1. Too long
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.3819 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 47.86 114p 25|2|3|2|0 863791
3.0285 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 50.85 154p 29|3|0|0|0 863786
2.5933 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 57.07 148p 26|6|0|0|0 863796
0.7024 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 51.25 36p 24|2|0|6|0 867123
3.0601 Espen Finset Production- 44.77 137p 27|4|0|1|0 865732
3.6155 Trond Evensen Production- 33.19 120p 26|3|1|2|0 864635
3.2499 Tage Martinsen Production- 42.77 139p 28|3|0|1|0 864628
3.3231 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 45.74 152p 29|2|1|0|0 865337
2.3022 Alexander Bull Open+ 67.76 156p 28|4|0|0|0 863855
3.4701 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 39.48 137p 27|4|0|1|0 866772
5.2247 Thomas Nordvi Production- 28.71 150p 29|1|2|0|0 864637
2.7310 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 39.18 107p 25|4|0|3|0 864631
2.1567 Vidar Flengstad Production- 46.83 101p 22|7|0|3|0 867124
4.0975 Eindride Stien Production- 36.12 148p 27|4|1|0|0 866969
2.6520 Richard Zeiffert Production- 42.61 113p 28|1|0|3|0 865522
2.3861 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 55.74 133p 25|6|0|1|0 866971
2.8068 Rune Arnesen Classic- 55.58 156p 30|2|0|0|0 867126
4.0056 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 35.70 143p 30|1|0|1|0 866757
5.7029 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 27.53 157p 29|3|0|0|0 865362
3.8187 Simen Amundsen Production- 39.28 150p 27|5|0|0|0 865735
3.2821 Jarle Negård Production- 43.57 143p 30|1|0|1|0 865527
2.7551 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 55.17 152p 28|4|0|0|0 865530
2.8852 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 49.91 144p 25|6|1|0|0 863795
2.8405 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 51.40 146p 25|7|0|0|0 866760
2.3529 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 64.60 152p 28|4|0|0|0 866972
4.0922 Jørn Aasland Classic- 34.70 142p 23|9|0|0|0 865022
3.3610 Anders Røine Production Optics- 47.01 158p 31|1|0|0|0 865023
1.9046 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 63.53 121p 21|8|2|1|0 864756
1.8553 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 53.36 99p 22|6|1|3|0 864774
3.3183 Lars Aker Open+ 33.15 110p 24|5|0|3|0 863814
2.1026 Frøydis Adamson Production- 66.11 139p 29|1|1|1|0 866190
2.3842 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 65.85 157p 29|3|0|0|0 866763
3.7189 Terje Andersen Production- 41.41 154p 29|3|0|0|0 864632
3.9487 Trond Løkke Production- 39.00 154p 29|3|0|0|0 866977
3.0713 Morten Grønlie Open- 49.49 152p 28|4|0|0|0 865759
2.8371 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 52.87 150p 28|3|1|0|0 865766
2.7289 Kim Krogvold Production- 45.44 124p 28|1|1|2|0 865525
1.7076 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 62.66 107p 26|2|1|3|0 863793
3.4636 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 42.73 148p 22|9|1|0|0 863856
3.7251 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 38.12 142p 23|9|0|0|0 866180
2.3452 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 27.29 64p 23|3|0|6|0 863802
1.6990 Tony Eriksen Production- 45.91 78p 19|7|2|4|0 864762
2.3168 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 37.12 86p 26|2|0|4|1 864767
7.3241 Rino olsen Open+ 20.89 153p 27|4|1|0|0 863805
3.3535 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 44.73 150p 29|1|2|0|0 863787
3.8551 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 25.68 99p 22|6|1|3|0 863806
4.2254 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 34.79 147p 23|7|2|0|0 863808
4.8441 Jon Szulist Open+ 30.14 146p 22|8|2|0|0 863812
4.3411 Harald Feragen Open- 32.25 140p 23|8|1|0|0 863862
4.2308 Tommy Sollyst Production- 36.40 154p 30|1|1|0|0 866980
2.4467 Marius Dahl Production- 63.76 156p 30|2|0|0|0 865729
1.7936 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 72.48 130p 30|0|0|2|0 864772
