1. The bubble
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9275 Frank Gulli Standard- 10.35 51p 9|2|0|0|0 796902
4.0833 Svein Wormdal Classic- 12.00 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796809
2.3135 André Aarhus Stegen Production- 21.18 49p 8|3|0|0|0 797154
3.0172 Ove Jonny Skundberg Standard- 16.24 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796781
2.4112 Arild Veseth Production- 22.81 55p 11|0|0|0|0 796861
4.6096 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 10.63 49p 7|3|1|0|0 797153
2.9570 Christian Værlien Standard- 18.60 55p 11|0|0|0|0 796899
3.5286 Petter Qvigstad Production- 15.02 53p 10|1|0|0|0 796815
1.6820 Stein Amundsen Standard- 31.51 53p 10|1|0|0|0 796900
3.2114 Joakim Eriksen Production- 13.39 43p 6|4|1|0|0 796862
2.3860 Geyr Runar Jensen Production- 18.86 45p 7|3|1|0|0 796821
3.5343 Simyar Berwari Production- 14.43 51p 9|2|0|0|0 796785
4.2570 Stig Cato Larsen Production- 12.45 53p 10|1|0|0|0 796803
1.3225 Thomas Jerstad Production- 29.49 39p 5|4|2|0|0 796787
1.1963 Haakon Pran Production- 40.96 49p 9|1|1|0|0 796863
2.6808 Henrik K Production- 19.77 53p 10|1|0|0|0 796837
2.1904 Nicolai Langfeldt Production- 25.11 55p 11|0|0|0|0 796786
3.2443 Alexander Søbstad Production- 15.72 51p 9|2|0|0|0 796782
1.6936 Markus Jåsund Production- 26.57 45p 6|5|0|0|0 796783
1.1190 Lars Hodnungseth Production- 26.81 30p 6|3|1|1|0 796784
1.2926 Stian Pettersen Production- 36.36 47p 7|4|0|0|0 796835
1.7085 Jonas Kjøs Production- 28.68 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796859
0.9549 Martin Sikveland Production- 53.41 51p 9|2|0|0|0 796901
3.6170 Terje Ødegården Production- 14.10 51p 9|2|0|0|0 796797
1.8657 Benjamin Christensen Production- 16.08 30p 6|3|1|1|0 796836
0.9407 Susanne Røed Production- 38.27 36p 8|2|0|1|0 796860
2.5141 Olav Sandnes Production- 19.49 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796898
4.5119 Terje Voksø Production- 12.19 55p 11|0|0|0|0 796729
2.7888 Fredrik Juelsen Production- 17.57 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796735
2.5762 Lars Totsås Production- 19.02 49p 8|3|0|0|0 796747
0.2123 Knut André Furusethagen Standard- 14.13 3p 10|1|0|0|0 796741
3.0876 Harald Hatten Production- 15.87 49p 8|3|0|0|0 797151
4.1322 Christian Platou Production- 13.31 55p 11|0|0|0|0 797150
3.6770 Stig Fleming Sveum Production- 13.87 51p 10|0|1|0|0 797149
3.9464 Gard Fleming Sveum Production- 13.43 53p 10|1|0|0|0 797432
3.7344 Tom Karlsen Production- 12.05 45p 6|5|0|0|0 796788
2.1069 Marcus Rødne Production- 19.46 41p 6|3|2|0|0 797152
2. The Y
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.7269 Frank Gulli Standard- 15.89 91p 15|5|1|0|0 796878
3.3321 Svein Wormdal Classic- 26.71 89p 14|6|1|0|0 796810
3.8086 André Aarhus Stegen Production- 21.53 82p 17|2|1|1|0 797160
4.6680 Ove Jonny Skundberg Standard- 20.78 97p 17|4|0|0|0 796780
2.5746 Arild Veseth Production- 39.23 101p 19|2|0|0|0 796855
5.8338 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 16.97 99p 15|6|0|0|0 797161
0.0000 Christian Værlien Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 796903
4.2831 Petter Qvigstad Production- 22.18 95p 16|5|0|0|0 796816
1.3835 Stein Amundsen Standard- 41.20 57p 10|9|0|2|0 796881
3.1033 Joakim Eriksen Production- 27.39 85p 12|8|1|0|0 796856
1.4371 Geyr Runar Jensen Production- 41.75 60p 11|8|1|1|1 796822
1.7783 Simyar Berwari Production- 55.67 99p 18|3|0|0|0 796777
3.2911 Stig Cato Larsen Production- 27.65 91p 16|3|2|0|0 796804
1.0265 Haakon Pran Production- 74.04 76p 14|5|1|1|0 796857
3.0765 Henrik K Production- 32.83 101p 19|2|0|0|0 796833
2.2936 Nicolai Langfeldt Production- 45.78 105p 21|0|0|0|0 796778
