1. Warming up
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.3727 Stian Hansen Production- 14.57 20p 2|8|6|2|0 786754
0.6169 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 16.21 10p 7|4|3|4|0 786759
1.1523 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 24.30 28p 5|6|5|2|0 786764
4.4821 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 20.08 90p 18|0|0|0|0 786765
5.1508 Jens Erikstad Production- 13.59 70p 9|8|1|0|0 787969
3.6221 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 20.43 74p 11|6|1|0|0 787986
6.2893 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 12.72 80p 10|7|1|0|0 788003
6.1241 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 12.41 76p 12|5|1|0|0 788013
4.3057 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 18.58 80p 13|5|0|0|0 788030
4.9663 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 11.88 59p 11|4|2|1|0 788843
3.8031 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 17.88 68p 10|5|3|0|0 788828
5.1424 Kenneth Arild Production- 12.64 65p 12|5|0|1|0 788861
3.0915 Vegar Slotnes Production- 23.29 72p 10|7|1|0|0 788792
4.9736 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 13.27 66p 9|6|3|0|0 788879
2.0779 Eirik Vollstad Production- 30.80 64p 8|7|3|0|0 788815
0.0000 Sammy Jeridi Production- 21.16 0p 2|5|2|9|0 786766
5.0514 Øystein Skog Production- 11.68 59p 11|4|2|1|0 788047
2. Spray'n pray
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
10.3064 Stian Hansen Production- 14.36 148p 29|1|0|0|0 786787
6.8275 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 21.97 150p 30|0|0|0|0 786767
2.5751 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 18.64 48p 23|1|0|6|0 786771
5.8298 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 25.73 150p 30|0|0|0|0 786779
10.5874 Jens Erikstad Production- 13.79 146p 28|2|0|0|0 788203
7.7371 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 18.87 146p 28|2|0|0|0 788133
10.2635 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 14.42 148p 28|2|0|0|0 788149
9.2934 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 15.71 146p 28|2|0|0|0 788161
7.6440 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 19.10 146p 28|2|0|0|0 788177
11.9427 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 12.56 150p 30|0|0|0|0 788962
6.7751 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 22.14 150p 30|0|0|0|0 788942
8.1325 Kenneth Arild Production- 16.60 135p 29|0|0|1|0 788981
7.8823 Vegar Slotnes Production- 19.03 150p 30|0|0|0|0 789040
10.7991 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 13.89 150p 30|0|0|0|0 789001
5.7383 Eirik Vollstad Production- 26.14 150p 30|0|0|0|0 788921
5.5289 Sammy Jeridi Production- 27.13 150p 30|0|0|0|0 786781
11.2377 Øystein Skog Production- 13.17 148p 29|1|0|0|0 788187
3. Monkey buisness
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.1510 Stian Hansen Production- 22.59 26p 5|3|2|1|0 786813
2.4212 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 17.76 43p 5|6|0|0|0 786819
1.2334 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 41.35 51p 9|2|0|0|0 786830
2.7793 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 18.35 51p 9|2|0|0|0 786831
4.0898 Jens Erikstad Production- 12.47 51p 9|2|0|0|0 788830
1.7964 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 15.03 27p 2|4|5|0|0 788842
3.2345 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 11.13 36p 6|4|0|1|0 788859
3.9578 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 11.37 45p 8|1|2|0|0 788797
3.3050 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 10.59 35p 3|6|2|0|0 788808
5.3828 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 8.36 45p 8|1|2|0|0 788368
2.9775 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 13.77 41p 6|3|2|0|0 788353
3.3469 Kenneth Arild Production- 12.25 41p 5|5|1|0|0 788398
1.6277 Vegar Slotnes Production- 23.96 39p 4|6|1|0|0 788318
2.3524 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 19.98 47p 8|2|1|0|0 788290
1.8883 Eirik Vollstad Production- 24.89 47p 7|4|0|0|0 788339
0.0000 Sammy Jeridi Production- 21.91 0p 4|2|2|3|0 786807
4.1171 Øystein Skog Production- 10.93 45p 7|3|1|0|0 788818
4. The deliverance
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1707 Stian Hansen Production- 24.60 78p 15|1|0|0|0 786790
2.7348 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 27.79 76p 14|2|0|0|0 786791
1.8203 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 43.95 80p 16|0|0|0|0 786788
2.3588 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 32.22 76p 14|2|0|0|0 786792
3.6799 Jens Erikstad Production- 21.74 80p 16|0|0|0|0 788349
0.0000 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 25.07 0p 6|4|4|2|3 788393
3.7598 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 20.48 77p 13|3|0|0|0 788256