3.8755 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 31.48 122p 26|4|0|2|0 863860
3.8681 Per Vangsnes Open+ 40.33 156p 28|4|0|0|0 867128
2.5031 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 40.35 101p 24|3|2|3|0 865535
2.8478 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 51.97 148p 27|4|1|0|0 866198
4.0034 Roger Jensen Production- 35.72 143p 30|1|0|1|0 865341
2.5126 Bård Johansen Revolver- 53.73 135p 27|3|1|1|0 865351
2.8874 Eric Martinez Open+ 44.33 128p 28|2|0|2|0 863801
1.6702 Øystein Rambøl Production- 70.65 118p 25|4|1|2|0 865026
2.8658 Marius Torgersen Standard- 46.41 133p 26|4|1|1|0 865038
2.2436 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 60.17 135p 27|3|1|1|0 865047
2.3163 Even Tungen Production- 52.67 122p 26|4|0|2|0 866843
7.0717 Frank Sandås Open+ 20.08 142p 28|3|0|1|0 865359
1.7592 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 68.78 121p 23|4|4|1|0 866844
2.9303 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 43.34 127p 25|3|3|1|0 863788
2.6615 Mads Johansen Production- 57.11 152p 28|4|0|0|0 866845
2.8322 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 46.96 133p 26|4|1|1|0 866847
4.3188 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 31.49 136p 24|4|4|0|0 866201
3.3297 Kent Johansen Production- 45.65 152p 28|4|0|0|0 866841
2.0375 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 67.73 138p 26|4|1|1|0 865346
4.0230 gunnar roos Production Optics- 33.06 133p 26|4|1|1|0 863799
3.7806 Knut Heibø Production- 32.27 122p 27|2|1|2|0 866211
2. Confusion
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6331 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 33.80 89p 16|6|1|1|0 863717
2.0175 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 44.61 90p 15|3|6|0|0 863713
0.3156 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 41.19 13p 14|4|1|5|2 863720
1.5877 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 45.35 72p 14|7|1|2|0 866173
2.8830 Espen Finset Production- 35.38 102p 16|7|1|0|0 864625
0.8529 Trond Evensen Production- 34.00 29p 13|4|2|5|0 864786
0.0000 Tage Martinsen Production- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 864778
1.4633 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 30.07 44p 13|6|1|4|0 865515
1.3968 Alexander Bull Open+ 49.40 69p 11|6|5|2|0 863871
2.7609 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 32.96 91p 17|5|1|1|0 867009
3.8504 Thomas Nordvi Production- 27.01 104p 17|6|1|0|0 864781
2.4939 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 36.89 92p 12|10|2|0|0 864782
0.0987 Vidar Flengstad Production- 40.51 4p 8|7|3|6|0 866148
2.6287 Eindride Stien Production- 27.39 72p 16|3|3|2|0 867155
1.5855 Richard Zeiffert Production- 35.95 57p 18|2|1|3|0 865696
1.0832 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 35.08 38p 12|5|3|4|0 867147
0.6750 Rune Arnesen Classic- 42.96 29p 12|6|1|5|0 866155
4.2264 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 26.50 112p 20|4|0|0|0 866993
3.5193 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 31.54 111p 15|9|0|0|0 865503
3.5417 Simen Amundsen Production- 27.67 98p 15|7|2|0|0 864618
0.4173 Jarle Negård Production- 38.34 16p 12|5|1|6|0 865681
0.7378 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 44.73 33p 14|4|1|5|0 865686
1.6754 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 36.41 61p 14|7|0|3|0 863729
3.0769 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 35.10 108p 19|4|1|0|0 866996
1.4690 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 55.14 81p 14|6|3|1|0 867149
2.4628 Jørn Aasland Classic- 38.98 96p 15|6|3|0|0 865276
2.8358 Anders Røine Production Optics- 40.20 114p 21|3|0|0|0 865262
2.0348 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 33.91 69p 8|12|3|1|0 865147
2.0818 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 39.87 83p 14|7|2|1|0 865150
3.2760 Lars Aker Open+ 30.22 99p 9|12|3|0|0 863735
0.4350 Frøydis Adamson Production- 45.98 20p 14|3|1|6|0 866555
2.2925 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 37.95 87p 13|6|4|1|0 867002
