3.3716 Dan Tiger Production- 13.05 44p 7|3|0|0|0 636305
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 636569
4.2202 Mikael Markgren Production- 10.90 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636303
1.7699 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 22.60 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636442
4.1461 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 10.13 42p 7|2|1|0|0 636267
3.0936 Peter Andersson Production- 12.93 40p 7|1|2|0|0 636302
2.2874 Jenny Jernström Production- 20.11 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636413
1.0744 Hagbard Paulson Production- 13.03 14p 5|3|0|2|0 636431
2.4423 Leif Hagberg Classic- 14.74 36p 5|3|2|0|0 636560
2.0270 Ted Torbenson Production- 17.76 36p 3|7|0|0|0 636548
2.0350 Micke Raittila Production- 17.69 36p 5|3|2|0|0 636434
1.9959 Bertil Haglund Classic- 14.53 29p 6|3|0|1|0 636555
3.0108 Anders Carlander Production- 13.95 42p 7|2|1|0|0 636294
3.7801 Martin Skoog Production- 11.64 44p 7|3|0|0|0 636300
1.8527 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 22.13 41p 3|6|1|0|0 636265
2.4490 Fredrik Andersson Production- 14.70 36p 4|5|1|0|0 636299
3.3175 Christoffer Borgh Production- 12.66 42p 7|2|1|0|0 636439
3.8983 Leif Petersen Standard- 11.80 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636415
2.6114 Pär Petersen Standard- 13.02 34p 5|2|3|0|0 636437
3.5907 Jonas Brandt Production- 11.14 40p 5|5|0|0|0 636297
1.0899 Aurimas Jucius Production- 14.68 16p 6|2|0|2|0 636296
1.7533 Charlie Johansson Standard- 16.54 29p 6|3|0|1|0 636553
1.8925 Stefan Öhman Production- 13.21 25p 4|5|0|1|0 635069
1.9264 Peter Berglöf Standard- 17.13 33p 8|1|0|1|0 635070
2.3901 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 10.46 25p 4|5|0|1|0 635071
4.0235 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 11.93 48p 8|2|0|0|0 636428
2.1587 William Parhammar Production- 15.75 34p 4|4|2|0|0 636424
3.4894 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 10.89 38p 6|2|2|0|0 636559
2.4838 Tove Stillfjord Production- 18.52 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636549
1.0910 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 26.58 29p 5|3|1|1|0 636551
0.0000 Konny Johansson Standard- 9.61 0p 3|1|2|4|0 636565
2.5767 Liza Jansson Standard- 16.30 42p 6|4|0|0|0 636568
3. Hot range second
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.4021 Daniel Gulle Production- 16.81 74p 11|6|1|0|0 636260
3.9773 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 17.60 70p 9|8|1|0|0 636311
3.3252 Karin Wiklund Production- 20.45 68p 9|7|2|0|0 636324
3.5403 Ludvig Wessén Production- 19.49 69p 14|3|0|1|0 636309
2.9902 Ronnie Persson Production- 23.41 70p 10|6|2|0|0 636448
3.4327 Dan Tiger Production- 22.14 76p 12|5|1|0|0 636323
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 636576
4.0415 Mikael Markgren Production- 18.31 74p 11|6|1|0|0 636322
2.3783 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 26.91 64p 9|5|4|0|0 636470
3.4600 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 17.63 61p 11|5|1|1|0 636268
3.5747 Peter Andersson Production- 21.82 78p 15|0|3|0|0 636320
1.9267 Jenny Jernström Production- 42.56 82p 15|2|1|0|0 636451
2.4901 Hagbard Paulson Production- 32.93 82p 14|4|0|0|0 636459
2.6260 Leif Hagberg Classic- 28.18 74p 11|6|1|0|0 636583
2.3521 Ted Torbenson Production- 28.91 68p 10|5|3|0|0 636599
