1. Medium slow
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6167 Atle Arvesen Standard+ 33.63 88p 14|8|3|1|0 721735
1.0925 Martin Sørlie Production- 39.36 43p 8|9|6|3|0 721736
3.6736 Espen Finset Production- 33.21 122p 22|4|0|0|0 721737
2.9662 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 34.05 101p 19|5|1|1|0 721775
1.9957 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 42.09 84p 17|6|1|2|0 721738
1.2029 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 30.76 37p 15|3|3|5|0 721776
0.4378 Espen Brandsneshaug Revolver- 54.82 24p 10|6|6|4|1 721739
0.1635 Trond Evensen Standard- 36.69 6p 11|10|1|4|4 721777
0.8438 Jan Hammerstad Production- 46.22 39p 8|7|8|3|0 721740
2.3499 Einar Bakke Production- 34.47 81p 14|10|1|1|1 721778
2.8311 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Standard- 39.56 112p 19|5|2|0|0 721779
4.8407 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- 24.79 120p 22|3|1|0|0 721741
1.6580 Marius Bjørndalen Standard- 50.06 83p 14|6|5|1|0 721780
3.8131 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- 26.75 102p 14|10|2|0|0 721742
1.3138 Morten Aalborg Production- 39.58 52p 14|7|1|4|0 721781
2.9474 Terje Andersen Production- 32.91 97p 17|7|1|1|0 721782
2.8146 Knut Øystein Bilden Production Optics- 36.95 104p 20|4|2|0|1 721743
2.2917 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 28.80 66p 19|3|2|2|2 721783
1.7184 Øystein Rambøl Production- 33.17 57p 15|7|1|3|1 721744
2.9942 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 36.07 108p 16|9|1|0|0 721784
1.4954 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 42.13 63p 15|5|3|3|0 721785
1.3265 Glen Hylander Production- 46.74 62p 17|5|2|2|2 721786
2. Short Speed
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.3178 Atle Arvesen Standard+ 7.71 41p 3|6|1|0|0 721764
2.4598 Martin Sørlie Production- 10.57 26p 2|4|4|0|0 721746
4.8246 Espen Finset Production- 9.12 44p 7|3|0|0|0 721748
3.7657 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 9.56 36p 4|5|1|0|0 721810
2.1617 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 10.64 23p 3|6|0|1|0 721750
2.8810 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 13.19 38p 5|4|1|0|0 721788
0.0000 Espen Brandsneshaug Revolver- 18.99 0p 3|3|1|3|0 721752
3.3438 Trond Evensen Standard- 9.57 32p 3|5|2|0|0 721790
0.8427 Jan Hammerstad Production- 10.68 9p 2|6|1|1|0 721754
1.4412 Einar Bakke Production- 9.02 13p 4|4|1|1|1 721792
2.8571 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Standard- 12.60 36p 4|5|1|0|0 721794
4.4359 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- 10.37 46p 8|2|0|0|0 721756
1.5330 Marius Bjørndalen Standard- 19.57 30p 3|4|3|0|0 721796
3.1199 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- 12.18 38p 4|6|0|0|0 721758
2.9391 Morten Aalborg Production- 14.29 42p 7|2|1|0|0 721798
4.4444 Terje Andersen Production- 9.00 40p 6|3|1|0|0 721800
4.7228 Knut Øystein Bilden Production Optics- 9.74 46p 8|2|0|0|0 721760
5.4974 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 7.64 42p 6|4|0|0|0 721802
3.1384 Øystein Rambøl Production- 14.02 44p 7|3|0|0|0 721762
4.0863 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 8.81 36p 4|5|1|0|0 721804
1.6608 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 11.44 19p 3|4|2|1|0 721805
3.2026 Glen Hylander Production- 12.49 40p 6|3|1|0|0 721808
3. The wall
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0396 Atle Arvesen Standard+ 22.70 69p 7|7|3|0|0 721763
0.0000 Martin Sørlie Production- 23.14 0p 3|6|3|5|0 721745
2.5510 Espen Finset Production- 25.48 65p 8|8|1|0|0 721747
2.1303 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 23.94 51p 9|4|4|0|1 721809
2.6283 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 23.97 63p 10|3|4|0|0 721749
2.2709 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 25.54 58p 11|4|1|1|0 721787
0.1871 Espen Brandsneshaug Revolver- 26.73 5p 7|2|4|4|0 721751
0.4420 Trond Evensen Standard- 20.36 9p 5|7|3|2|2 721789
0.0000 Jan Hammerstad Production- 18.52 0p 4|4|0|9|1 721753
1.4240 Einar Bakke Production- 21.77 31p 7|4|4|2|0 721791
1.8464 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Standard- 27.08 50p 9|4|3|1|0 721793
5.1129 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- 15.06 77p 14|2|1|0|0 721755
1.3474 Marius Bjørndalen Standard- 41.56 56p 11|3|2|1|0 721795
5.4677 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- 15.18 83p 16|1|0|0|0 721757
2.2175 Morten Aalborg Production- 28.41 63p 11|6|0|0|1 721797
1.9311 Terje Andersen Production- 19.16 37p 8|5|2|2|0 721799
2.8706 Knut Øystein Bilden Production Optics- 23.34 67p 9|7|1|0|0 721759
2.7112 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 19.18 52p 8|7|1|1|0 721801
2.9772 Øystein Rambøl Production- 24.52 73p 11|6|0|0|0 721761
2.5037 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 26.76 67p 9|7|1|0|0 721803
0.0674 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 29.67 2p 8|4|0|5|0 721806
1.9104 Glen Hylander Production- 33.50 64p 13|3|0|1|0 721807
4. The long really fast
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.3926 Atle Arvesen Standard+ 40.96 98p 6|20|4|2|0 721773
0.3763 Martin Sørlie Production- 53.15 20p 8|10|10|4|2 721774
3.2055 Espen Finset Production- 39.62 127p 22|9|0|1|0 721765
1.8740 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- 48.56 91p 19|8|2|3|0 721821
2.5918 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 50.93 132p 22|6|4|0|0 721766
3.0464 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 45.30 138p 22|9|1|0|0 721822
0.3748 Espen Brandsneshaug Revolver- 64.03 24p 12|10|4|6|1 721767
1.6163 Trond Evensen Standard- 43.31 70p 18|10|0|4|0 721811
0.0000 Jan Hammerstad Production- 54.63 0p 11|9|6|6|1 721768
0.6980 Einar Bakke Production- 42.98 30p 10|12|4|6|0 721812
2.2540 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Standard- 51.02 115p 19|9|3|1|0 721813
4.6467 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- 30.99 144p 24|8|0|0|0 721769
0.0000 Marius Bjørndalen Standard- 57.46 0p 10|9|5|8|2 721814
3.4579 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- 28.63 99p 22|6|1|3|0 721770
2.1717 Morten Aalborg Production- 50.19 109p 16|12|3|1|0 721815
3.5558 Terje Andersen Production- 41.06 146p 25|7|0|0|0 721816
2.4850 Knut Øystein Bilden Production Optics- 45.07 112p 21|9|0|2|0 721771
2.8852 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 35.70 103p 18|10|3|1|1 721817
2.4039 Øystein Rambøl Production- 46.59 112p 26|4|0|2|1 721772
2.5071 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 49.46 124p 16|14|2|0|0 721818
1.9280 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 47.20 91p 18|10|1|3|0 721819
1.7504 Glen Hylander Production- 53.13 93p 20|7|2|3|0 721820

Last result: 23rd February 2025 11:31 (UTC)

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