2.5434 Terje Andersen Production- 32.24 82p 11|7|6|0|0 864783
2.7909 Trond Løkke Production- 29.74 83p 13|9|1|1|0 867151
1.4658 Morten Grønlie Open- 49.12 72p 15|5|2|2|0 864620
1.5727 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 36.88 58p 15|3|4|2|0 864623
1.5956 Kim Krogvold Production- 32.59 52p 10|5|7|2|0 865689
0.1282 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 39.00 5p 12|5|0|7|0 863724
3.5398 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 30.51 108p 14|9|1|0|0 865705
1.9948 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 30.58 61p 15|5|1|3|0 866581
2.0526 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 31.18 64p 11|9|2|2|0 863736
0.1418 Tony Eriksen Production- 35.25 5p 8|7|4|5|0 865127
0.6889 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 36.29 25p 15|3|1|5|0 865139
4.3321 Rino olsen Open+ 22.16 96p 16|6|1|1|0 863739
1.9254 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 33.76 65p 16|5|0|3|0 863733
3.1225 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 24.66 77p 10|12|1|1|0 863743
3.6533 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 27.92 102p 14|6|4|0|0 863746
2.1841 Jon Szulist Open+ 32.05 70p 8|11|3|2|0 863747
2.8843 Harald Feragen Open- 34.67 100p 16|6|2|0|0 863870
2.1770 Tommy Sollyst Production- 34.91 76p 17|3|2|2|0 867154
1.6802 Marius Dahl Production- 49.40 83p 13|9|1|1|0 864624
1.0352 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 51.20 53p 15|6|0|3|1 865142
2.7156 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 41.98 114p 21|3|0|0|0 863869
3.3574 Per Vangsnes Open+ 31.87 107p 17|4|3|0|0 866163
2.8365 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 33.14 94p 14|7|3|0|0 865691
1.9902 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 44.72 89p 16|6|1|1|0 866543
1.8711 Roger Jensen Production- 33.67 63p 15|6|0|3|0 865505
2.9054 Bård Johansen Revolver- 33.73 98p 14|9|1|0|0 865510
3.3095 Eric Martinez Open+ 26.59 88p 14|5|4|1|0 863750
2.2475 Øystein Rambøl Production- 36.04 81p 14|6|3|1|0 865265
2.2140 Marius Torgersen Standard- 27.10 60p 11|7|4|2|0 865269
1.3869 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 41.10 57p 13|7|1|3|0 865272
1.9931 Even Tungen Production- 40.64 81p 13|8|2|1|0 866793
5.1740 Frank Sandås Open+ 21.84 113p 19|4|1|0|0 865512
0.6829 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 39.54 27p 12|5|2|5|0 866795
2.4239 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 37.13 90p 12|9|3|0|0 863715
1.6301 Mads Johansen Production- 49.69 81p 14|6|3|1|0 866797
2.5224 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 41.23 104p 16|8|0|0|0 866800
2.4928 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 34.50 86p 10|11|3|0|0 866548
2.5919 Kent Johansen Production- 37.81 98p 13|11|0|0|0 866804
2.1490 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 33.97 73p 13|5|4|2|0 865508
1.9359 gunnar roos Production Optics- 34.61 67p 11|5|7|1|0 863753
3.0093 Knut Heibø Production- 28.91 87p 16|5|2|1|0 866551
3. Rough terrain
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5458 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 23.69 84p 12|8|0|0|0 863667
2.3219 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 37.90 88p 15|4|1|0|0 863669
2.1751 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 36.78 80p 11|8|1|0|0 863659
3.1077 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 28.96 90p 15|5|0|0|0 866377
3.5747 Espen Finset Production- 21.82 78p 10|9|1|0|0 864853
1.6434 Trond Evensen Production- 36.51 60p 14|3|1|2|0 865096
4.1997 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 21.43 90p 15|5|0|0|0 865659
1.5281 Alexander Bull Open+ 39.92 61p 13|3|2|2|0 863673
3.0519 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 29.49 90p 15|5|0|0|0 867114
4.0486 Thomas Nordvi Production- 22.23 90p 16|3|1|0|0 865085
3.5132 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 23.91 84p 14|4|2|0|0 865090
2.6973 Vidar Flengstad Production- 24.84 67p 11|7|1|1|0 866396
3.8588 Eindride Stien Production- 21.25 82p 13|5|2|0|0 866090