1.5592 Micke Raittila Production- 32.71 51p 8|6|3|1|0 636463
2.8818 Bertil Haglund Classic- 24.29 70p 10|6|2|0|0 636587
1.3823 Anders Carlander Production- 23.15 32p 5|8|3|2|0 636313
3.6062 Martin Skoog Production- 20.52 74p 10|8|0|0|0 636318
2.3705 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 34.17 81p 11|6|1|0|0 636246
1.6028 Fredrik Andersson Production- 25.58 41p 5|7|5|1|0 636317
3.2712 Christoffer Borgh Production- 22.01 72p 11|5|2|0|0 636468
3.7104 Leif Petersen Standard- 22.10 82p 14|4|0|0|0 636479
3.2567 Pär Petersen Standard- 20.88 68p 9|7|2|0|0 636465
2.2865 Jonas Brandt Production- 21.43 49p 7|7|3|1|0 636315
1.6205 Aurimas Jucius Production- 23.45 38p 9|3|4|2|0 636314
1.4912 Charlie Johansson Standard- 33.53 50p 10|6|2|0|0 636592
3.6239 Stefan Öhman Production- 19.04 69p 14|3|0|1|0 635073
2.0985 Peter Berglöf Standard- 34.31 72p 10|7|1|0|0 635072
3.4698 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 22.48 78p 12|6|0|0|0 635074
3.8814 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 18.55 72p 14|3|0|1|0 636457
2.5377 William Parhammar Production- 25.22 64p 7|9|2|0|0 636453
3.0911 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 18.44 57p 9|7|1|1|0 636584
2.9388 Tove Stillfjord Production- 25.18 74p 11|6|1|0|0 636597
1.2737 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 56.53 72p 6|9|3|0|0 636595
1.7495 Konny Johansson Standard- 21.72 38p 7|7|2|2|0 636580
2.0782 Liza Jansson Standard- 36.57 76p 13|3|2|0|0 636578
4. Epic chair
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5553 Daniel Gulle Production- 17.72 63p 13|2|2|1|0 636259
4.1754 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 19.16 80p 13|5|0|0|0 636339
2.5846 Karin Wiklund Production- 26.31 68p 10|5|3|0|0 636325
2.2300 Ludvig Wessén Production- 25.56 57p 13|4|0|1|1 636327
3.7003 Ronnie Persson Production- 21.62 80p 13|5|0|0|0 636375
3.5851 Dan Tiger Production- 23.43 84p 15|3|0|0|0 636328
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 636543
4.0993 Mikael Markgren Production- 17.32 71p 15|2|0|1|0 636329
1.8460 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 28.71 53p 7|9|1|1|0 636396
4.3151 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 19.93 86p 16|2|0|0|0 636258
2.9460 Peter Andersson Production- 18.33 54p 14|1|1|2|0 636331
1.2021 Jenny Jernström Production- 49.08 59p 14|3|0|1|1 636400
2.8869 Hagbard Paulson Production- 29.79 86p 16|2|0|0|0 636382
1.8455 Leif Hagberg Classic- 31.97 59p 11|4|2|1|0 636544
2.7721 Ted Torbenson Production- 29.58 82p 15|2|1|0|0 636545
1.3704 Micke Raittila Production- 27.00 37p 7|6|4|1|1 636384
1.5909 Bertil Haglund Classic- 40.23 64p 12|4|2|0|1 636533
2.6261 Anders Carlander Production- 28.94 76p 13|3|2|0|0 636332
3.4594 Martin Skoog Production- 24.86 86p 16|2|0|0|0 636334
2.5601 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 32.42 83p 13|4|1|0|0 636262
1.9576 Fredrik Andersson Production- 24.52 48p 10|6|0|2|0 636336
2.1186 Christoffer Borgh Production- 28.32 60p 14|3|1|0|2 636393
3.8030 Leif Petersen Standard- 20.51 78p 14|2|2|0|0 636373
2.1425 Pär Petersen Standard- 20.07 43p 11|6|0|1|2 636389
3.6820 Jonas Brandt Production- 23.90 88p 17|1|0|0|0 636337
1.9431 Aurimas Jucius Production- 28.82 56p 5|9|4|0|0 636340
2.7017 Charlie Johansson Standard- 27.39 74p 11|6|1|0|0 636535
4.0658 Stefan Öhman Production- 20.66 84p 16|1|1|0|0 635077
2.9322 Peter Berglöf Standard- 29.33 86p 16|2|0|0|0 635075