2.3371 Alexander Søbstad Production- 34.23 80p 16|3|1|1|0 796779
2.6888 Markus Jåsund Production- 36.82 99p 18|3|0|0|0 796775
2.1260 Lars Hodnungseth Production- 38.57 82p 18|0|2|1|0 796776
2.7423 Stian Pettersen Production- 36.83 101p 19|2|0|0|0 796834
2.8004 Jonas Kjøs Production- 36.78 103p 20|1|0|0|0 796858
2.0538 Martin Sikveland Production- 42.36 87p 14|5|2|0|0 796880
3.7288 Terje Ødegården Production- 26.55 99p 18|3|0|0|0 796798
2.4106 Benjamin Christensen Production- 37.75 91p 15|5|1|0|0 796832
1.1873 Susanne Røed Production- 86.75 103p 20|1|0|0|0 796854
1.4625 Olav Sandnes Production- 50.60 74p 17|3|0|1|1 796879
4.5217 Terje Voksø Production- 21.01 95p 17|3|1|0|0 796730
2.4642 Fredrik Juelsen Production- 17.45 43p 11|5|3|2|1 796736
4.2950 Lars Totsås Production- 23.05 99p 18|3|0|0|0 796748
2.3041 Knut André Furusethagen Standard- 28.21 65p 15|3|1|2|0 796742
4.2387 Harald Hatten Production- 24.30 103p 20|1|0|0|0 797155
2.9472 Christian Platou Production- 19.68 58p 10|9|1|1|1 797158
3.8445 Stig Fleming Sveum Production- 23.15 89p 18|3|0|0|1 797156
4.8792 Gard Fleming Sveum Production- 20.70 101p 19|2|0|0|0 797157
3.3748 Tom Karlsen Production- 22.52 76p 14|5|1|1|0 796789
2.4054 Marcus Rødne Production- 25.36 61p 13|5|1|2|0 797159
3. The tubes
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.4971 Frank Gulli Standard- 25.65 141p 24|7|0|0|0 796874
4.2471 Svein Wormdal Classic- 33.67 143p 25|6|0|0|0 796811
4.0437 André Aarhus Stegen Production- 33.88 137p 22|9|0|0|0 797167
4.6328 Ove Jonny Skundberg Standard- 29.14 135p 23|6|2|0|0 796774
2.9792 Arild Veseth Production- 48.67 145p 26|5|0|0|0 796849
5.2980 Kjetil Rødne Standard+ 25.67 136p 18|10|3|0|0 797166
4.2534 Petter Qvigstad Production- 34.09 145p 27|3|1|0|0 796817
1.8177 Stein Amundsen Standard- 78.67 143p 25|6|0|0|0 796875
3.3480 Joakim Eriksen Production- 38.53 129p 20|9|2|0|0 796850
2.5909 Geyr Runar Jensen Production- 44.00 114p 19|9|2|1|0 796823
3.2839 Simyar Berwari Production- 41.11 135p 21|10|0|0|0 796770
4.4850 Stig Cato Larsen Production- 30.10 135p 22|8|1|0|0 796805
1.7590 Haakon Pran Production- 79.02 139p 23|8|0|0|0 796851
2.9509 Henrik K Production- 48.46 143p 25|6|0|0|0 796829
2.0231 Nicolai Langfeldt Production- 63.27 128p 25|4|1|1|0 796771
2.8187 Alexander Søbstad Production- 46.83 132p 26|4|0|1|0 796772
2.9294 Markus Jåsund Production- 47.45 139p 24|6|1|0|0 796773
2.2422 Lars Hodnungseth Production- 56.64 127p 20|8|3|0|0 796769
2.8091 Stian Pettersen Production- 48.77 137p 23|7|1|0|0 796831
2.6567 Jonas Kjøs Production- 52.32 139p 24|6|1|0|0 796852
1.6859 Martin Sikveland Production- 64.06 108p 16|12|2|1|0 796876
3.9356 Terje Ødegården Production- 37.86 149p 28|3|0|0|0 796799
1.7962 Benjamin Christensen Production- 61.24 110p 18|9|3|1|0 796830
1.4664 Susanne Røed Production- 101.61 149p 28|3|0|0|0 796853
1.3077 Olav Sandnes Production- 84.88 111p 27|2|0|2|0 796877
4.8410 Terje Voksø Production- 28.30 137p 22|9|0|0|0 796731
3.8272 Fredrik Juelsen Production- 28.48 109p 23|4|2|2|0 796737
3.9419 Lars Totsås Production- 33.74 133p 22|7|2|0|0 796749
2.7192 Knut André Furusethagen Standard- 42.66 116p 22|4|4|1|0 796743
3.6415 Harald Hatten Production- 38.72 141p 24|7|0|0|0 797168
3.8789 Christian Platou Production- 31.71 123p 19|8|4|0|0 797165
4.4256 Stig Fleming Sveum Production- 31.86 141p 24|7|0|0|0 797162
4.4266 Gard Fleming Sveum Production- 33.66 149p 28|3|0|0|0 797163
4.3803 Tom Karlsen Production- 30.82 135p 22|8|1|0|0 796790
0.0000 Marcus Rødne Production- 34.01 0p 12|3|6|10|2 797164

Last result: 1st September 2024 21:27 (UTC)

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