2.6180 Richard Zeiffert Production- 27.12 71p 12|7|0|1|0 864587
2.4598 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 30.49 75p 15|3|1|1|0 866093
2.9572 Rune Arnesen Classic- 31.11 92p 16|4|0|0|0 866367
3.7279 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 21.46 80p 15|5|0|0|1 867116
4.8260 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 17.82 86p 12|5|3|0|0 865663
4.2615 Simen Amundsen Production- 17.13 73p 13|6|0|1|0 864848
1.2398 Jarle Negård Production- 28.23 35p 10|4|3|3|0 864585
0.9259 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 35.64 33p 8|7|2|3|0 864610
2.2451 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 32.96 74p 10|7|3|0|0 863657
2.7767 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 25.21 70p 18|0|0|2|0 867110
2.2423 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 36.57 82p 16|4|0|0|1 866074
3.8478 Jørn Aasland Classic- 22.87 88p 14|6|0|0|0 865436
3.6810 Anders Røine Production Optics- 26.08 96p 18|2|0|0|0 865439
1.9899 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 31.66 63p 11|5|3|1|0 865292
2.5105 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 33.46 84p 13|6|1|0|0 865299
4.7703 Lars Aker Open+ 16.98 81p 7|10|3|0|0 863693
2.2747 Frøydis Adamson Production- 34.29 78p 11|7|2|0|0 866815
3.9069 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 24.06 94p 14|6|0|0|0 867112
4.2762 Terje Andersen Production- 22.45 96p 18|2|0|0|0 865094
4.1686 Trond Løkke Production- 21.11 88p 15|4|1|0|0 866076
1.3613 Morten Grønlie Open- 33.79 46p 12|5|1|2|1 864856
3.9705 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 21.66 86p 14|5|1|0|0 864846
3.3463 Kim Krogvold Production- 20.62 69p 12|6|1|1|0 864604
2.3753 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 21.05 50p 11|4|3|2|0 863665
2.6750 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 27.29 73p 9|9|1|1|0 863674
2.8475 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 20.72 59p 8|9|2|1|0 866818
2.9991 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 22.34 67p 12|5|2|1|0 863684
2.2238 Tony Eriksen Production- 28.33 63p 11|5|3|1|0 865296
3.3070 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 26.61 88p 16|2|2|0|0 865287
4.8050 Rino olsen Open+ 17.69 85p 11|6|3|0|0 863686
2.7694 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 33.22 92p 16|4|0|0|0 863663
4.3414 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 20.27 88p 14|6|0|0|0 863687
4.0872 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 22.02 90p 12|7|1|0|0 863689
0.0000 Jon Szulist Open+ 21.89 0p 7|2|3|8|2 863691
2.6451 Harald Feragen Open- 29.11 77p 15|4|0|1|0 863682
1.6431 Tommy Sollyst Production- 35.30 58p 14|2|2|2|0 866083
1.1134 Marius Dahl Production- 52.99 59p 12|6|1|1|1 864854
1.9514 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 44.07 86p 14|5|1|0|0 865290
2.4454 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 26.58 65p 12|4|3|1|0 863676
3.4513 Per Vangsnes Open+ 22.60 78p 14|4|1|1|0 866371
3.7159 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 24.22 90p 15|5|0|0|0 864597
2.9630 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 31.05 92p 16|4|0|0|0 866807
4.1400 Roger Jensen Production- 20.29 84p 12|8|0|0|0 865633
3.1773 Bård Johansen Revolver- 23.92 76p 13|7|0|0|1 865646
3.3366 Eric Martinez Open+ 20.38 68p 10|5|4|1|0 863697
3.2931 Øystein Rambøl Production- 27.33 90p 17|1|2|0|0 865433
3.4229 Marius Torgersen Standard- 18.99 65p 12|4|3|1|0 865434
2.3816 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 36.11 86p 14|5|1|0|0 865435
3.0962 Even Tungen Production- 27.13 84p 12|8|0|0|0 867023
6.9465 Frank Sandås Open+ 13.82 96p 16|4|0|0|0 865656
0.2911 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 37.79 11p 9|5|1|5|0 867012
2.7451 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 30.60 84p 13|6|1|0|0 863662
2.9758 Mads Johansen Production- 32.26 96p 18|2|0|0|0 867014
3.2749 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 26.26 86p 14|5|1|0|0 867016
3.6831 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 23.35 86p 14|5|1|0|0 866811