2.4238 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 30.53 74p 15|3|0|0|1 635076
3.9852 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 21.58 86p 14|4|0|0|0 636379
2.3040 William Parhammar Production- 26.91 62p 9|4|5|0|0 636377
4.1047 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 19.49 80p 13|5|0|0|0 636536
2.8391 Tove Stillfjord Production- 25.36 72p 11|5|2|0|0 636538
2.2340 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 37.60 84p 12|6|0|0|0 636539
3.4615 Konny Johansson Standard- 20.80 72p 12|3|3|0|0 636540
2.0720 Liza Jansson Standard- 36.68 76p 12|5|1|0|0 636541
5. Moving hell
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.9624 Daniel Gulle Production- 14.89 59p 8|6|1|0|0 636254
3.0577 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 14.39 44p 6|8|0|1|0 636346
1.5309 Karin Wiklund Production- 16.33 25p 6|4|3|2|0 636363
2.6233 Ludvig Wessén Production- 19.06 50p 11|1|2|1|0 636367
1.7794 Ronnie Persson Production- 19.67 35p 9|3|1|2|0 636345
2.3989 Dan Tiger Production- 21.26 51p 7|4|4|0|0 636343
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 22.06 0p 0|0|0|15|0 636506
0.7547 Mikael Markgren Production- 18.55 14p 6|4|2|3|0 636344
0.0000 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 23.54 0p 5|1|4|5|0 636364
3.0387 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 14.48 44p 8|4|2|1|0 636256
3.6798 Peter Andersson Production- 15.49 57p 8|5|2|0|0 636348
1.5920 Jenny Jernström Production- 33.92 54p 11|3|0|1|0 636366
1.2318 Hagbard Paulson Production- 26.79 33p 8|4|1|2|0 636354
1.1333 Leif Hagberg Classic- 22.06 25p 6|4|3|2|0 636507
2.0672 Ted Torbenson Production- 23.22 48p 9|4|1|1|0 636510
0.0000 Micke Raittila Production- 27.51 0p 2|4|6|3|0 636355
2.1286 Bertil Haglund Classic- 21.61 46p 8|5|1|1|0 636511
0.9114 Anders Carlander Production- 19.75 18p 7|4|1|3|0 636350
2.4547 Martin Skoog Production- 17.11 42p 7|5|2|1|0 636352
1.0571 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 33.11 35p 5|7|1|2|0 636257
1.0688 Fredrik Andersson Production- 21.52 23p 4|7|2|2|0 636356
2.6563 Christoffer Borgh Production- 24.47 65p 11|3|1|0|0 636362
3.3333 Leif Petersen Standard- 18.90 63p 9|6|0|0|0 636369
2.1463 Pär Petersen Standard- 20.50 44p 6|8|0|1|0 636359
2.0382 Jonas Brandt Production- 15.70 32p 4|6|4|1|0 636358
1.1871 Aurimas Jucius Production- 17.69 21p 5|4|4|2|0 636360
1.4973 Charlie Johansson Standard- 22.04 33p 8|4|1|2|0 636525
2.6233 Stefan Öhman Production- 19.06 50p 10|3|1|1|0 635079
1.3355 Peter Berglöf Standard- 24.71 33p 9|2|2|2|0 635078
1.6204 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 25.92 42p 6|7|1|1|0 635080
2.5024 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 20.78 52p 8|5|1|1|0 636351
1.8802 William Parhammar Production- 31.38 59p 8|6|1|0|0 636349
3.5480 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 18.32 65p 10|5|0|0|0 636500
1.2646 Tove Stillfjord Production- 21.35 27p 5|7|1|2|0 636501
0.5867 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 34.09 20p 6|4|2|3|0 636503
1.8756 Konny Johansson Standard- 20.26 38p 5|7|2|1|0 636496
1.5077 Liza Jansson Standard- 26.53 40p 7|4|3|1|0 636498
6. Double up
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.7022 Daniel Gulle Production- 15.95 75p 10|8|1|0|0 636253
4.5232 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 18.35 83p 14|4|1|0|0 636386
3.5410 Karin Wiklund Production- 23.44 83p 15|2|2|0|0 636388