1.3699 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 23.36 32p 10|4|0|2|1 788270
3.2755 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 20.76 68p 11|4|1|0|0 788288
3.3635 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 23.19 78p 15|1|0|0|0 789195
1.2071 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 32.31 39p 12|3|0|1|1 789169
0.0000 Kenneth Arild Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 789218
1.8759 Vegar Slotnes Production- 41.58 78p 15|1|0|0|0 789292
2.9041 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 26.17 76p 14|2|0|0|0 789268
1.5938 Eirik Vollstad Production- 43.92 70p 16|0|0|0|1 789325
1.2611 Sammy Jeridi Production- 53.92 68p 11|4|1|0|0 786789
4.1667 Øystein Skog Production- 16.80 70p 11|5|0|0|0 788323
5. Steel city
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.1301 Stian Hansen Production- 12.14 38p 7|1|0|0|0 786845
3.6132 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 9.41 34p 6|1|1|0|0 786849
1.4068 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 25.59 36p 6|2|0|0|0 786855
4.6458 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 8.61 40p 8|0|0|0|0 786863
4.9608 Jens Erikstad Production- 7.66 38p 7|1|0|0|0 788938
2.5559 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 12.52 32p 5|2|1|0|0 788949
5.3085 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 6.97 37p 5|3|0|0|0 788965
3.8462 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 9.88 38p 7|1|0|0|0 788977
4.5070 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 7.10 32p 6|0|2|0|0 788894
6.9982 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 5.43 38p 7|1|0|0|0 788244
3.8245 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 8.89 34p 6|1|1|0|0 788238
4.2131 Kenneth Arild Production- 8.07 34p 6|1|1|0|0 788219
4.0541 Vegar Slotnes Production- 8.88 36p 6|2|0|0|0 788230
2.7815 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 7.55 21p 5|2|0|1|0 788225
3.2534 Eirik Vollstad Production- 11.68 38p 7|1|0|0|0 788234
0.0000 Sammy Jeridi Production- 53.43 0p 4|1|0|3|0 786880
7.0111 Øystein Skog Production- 5.42 38p 7|1|0|0|0 788911
6. Final countdown
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5417 Stian Hansen Production- 9.60 34p 6|1|1|0|0 786929
2.8382 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 10.57 30p 5|1|2|0|0 786907
2.9630 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 12.15 36p 7|0|1|0|0 786918
4.7088 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 8.07 38p 7|1|0|0|0 786925
5.1873 Jens Erikstad Production- 6.94 36p 6|2|0|0|0 789060
2.3629 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 11.85 28p 4|2|2|0|0 789075
5.6851 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 6.86 39p 7|1|0|0|0 789096
2.6930 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 5.57 15p 4|1|2|1|0 789115
4.5262 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 7.07 32p 4|4|0|0|0 789129
6.8548 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 4.96 34p 5|3|0|0|0 788157
3.8356 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 7.30 28p 3|4|1|0|0 788195
2.4740 Kenneth Arild Production- 7.68 19p 5|1|1|1|0 788163
3.4553 Vegar Slotnes Production- 9.84 34p 5|3|0|0|0 788180
4.7682 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 7.55 36p 6|2|0|0|0 788175
2.8263 Eirik Vollstad Production- 12.03 34p 5|3|0|0|0 788186
0.0000 Sammy Jeridi Production- 18.69 0p 2|1|2|3|0 786926
6.1041 Øystein Skog Production- 5.57 34p 5|3|0|0|0 789028
7. In for the Longhaul
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.6008 Stian Hansen Production- 22.17 102p 19|2|1|0|0 786936
3.9479 Jim-Are Hansen Production- 25.33 100p 17|5|0|0|0 786945
1.8628 Jan Niklas Brostrom Production- 42.41 79p 18|3|0|1|1 786951
3.2974 Tor Eirik Vangen Standard- 33.36 110p 22|0|0|0|0 786955
5.5620 Jens Erikstad Production- 17.26 96p 16|5|1|0|0 789205
2.0243 Øystein Soleng Production Optics- 19.76 40p 13|5|0|4|0 789239
6.2538 Bjørnar-Åge Pettersen Standard+ 16.47 103p 17|4|1|0|0 789269
4.1791 Ole-Richard Berntsen Open- 23.45 98p 18|2|2|0|0 789285
3.0303 Jan-Frode Sanner Production- 20.46 62p 11|9|0|2|0 789314
5.9685 Jan-Tore Nikolaisen Production- 17.76 106p 20|2|0|0|0 788020
3.7693 Jørn-Terje Josefsen Production- 26.53 100p 18|3|1|0|0 788006
4.6910 Kenneth Arild Production- 22.17 104p 19|3|0|0|0 788040
2.2893 Vegar Slotnes Production- 37.13 85p 17|3|1|1|0 788085
3.0932 Sverre Trygg Hauan Production- 27.48 85p 16|5|0|1|0 788065
2.9510 Eirik Vollstad Production- 35.92 106p 20|2|0|0|0 788110
1.5300 Sammy Jeridi Production- 70.59 108p 21|1|0|0|0 786965
5.5079 Øystein Skog Production- 13.98 77p 12|9|0|1|0 789332

Last result: 23rd February 2025 10:30 (UTC)

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