0.0000 Kent Johansen Production- 31.70 0p 9|4|1|6|0 867020
4.4313 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 20.31 90p 14|4|2|0|0 865637
2.0851 gunnar roos Production Optics- 23.98 50p 10|6|2|2|0 863695
3.8356 Knut Heibø Production- 21.90 84p 13|6|1|0|0 866813
4. Boxes
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.3696 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 29.98 131p 19|12|0|0|0 863760
3.1679 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 45.14 143p 25|6|0|0|0 863773
4.1310 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 32.68 135p 22|8|1|0|0 863763
2.5072 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 45.07 113p 24|4|1|2|0 866532
4.4424 Espen Finset Production- 32.19 143p 25|6|0|0|0 865060
3.1533 Trond Evensen Production- 40.91 129p 22|5|4|0|0 865110
3.5863 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 35.97 129p 21|7|3|0|0 864669
1.8109 Alexander Bull Open+ 62.40 113p 19|9|1|2|0 863889
3.7835 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 36.21 137p 23|7|1|0|0 866012
4.8922 Thomas Nordvi Production- 29.23 143p 25|6|0|0|0 865113
3.4423 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 40.38 139p 25|4|2|0|0 865108
2.7972 Vidar Flengstad Production- 42.90 120p 23|4|3|1|0 866534
3.3324 Eindride Stien Production- 35.11 117p 25|4|0|2|0 866305
2.0508 Richard Zeiffert Production- 42.91 88p 19|7|2|3|0 864703
2.7737 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 47.59 132p 26|4|0|1|0 866308
2.4797 Rune Arnesen Classic- 46.78 116p 20|8|2|1|0 866536
4.0401 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 31.93 129p 20|9|2|0|0 866058
4.2002 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 34.76 146p 22|9|0|0|0 864674
4.5890 Simen Amundsen Production- 30.29 139p 23|8|0|0|0 865064
2.4330 Jarle Negård Production- 52.61 128p 25|4|1|1|0 864705
2.8882 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 48.82 141p 25|5|1|0|0 864707
3.4146 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 32.80 112p 18|10|2|1|0 863772
3.7444 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 33.65 126p 24|5|1|1|0 866060
2.7921 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 48.35 135p 23|6|2|0|0 866314
2.7752 Jørn Aasland Classic- 42.52 118p 21|7|2|1|0 865558
3.4719 Anders Røine Production Optics- 42.34 147p 27|4|0|0|0 865560
2.1335 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 40.31 86p 18|8|2|3|0 865382
3.2574 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 43.90 143p 26|4|1|0|0 865397
4.6088 Lars Aker Open+ 30.16 139p 17|13|1|0|0 863881
2.8221 Frøydis Adamson Production- 51.38 145p 26|5|0|0|0 866916
3.4764 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 36.82 128p 22|6|2|1|0 866011
4.2022 Terje Andersen Production- 34.03 143p 27|2|2|0|0 865109
4.1185 Trond Løkke Production- 33.75 139p 24|6|1|0|0 866293
2.4295 Morten Grønlie Open- 53.92 131p 22|6|3|0|0 865069
3.7362 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 39.88 149p 28|3|0|0|0 865056
3.5533 Kim Krogvold Production- 41.37 147p 28|2|1|0|0 864693
2.8974 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 39.00 113p 24|4|1|2|0 863761
3.5155 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 38.97 137p 19|9|3|0|0 863884
3.8063 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 32.84 125p 19|9|3|0|0 866926
4.2668 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 29.53 126p 24|5|1|1|0 863883
2.7635 Tony Eriksen Production- 42.70 118p 19|11|0|1|0 865401
3.5274 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 40.54 143p 25|6|0|0|0 865403
5.0121 Rino olsen Open+ 28.93 145p 23|7|1|0|0 863880
2.9291 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 48.82 143p 25|6|0|0|0 863767
3.8995 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 30.26 118p 20|9|1|1|0 863873
4.1979 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 33.35 140p 20|9|2|0|0 863874
2.9392 Jon Szulist Open+ 29.94 88p 22|4|1|4|0 863876
3.2369 Harald Feragen Open- 43.56 141p 25|5|1|0|0 863887
3.0104 Tommy Sollyst Production- 41.19 124p 24|4|2|1|0 866297