4.1314 Ludvig Wessén Production- 20.09 83p 13|6|0|0|0 636390
2.0789 Ronnie Persson Production- 18.76 39p 12|2|3|2|1 636342
3.0672 Dan Tiger Production- 22.17 68p 12|6|0|1|0 636392
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 636628
3.9149 Mikael Markgren Production- 20.69 81p 14|3|2|0|0 636370
2.5000 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 34.80 87p 15|4|0|0|0 636335
3.7077 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 18.34 68p 13|4|1|1|0 636251
4.6095 Peter Andersson Production- 18.44 85p 16|1|2|0|0 636372
1.4327 Jenny Jernström Production- 41.18 59p 14|3|0|2|0 636338
2.8405 Hagbard Paulson Production- 25.70 73p 10|7|2|0|0 636321
3.1306 Leif Hagberg Classic- 22.36 70p 14|3|1|1|0 636529
2.6287 Ted Torbenson Production- 27.39 72p 14|4|0|1|0 636530
2.3663 Micke Raittila Production- 21.13 50p 8|5|5|1|0 636326
1.3086 Bertil Haglund Classic- 27.51 36p 14|2|0|3|1 636531
1.8610 Anders Carlander Production- 24.18 45p 11|2|4|2|0 636374
3.0761 Martin Skoog Production- 17.88 55p 12|5|0|2|0 636376
2.0313 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 34.46 70p 12|4|2|1|0 636255
1.6283 Fredrik Andersson Production- 25.18 41p 10|7|0|2|1 636380
2.7199 Christoffer Borgh Production- 23.53 64p 11|6|1|1|0 636333
3.8635 Leif Petersen Standard- 19.93 77p 12|5|2|0|0 636341
3.2366 Pär Petersen Standard- 21.01 68p 13|4|1|1|0 636330
0.0000 Jonas Brandt Production- 26.90 0p 5|4|4|6|3 636383
0.7615 Aurimas Jucius Production- 28.89 22p 10|3|3|3|1 636387
2.5960 Charlie Johansson Standard- 27.35 71p 10|6|3|0|0 636532
3.9077 Stefan Öhman Production- 21.24 83p 13|6|0|0|0 635015
3.0947 Peter Berglöf Standard- 26.82 83p 14|4|1|0|0 635013
1.4475 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 24.87 36p 15|0|1|3|1 635011
2.5604 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 27.73 71p 11|6|1|1|0 636319
2.7469 William Parhammar Production- 28.76 79p 12|6|1|0|0 636316
3.7926 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 20.83 79p 13|4|2|0|0 636615
1.5952 Tove Stillfjord Production- 28.21 45p 12|4|3|0|3 636526
1.5337 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 42.38 65p 11|7|1|0|2 636528
0.0000 Konny Johansson Standard- 20.76 0p 10|3|0|6|0 636520
0.5691 Liza Jansson Standard- 36.90 21p 10|3|2|4|0 636522
7. Top swingers
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.2013 Daniel Gulle Production- 11.87 38p 5|4|1|0|0 636249
2.9231 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 13.00 38p 5|4|1|0|0 636406
2.2818 Karin Wiklund Production- 17.53 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636407
2.5618 Ludvig Wessén Production- 11.32 29p 7|1|1|1|0 636408
2.8110 Ronnie Persson Production- 14.23 40p 6|3|1|0|0 636310
1.0363 Dan Tiger Production- 15.44 16p 6|2|0|2|0 636410
0.0000 Patric Broddheimer Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 636627
0.9831 Mikael Markgren Production- 14.24 14p 6|1|1|2|0 636411
0.4805 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 16.65 8p 4|2|2|2|0 636304
1.3423 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 11.92 16p 6|2|0|2|0 636248
0.6369 Peter Andersson Production- 12.56 8p 3|4|1|2|0 636395
0.6983 Jenny Jernström Production- 20.05 14p 6|1|1|2|0 636307
1.7535 Hagbard Paulson Production- 20.53 36p 5|3|2|0|0 636292
0.7288 Leif Hagberg Classic- 19.21 14p 5|3|0|2|0 636621
1.2419 Ted Torbenson Production- 20.13 25p 6|1|2|1|0 636622
0.0600 Micke Raittila Production- 16.68 1p 5|2|0|3|0 636295
