1. Relax
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0496 Ove Toranger Standard- 9.27 19p 3|1|1|0|0 841354
0.7194 Kåre Sundland Standard- 11.12 8p 3|1|0|1|0 841372
1.4164 Christer Kolltveit Production- 17.65 25p 5|0|0|0|0 841370
2.6415 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- 7.95 21p 3|2|0|0|0 841379
0.0000 Bent Pettersen Standard- 12.98 0p 3|0|0|2|0 841380
1.8591 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- 10.22 19p 3|1|1|0|0 841467
2.3374 Trond Henrikssen Production- 9.84 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841355
1.0913 Simon Ravn Production- 10.08 11p 3|2|0|0|0 841382
1.7437 Espen Nytun Standard- 13.19 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841358
2.1796 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- 11.47 25p 5|0|0|0|0 841421
1.2589 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 18.27 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841383
2.0928 Atle Meyer Production- 10.99 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841470
1.3131 Marius Dyngeland Production- 14.47 19p 3|1|1|0|0 841424
1.6859 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- 11.27 19p 3|1|1|0|0 841472
1.4225 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- 7.03 10p 4|0|0|1|0 841412
1.6575 John Skauge Standard- 12.67 21p 4|0|1|0|0 841414
2.7845 Arne Monsen Production Optics- 8.26 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841386
1.4553 Tommy Henanger Production- 14.43 21p 3|2|0|0|0 841460
1.0638 Arve Andersen Standard- 9.40 10p 4|0|0|1|0 841462
2.1822 Bjarte Nygard Production- 10.54 23p 4|1|0|0|0 841464
1.6281 Øystein Paulsen Production- 11.67 19p 3|1|1|0|0 841417
2.0369 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- 10.31 21p 4|0|1|0|0 841387
2.9207 Lasse Steffensen Standard- 7.19 21p 3|2|0|0|0 841419
2. One and two and hepp-hepp-hepp
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.5157 Ove Toranger Standard- 25.44 64p 9|6|1|0|0 841363
2.2691 Kåre Sundland Standard- 31.73 72p 12|4|0|0|0 841376
2.6899 Christer Kolltveit Production- 27.51 74p 13|3|0|0|0 841374
1.5994 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- 27.51 44p 9|6|1|0|2 841401
1.3816 Bent Pettersen Standard- 39.81 55p 10|5|0|1|0 841392
3.3670 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- 20.79 70p 11|5|0|0|0 841489
2.7376 Trond Henrikssen Production- 26.30 72p 12|4|0|0|0 841361
1.4141 Simon Ravn Production- 32.53 46p 7|6|3|0|1 841395
0.7458 Espen Nytun Standard- 29.50 22p 11|2|1|2|2 841362
2.5160 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- 23.45 59p 12|3|0|1|0 841445
1.9751 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 38.48 76p 14|2|0|0|0 841397
1.8819 Atle Meyer Production- 27.10 51p 9|5|1|1|0 841492
2.4266 Marius Dyngeland Production- 31.32 76p 14|2|0|0|0 841453
1.2311 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- 31.68 39p 8|6|1|1|1 841497
3.4559 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- 22.57 78p 15|1|0|0|0 841451
2.5222 John Skauge Standard- 29.34 74p 14|1|1|0|0 841435
2.9995 Arne Monsen Production Optics- 19.67 59p 12|3|0|1|0 841399
0.4697 Tommy Henanger Production- 48.97 23p 8|3|4|1|2 841500
3.1704 Arve Andersen Standard- 22.71 72p 13|2|1|0|0 841481
2.4105 Bjarte Nygard Production- 27.38 66p 10|5|1|0|0 841485
0.8301 Øystein Paulsen Production- 20.48 17p 10|2|1|3|1 841438
3.2939 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- 23.68 78p 15|1|0|0|0 841400
0.0000 Lasse Steffensen Standard- 17.09 0p 5|7|1|3|2 841441
3. Gonna get them all
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.1468 Ove Toranger Standard- 29.42 122p 22|4|0|0|0 841375
3.7218 Kåre Sundland Standard- 32.78 122p 22|4|0|0|0 841367
3.3645 Christer Kolltveit Production- 21.40 72p 15|9|0|2|0 841364
4.6061 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- 24.75 114p 23|3|0|0|1 841431
2.1862 Bent Pettersen Standard- 42.54 93p 14|11|0|1|0 841433
5.1813 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- 21.23 110p 17|8|1|0|0 841381
4.9200 Trond Henrikssen Production- 25.61 126p 24|2|0|0|0 841377
4.5016 Simon Ravn Production- 27.99 126p 24|2|0|0|0 841410
3.2680 Espen Nytun Standard- 36.72 120p 21|5|0|0|0 841378
4.6286 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- 26.79 124p 23|3|0|0|0 841474