1.7737 Marius Dahl Production- 44.54 79p 19|8|0|4|0 865059
2.3472 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 51.55 121p 28|0|1|2|0 865373
3.5420 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 32.75 116p 21|6|3|1|0 863885
3.0016 Per Vangsnes Open+ 50.64 152p 28|3|0|0|0 866529
3.1166 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 44.60 139p 23|8|0|0|0 864699
2.9791 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 47.33 141p 25|5|1|0|0 866920
3.9023 Roger Jensen Production- 33.57 131p 19|12|0|0|0 864679
3.5265 Bård Johansen Revolver- 40.55 143p 25|6|0|0|0 864660
3.7003 Eric Martinez Open+ 32.70 121p 17|10|3|1|0 863877
3.2611 Øystein Rambøl Production- 42.01 137p 25|3|3|0|0 865565
3.0095 Marius Torgersen Standard- 34.89 105p 20|8|1|2|0 865552
2.6887 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 50.21 135p 23|6|2|0|0 865556
3.1781 Even Tungen Production- 40.59 129p 18|13|0|0|0 867102
5.5641 Frank Sandås Open+ 26.06 145p 25|4|2|0|0 864662
2.3079 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 39.43 91p 14|13|2|2|0 867104
3.6408 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 37.08 135p 23|6|2|0|0 863770
2.9157 Mads Johansen Production- 49.73 145p 27|3|1|0|0 867094
3.1969 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 43.48 139p 25|4|2|0|0 867097
2.6575 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 37.63 100p 15|10|5|1|0 866908
3.7680 Kent Johansen Production- 37.42 141p 25|5|1|0|0 867099
3.5079 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 42.19 148p 24|7|0|0|0 864657
2.2662 gunnar roos Production Optics- 41.48 94p 22|4|2|3|0 863879
4.2870 Knut Heibø Production- 34.29 147p 28|2|1|0|0 866913
5. Maze Runner
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.6533 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 37.50 137p 22|9|0|0|0 863561
2.5261 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 56.61 143p 25|6|0|0|0 863563
3.2654 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 40.73 133p 21|9|1|0|0 863565
2.5518 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 47.81 122p 22|7|1|1|0 866784
2.5858 Espen Finset Production- 41.38 107p 23|3|3|2|0 865174
3.5274 Trond Evensen Production- 40.54 143p 26|4|1|0|0 865318
3.5773 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 36.62 131p 21|8|2|0|0 864737
2.0281 Alexander Bull Open+ 72.48 147p 23|8|0|0|0 863898
4.0709 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 36.11 147p 27|4|0|0|0 866257
5.2556 Thomas Nordvi Production- 27.97 147p 27|4|0|0|0 865313
3.7420 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 37.68 141p 25|5|1|0|0 865312
3.0011 Vidar Flengstad Production- 43.65 131p 21|8|2|0|0 866780
4.0744 Eindride Stien Production- 36.57 149p 28|3|0|0|0 866515
2.9963 Richard Zeiffert Production- 46.39 139p 24|6|1|0|0 864838
2.9956 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 49.74 149p 28|3|0|0|0 866508
2.8624 Rune Arnesen Classic- 43.67 125p 22|8|1|0|1 866776
4.7947 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 31.91 153p 30|1|0|0|0 866253
4.9170 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 30.71 151p 27|4|0|0|0 864734
5.4083 Simen Amundsen Production- 27.92 151p 29|2|0|0|0 865170
2.4371 Jarle Negård Production- 50.88 124p 22|8|0|1|0 864834
2.9987 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 47.02 141p 25|5|1|0|0 864831
2.2740 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 35.62 81p 21|5|1|4|0 863575
4.0902 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 35.94 147p 27|4|0|0|0 866249
2.1989 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 61.85 136p 28|2|0|1|0 866506
3.2475 Jørn Aasland Classic- 41.57 135p 22|8|1|0|0 864560
2.9052 Anders Røine Production Optics- 49.91 145p 31|0|0|0|1 864546
2.8218 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 37.21 105p 22|4|3|2|0 865581
3.7094 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 32.35 120p 20|10|0|1|0 865576
4.8772 Lars Aker Open+ 28.50 139p 19|10|2|0|0 863913
2.6801 Frøydis Adamson Production- 52.61 141p 26|3|2|0|0 867135