0.5652 Bertil Haglund Classic- 21.23 12p 5|2|1|2|0 636623
0.0000 Anders Carlander Production- 12.09 0p 4|2|0|4|0 636398
2.3675 Martin Skoog Production- 17.74 42p 6|4|0|0|0 636399
1.3492 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 31.13 42p 6|2|2|0|0 636252
0.0644 Fredrik Andersson Production- 15.54 1p 5|2|0|3|0 636402
2.7397 Christoffer Borgh Production- 16.79 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636301
2.8986 Leif Petersen Standard- 14.49 42p 7|2|1|0|0 636308
1.6745 Pär Petersen Standard- 14.93 25p 5|3|1|1|0 636298
1.6981 Jonas Brandt Production- 15.90 27p 7|0|2|1|0 636403
0.9503 Aurimas Jucius Production- 17.89 17p 4|1|4|1|0 636404
0.0000 Charlie Johansson Standard- 15.84 0p 5|1|1|3|0 636624
2.3442 Stefan Öhman Production- 16.21 38p 6|2|2|0|0 634996
0.8645 Peter Berglöf Standard- 28.92 25p 5|3|1|1|0 635003
2.9674 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 13.48 40p 6|3|1|0|0 635000
0.6982 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 18.62 13p 5|1|2|2|0 636291
1.9856 William Parhammar Production- 22.16 44p 7|3|0|0|0 636312
3.1922 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 14.41 46p 8|2|0|0|0 636625
0.6298 Tove Stillfjord Production- 22.23 14p 5|3|0|2|0 636626
0.8362 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 32.29 27p 5|2|2|1|0 636619
0.0000 Konny Johansson Standard- 15.41 0p 4|0|2|4|0 636517
1.9771 Liza Jansson Standard- 19.22 38p 6|2|2|0|0 636513
8. Just pappers
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.9841 Daniel Gulle Production- 15.06 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636244
3.6101 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 16.62 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636425
2.7862 Karin Wiklund Production- 22.97 64p 12|1|1|0|0 636427
3.6160 Ludvig Wessén Production- 16.04 58p 9|4|1|0|0 636429
1.9062 Ronnie Persson Production- 19.41 37p 6|5|2|1|0 636512
3.2843 Dan Tiger Production- 17.66 58p 9|4|1|0|0 636430
1.2841 Patric Broddheimer Production- 18.69 24p 6|4|2|2|0 636609
3.1447 Mikael Markgren Production- 17.49 55p 13|0|0|1|0 636433
0.0000 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 21.48 0p 2|3|6|3|0 636504
4.5770 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 14.42 66p 12|2|0|0|0 636245
3.1017 Peter Andersson Production- 16.12 50p 7|4|3|0|0 636436
1.0736 Jenny Jernström Production- 31.67 34p 9|3|0|2|0 636508
2.5792 Hagbard Paulson Production- 27.14 70p 14|0|0|0|0 636518
2.3776 Leif Hagberg Classic- 21.03 50p 6|6|2|0|0 636612
2.5441 Ted Torbenson Production- 24.37 62p 10|4|0|0|0 636613
1.3723 Micke Raittila Production- 22.59 31p 6|2|5|1|0 636521
2.3337 Bertil Haglund Classic- 25.71 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636616
1.9432 Anders Carlander Production- 20.07 39p 7|4|2|1|0 636416
3.3058 Martin Skoog Production- 18.15 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636418
1.8037 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 32.71 59p 5|8|1|0|0 636247
0.7372 Fredrik Andersson Production- 18.99 14p 3|5|4|2|0 636419
2.9768 Christoffer Borgh Production- 18.14 54p 7|6|1|0|0 636502
3.0579 Leif Petersen Standard- 15.37 47p 9|4|0|1|0 636509
2.9326 Pär Petersen Standard- 20.46 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636523
2.4973 Jonas Brandt Production- 18.42 46p 5|6|3|0|0 636422
2.5718 Aurimas Jucius Production- 23.33 60p 9|5|0|0|0 636423