2.4113 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 43.13 104p 19|6|1|0|1 841415
2.5393 Atle Meyer Production- 29.93 76p 18|5|1|2|0 841385
3.1631 Marius Dyngeland Production- 38.57 122p 22|4|0|0|0 841479
3.5441 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- 31.32 111p 23|2|0|1|0 841389
7.0971 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- 17.19 122p 23|2|1|0|0 841483
4.0789 John Skauge Standard- 29.91 122p 22|4|0|0|0 841486
6.0606 Arne Monsen Production Optics- 21.12 128p 25|1|0|0|0 841422
2.8461 Tommy Henanger Production- 38.65 110p 17|8|1|0|0 841391
5.1282 Arve Andersen Standard- 23.40 120p 21|5|0|0|0 841440
2.9396 Bjarte Nygard Production- 38.10 112p 22|4|0|0|1 841394
2.6775 Øystein Paulsen Production- 33.24 89p 18|6|1|1|1 841465
4.8682 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- 24.65 120p 21|5|0|0|0 841427
6.1938 Lasse Steffensen Standard- 20.02 124p 23|3|0|0|0 841469
4. Watch where you step
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.4029 Ove Toranger Standard- 25.86 88p 15|4|1|0|0 841369
1.3679 Kåre Sundland Standard- 35.09 48p 13|4|1|2|0 841359
3.6574 Christer Kolltveit Production- 22.42 82p 13|5|2|0|0 841356
3.6741 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- 18.78 69p 11|8|0|1|0 841471
1.5551 Bent Pettersen Standard- 52.73 82p 13|5|2|0|0 841476
4.5572 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- 19.31 88p 14|6|0|0|0 841429
2.9244 Trond Henrikssen Production- 26.33 77p 15|4|0|1|0 841371
3.9448 Simon Ravn Production- 20.28 80p 13|4|3|0|0 841480
2.6247 Espen Nytun Standard- 34.29 90p 16|3|1|0|0 841373
4.0333 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- 22.81 92p 16|4|0|0|0 841384
2.3118 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 37.20 86p 14|5|1|0|0 841455
1.2803 Atle Meyer Production- 28.90 37p 10|5|2|3|0 841403
2.1595 Marius Dyngeland Production- 34.73 75p 14|5|0|1|0 841388
1.7381 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- 33.37 58p 14|2|2|2|0 841409
2.7764 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- 20.89 58p 12|6|0|2|0 841390
2.0708 John Skauge Standard- 41.53 86p 14|5|1|0|0 841393
4.4682 Arne Monsen Production Optics- 20.59 92p 16|4|0|0|0 841457
0.9607 Tommy Henanger Production- 60.37 58p 14|2|2|2|0 841413
2.3263 Arve Andersen Standard- 32.24 75p 14|5|0|1|0 841420
2.2781 Bjarte Nygard Production- 29.41 67p 12|5|2|1|0 841426
2.4161 Øystein Paulsen Production- 22.35 54p 15|3|0|2|0 841396
3.1392 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- 28.67 90p 16|3|1|0|0 841461
3.1283 Lasse Steffensen Standard- 19.18 60p 13|5|0|2|0 841398
5. Bang-bang x 5
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.7647 Ove Toranger Standard- 6.80 46p 8|2|0|0|0 841366
5.8537 Kåre Sundland Standard- 8.20 48p 9|1|0|0|0 841357
5.8989 Christer Kolltveit Production- 7.12 42p 6|4|0|0|0 841360
5.2109 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- 4.03 21p 3|5|1|1|0 841493
2.9610 Bent Pettersen Standard- 14.86 44p 7|3|0|0|0 841494
10.1449 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- 4.14 42p 6|4|0|0|0 841444
6.4407 Trond Henrikssen Production- 5.90 38p 4|6|0|0|0 841368
8.0906 Simon Ravn Production- 6.18 50p 10|0|0|0|0 841496
4.6958 Espen Nytun Standard- 9.37 44p 8|1|1|0|0 841365
4.9254 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- 6.70 33p 8|1|0|1|0 841408
4.2506 Øyvind Bleie Standard- 8.94 38p 6|2|2|0|0 841498
4.8998 Atle Meyer Production- 8.98 44p 8|1|1|0|0 841446
4.8096 Marius Dyngeland Production- 9.98 48p 9|1|0|0|0 841402
5.2821 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- 8.33 44p 7|3|0|0|0 841436
8.4453 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- 5.21 44p 8|1|1|0|0 841404
3.2495 John Skauge Standard- 9.54 31p 7|2|0|1|0 841405
7.6923 Arne Monsen Production Optics- 5.72 44p 7|3|0|0|0 841487
3.5195 Tommy Henanger Production- 13.07 46p 8|2|0|0|0 841439
6.4516 Arve Andersen Standard- 5.27 34p 3|6|1|0|0 841448
4.9123 Bjarte Nygard Production- 8.55 42p 6|4|0|0|0 841442
6.2415 Øystein Paulsen Production- 7.37 46p 8|2|0|0|0 841406
8.4942 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- 5.18 44p 7|3|0|0|0 841490
5.8480 Lasse Steffensen Standard- 6.84 40p 5|5|0|0|0 841407

Last result: 23rd February 2025 16:09 (UTC)

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