3.3400 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 39.82 133p 23|7|0|1|0 866247
3.1011 Terje Andersen Production- 43.21 134p 27|3|0|1|0 865323
4.1085 Trond Løkke Production- 37.24 153p 30|1|0|0|0 866511
1.8024 Morten Grønlie Open- 44.94 81p 21|5|1|4|0 865168
3.2258 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 39.99 129p 28|3|0|0|2 865163
3.1369 Kim Krogvold Production- 42.08 132p 26|4|0|1|0 864828
0.7445 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 76.56 57p 13|9|5|4|0 863577
2.3624 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 51.22 121p 21|8|2|0|2 863899
3.0259 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 40.98 124p 23|6|1|1|0 867137
4.0857 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 35.00 143p 25|6|0|0|0 863914
1.3838 Tony Eriksen Production- 49.14 68p 20|6|0|5|0 865577
3.2567 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 36.54 119p 26|3|0|2|0 865575
6.4391 Rino olsen Open+ 23.14 149p 25|6|0|0|0 863902
3.2346 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 47.92 155p 31|0|0|0|0 863554
3.8023 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 34.19 130p 26|3|1|1|0 863906
4.2368 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 35.64 151p 27|4|0|0|0 863907
4.0599 Jon Szulist Open+ 34.73 141p 21|8|2|0|0 863909
2.9589 Harald Feragen Open- 41.57 123p 22|7|2|0|1 863897
2.6555 Tommy Sollyst Production- 53.85 143p 25|6|0|0|0 866516
1.8247 Marius Dahl Production- 61.38 112p 19|8|3|1|0 865180
2.6449 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 57.09 151p 29|2|0|0|0 865574
3.5563 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 40.21 143p 25|6|0|0|0 863896
3.2773 Per Vangsnes Open+ 46.38 152p 28|3|0|0|0 866787
3.0411 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 47.68 145p 26|5|0|0|0 864840
2.1951 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 69.70 153p 30|1|0|0|0 867131
4.2692 Roger Jensen Production- 32.09 137p 24|5|2|0|0 864733
3.3397 Bård Johansen Revolver- 41.62 139p 24|6|1|0|0 864717
3.2811 Eric Martinez Open+ 40.84 134p 24|5|2|0|1 863910
3.4534 Øystein Rambøl Production- 40.54 140p 30|0|0|1|0 864569
4.1989 Marius Torgersen Standard- 33.58 141p 24|7|0|0|0 864544
2.2368 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 63.93 143p 26|4|1|0|0 864565
1.9643 Even Tungen Production- 50.91 100p 23|5|0|3|0 866268
6.2810 Frank Sandås Open+ 24.20 152p 28|3|0|0|0 864739
1.8111 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 46.38 84p 18|7|3|3|0 866266
2.8069 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 46.67 131p 19|12|0|0|0 863556
1.4081 Mads Johansen Production- 43.32 61p 25|2|0|4|1 866265
3.3422 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 37.70 126p 23|7|0|1|0 866275
3.1967 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 38.79 124p 23|6|1|1|0 867132
1.5904 Kent Johansen Production- 40.87 65p 22|5|0|4|0 866270
2.7494 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 53.83 148p 24|7|0|0|0 864730
3.6995 gunnar roos Production Optics- 35.41 131p 20|10|1|0|0 863911
1.5290 Knut Heibø Production- 37.28 57p 20|5|2|4|0 867134
6. In the shadows
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.3657 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- 31.61 138p 23|7|2|0|0 863531
3.3779 Carl Alfred Bakker Production Optics- 45.59 154p 29|3|0|0|0 863537
3.0506 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- 49.17 150p 27|5|0|0|0 863539
2.1765 Kenneth Jordan Standard- 67.08 146p 26|5|1|0|0 866966
4.5361 Espen Finset Production- 29.10 132p 19|12|1|0|0 865432
3.9705 Trond Evensen Production- 35.26 140p 23|8|1|0|0 865449
3.4051 Knut Harald Graven Classic- 39.94 136p 22|8|2|0|0 865489
1.7529 Alexander Bull Open+ 71.31 125p 15|14|2|1|0 863843
4.3742 Christian Borchgrevink Production- 32.92 144p 26|4|2|0|0 866588
5.7190 Thomas Nordvi Production- 24.48 140p 23|8|1|0|0 865447
3.8782 Per Ola Jansberg Production- 34.81 135p 27|3|1|1|0 865444
3.1614 Vidar Flengstad Production- 39.54 125p 23|6|2|1|0 866964