2.6254 Charlie Johansson Standard- 21.33 56p 9|3|2|0|0 636618
3.3713 Stefan Öhman Production- 20.17 68p 13|1|0|0|0 635017
2.8298 Peter Berglöf Standard- 21.91 62p 10|4|0|0|0 635018
3.3333 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 19.80 66p 12|2|0|0|0 635019
1.9994 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 32.51 65p 11|2|1|0|0 636516
1.3193 William Parhammar Production- 26.53 35p 6|4|3|1|0 636514
3.3878 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 16.53 56p 7|7|0|0|0 636620
1.6435 Tove Stillfjord Production- 23.73 39p 5|8|0|1|0 636610
0.4337 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 46.11 20p 2|5|5|2|0 636602
1.9497 Konny Johansson Standard- 15.90 31p 2|10|1|1|0 636604
1.2083 Liza Jansson Standard- 24.00 29p 4|5|4|1|0 636606
9. Runnninggg and guuunnniiinnnggggg
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.2274 Daniel Gulle Production- 27.93 146p 26|5|1|0|0 636243
4.5561 Kalle Halvarsson Production- 29.85 136p 21|10|1|0|0 636450
4.4056 Karin Wiklund Production- 33.14 146p 26|5|1|0|0 636452
4.0981 Ludvig Wessén Production- 30.99 127p 23|7|1|1|0 636454
4.3614 Ronnie Persson Production- 32.10 140p 23|8|1|0|0 636285
4.2370 Dan Tiger Production- 32.57 138p 22|9|1|0|0 636455
3.7152 Patric Broddheimer Production- 32.30 120p 14|16|2|0|0 636575
4.7602 Mikael Markgren Production- 28.57 136p 23|6|3|0|0 636458
2.6956 Daniel Balbarrey Production- 53.42 144p 25|6|1|0|0 636289
4.7249 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- 29.63 140p 24|6|2|0|0 636242
4.9751 Peter Andersson Production- 28.14 140p 22|10|0|0|0 636460
1.9482 Jenny Jernström Production- 81.10 158p 31|1|0|0|0 636278
3.7603 Hagbard Paulson Production- 39.89 150p 27|5|0|0|0 636269
3.0431 Leif Hagberg Classic- 47.32 144p 24|8|0|0|0 636579
3.3796 Ted Torbenson Production- 43.20 146p 27|3|2|0|0 636582
3.0517 Micke Raittila Production- 45.22 138p 21|11|0|0|0 636270
2.7535 Bertil Haglund Classic- 44.67 123p 21|9|1|1|0 636585
3.7378 Anders Carlander Production- 37.99 142p 24|7|1|0|0 636462
5.0386 Martin Skoog Production- 29.77 150p 27|5|0|0|0 636441
3.3341 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ 44.69 149p 23|8|1|0|0 636250
3.1952 Fredrik Andersson Production- 40.06 128p 17|14|1|0|0 636443
4.2849 Christoffer Borgh Production- 33.14 142p 24|7|1|0|0 636275
4.8518 Leif Petersen Standard- 29.68 144p 25|6|1|0|0 636281
3.8408 Pär Petersen Standard- 28.90 111p 18|9|4|1|0 636272
3.0457 Jonas Brandt Production- 43.34 132p 19|12|1|0|0 636445
2.6947 Aurimas Jucius Production- 54.18 146p 25|7|0|0|0 636447
3.4053 Charlie Johansson Standard- 36.12 123p 21|9|1|1|0 636589
5.0036 Stefan Öhman Production- 27.98 140p 22|10|0|0|0 635053
3.5289 Peter Berglöf Standard- 41.94 148p 28|2|2|0|0 635048
3.4729 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- 39.16 136p 20|12|0|0|0 635051
4.8951 Mats Parhammar Standard+ 30.03 147p 23|7|2|0|0 636288
2.5068 William Parhammar Production- 40.69 102p 11|13|8|0|0 636287
3.7829 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- 30.40 115p 18|11|2|1|0 636591
2.9110 Tove Stillfjord Production- 46.72 136p 20|12|0|0|0 636594
1.1365 Håkan Gunneriusson Classic+ 98.55 112p 16|12|2|2|0 636598
3.5839 Konny Johansson Standard- 31.53 113p 16|14|1|1|0 636601
2.4968 Liza Jansson Standard- 47.26 118p 24|6|0|2|0 636573

Last result: 22nd February 2025 15:02 (UTC)

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