4.0970 Eindride Stien Production- 29.29 120p 26|3|1|2|0 866945
3.7375 Richard Zeiffert Production- 33.98 127p 23|7|1|1|0 865467
2.8551 Terje Thøgersen Standard- 42.73 122p 26|4|0|2|0 866941
3.3093 Rune Arnesen Classic- 40.19 133p 25|6|0|1|0 866962
5.0947 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- 29.05 148p 27|4|1|0|0 866596
5.3903 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Standard+ 28.57 154p 26|6|0|0|0 865487
5.2883 Simen Amundsen Production- 27.23 144p 25|6|1|0|0 865431
2.9212 Jarle Negård Production- 48.61 142p 24|7|1|0|0 865465
2.6044 Maciej Pawlikowski Production- 42.62 111p 17|11|3|1|0 865462
4.5354 Kristoffer Sundet Production- 31.75 144p 24|8|0|0|0 863548
3.5759 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Revolver- 39.71 142p 24|7|1|0|0 866594
2.9122 Joakim Rygg Flesvik Production Optics- 50.82 148p 28|2|2|0|0 866938
3.0858 Jørn Aasland Classic- 39.86 123p 21|9|1|1|0 864817
4.1056 Anders Røine Production Optics- 37.51 154p 30|1|1|0|0 864811
3.7934 Erik Vebenstad Production Optics- 34.27 130p 19|11|2|0|0 864640
3.4403 Thomas Håkerud-Kongsvik Production- 38.95 134p 20|11|1|0|0 864650
5.5101 Lars Aker Open+ 26.86 148p 22|9|1|0|0 863837
2.6560 Frøydis Adamson Production- 47.44 126p 29|0|1|2|0 867184
4.6785 Tomas Huseby Standard+ 31.42 147p 25|4|3|0|0 866590
4.8437 Terje Andersen Production- 29.11 141p 29|2|0|1|0 865441
4.5143 Trond Løkke Production- 35.00 158p 31|1|0|0|0 866937
2.9776 Morten Grønlie Open- 47.69 142p 23|9|0|0|0 865430
3.5121 Gaute Hagen Production Optics- 42.14 148p 28|2|2|0|0 865427
3.1856 Kim Krogvold Production- 34.53 110p 23|4|3|2|0 865457
4.0563 John Martin Lorentzen Production- 35.50 144p 24|8|0|0|0 863529
4.3505 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Open+ 33.10 144p 20|10|2|0|0 863844
0.5977 Thomas Johnsrud Production- 26.77 16p 14|8|2|8|0 867193
4.9455 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- 27.50 136p 20|12|0|0|0 863838
3.4545 Tony Eriksen Production- 38.79 134p 21|9|2|0|0 864647
4.0627 Bjørnar Heitmann Production- 34.46 140p 25|4|3|0|0 864643
6.5504 Rino olsen Open+ 21.22 139p 25|6|0|1|0 863839
3.1458 Trond Vegard Johansen Open- 45.14 142p 26|3|3|0|0 863544
4.8558 Kjell Idar Logan Production- 27.39 133p 26|4|1|1|0 863826
4.9884 Øivind Johnsen Open+ 30.27 151p 25|6|1|0|0 863828
5.9378 Jon Szulist Open+ 24.42 145p 19|12|1|0|0 863829
3.8691 Harald Feragen Open- 31.79 123p 22|7|2|1|0 863841
3.4518 Tommy Sollyst Production- 38.82 134p 22|7|3|0|0 866948
3.1415 Marius Dahl Production- 35.97 113p 19|8|4|1|0 865425
3.0897 Thor Alexander Lundh Production- 43.37 134p 21|9|2|0|0 864642
3.5753 Are Thobias Tysnes Production- 37.20 133p 26|4|1|1|0 863847
2.5832 Per Vangsnes Open+ 49.55 128p 28|2|0|2|0 866955
4.4223 Martin Hjelmerud Production- 32.11 142p 25|5|2|0|0 865468
2.5612 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- 52.32 134p 22|7|3|0|0 867191
3.8501 Roger Jensen Production- 29.61 114p 23|6|1|2|0 865485
3.6851 Bård Johansen Revolver- 35.82 132p 21|8|3|0|0 865478
5.1617 Eric Martinez Open+ 29.06 150p 22|10|0|0|0 863831
4.5673 Øystein Rambøl Production- 29.12 133p 26|4|1|1|0 864807
4.4278 Marius Torgersen Standard- 26.65 118p 25|4|1|2|0 864803
2.9863 Sunniva Gaasemyr Production- 48.22 144p 26|4|2|0|0 864821
3.2758 Even Tungen Production- 39.38 129p 25|4|2|1|0 866337
6.3884 Frank Sandås Open+ 23.48 150p 22|10|0|0|0 865476
1.7796 Ulf-Torben Redi Production- 43.83 78p 23|4|1|4|0 866330
4.0963 Willy Larsen Production Optics- 36.13 148p 26|6|0|0|0 863525
3.2852 Mads Johansen Production- 45.05 148p 26|6|0|0|0 866326
3.8631 Ole Morten Knudsen Production- 36.24 140p 25|4|3|0|0 866351
3.9362 Svein Heibø Production Optics- 37.60 148p 26|6|0|0|0 867188
2.7267 Kent Johansen Production- 49.51 135p 27|3|1|1|0 866345
3.5671 Lene Olaug Kråkø Open+ 40.93 146p 22|8|2|0|0 865482
3.8058 gunnar roos Production Optics- 33.37 127p 23|7|1|1|0 863832
5.3882 Knut Heibø Production- 28.21 152p 29|2|1|0|0 867186

Last result: 23rd February 2025 11:17 (UTC)

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