1. Go Wild
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.5641 Daniel Holden Production- 51.48 132p 26|4|0|0|1 892931
3.6364 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- 33.00 120p 17|11|2|0|0 893008
1.2553 Gard Winge Standard+ 44.61 56p 16|8|2|4|0 893015
3.6904 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 33.33 123p 17|12|0|1|0 893013
0.6629 Anita Larsen Production Optics- 39.22 26p 17|7|0|6|0 892568
2.7640 Roar Holden Standard- 46.31 128p 23|3|4|0|0 892569
2.3508 Sven K. Strøm Production- 54.45 128p 25|4|1|0|1 892932
2.1320 Kristoffer Fagerstrand Heia Standard+ 64.26 137p 19|10|1|0|0 893012
4.2038 Thomas Heia Østborg Production- 31.40 132p 22|7|1|0|0 893010
4.9452 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 28.31 140p 25|5|0|0|0 892933
2.8523 Trond Sørhøy Production- 46.98 134p 22|8|0|0|0 892570
3.4149 Alvin Alforte Production- 33.09 113p 18|11|0|1|0 892935
3.1043 Morten Bjørsvik Production- 37.69 117p 21|7|1|1|0 893016
2.9862 Thomas Nesgård Standard- 40.52 121p 23|5|1|1|0 892938
2.1331 Ole Magnus Mortensen Production- 46.88 100p 20|6|2|2|0 893020
3.7522 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 33.58 126p 19|10|1|0|0 893036
3.4965 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- 40.04 140p 25|5|0|0|0 893035
5.4291 Per A Hansen Standard- 25.05 136p 23|7|0|0|0 893033
2.7905 Bernt Noodt Production- 45.87 128p 21|7|2|0|0 892940
2.6697 Odd Johannessen Standard- 43.45 116p 26|2|0|2|0 892942
2. Easy Street
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.6731 Daniel Holden Production- 33.47 56p 16|12|0|4|1 892955
3.8508 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- 24.93 96p 20|8|2|2|1 893112
3.4607 Gard Winge Standard+ 38.72 134p 20|10|2|0|1 893077
4.7297 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 26.64 126p 18|10|3|1|0 893076
1.2636 Anita Larsen Production Optics- 40.36 51p 12|13|2|5|0 892573
3.5582 Roar Holden Standard- 37.66 134p 24|8|0|0|0 892572
2.9695 Sven K. Strøm Production- 49.84 148p 26|6|0|0|0 892945
3.3283 Kristoffer Fagerstrand Heia Standard+ 26.74 89p 21|8|1|2|2 893074
2.4889 Thomas Heia Østborg Production- 26.92 67p 15|9|5|3|1 893083
5.0644 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 22.51 114p 27|3|0|2|1 892946
3.5461 Trond Sørhøy Production- 42.30 150p 27|5|0|0|0 892571
4.5676 Alvin Alforte Production- 26.71 122p 15|15|2|0|0 892947
4.2880 Morten Bjørsvik Production- 31.25 134p 20|11|1|0|0 893082
2.8960 Thomas Nesgård Standard- 33.84 98p 21|7|2|2|1 892948
0.0000 Ole Magnus Mortensen Production- 35.28 0p 11|10|4|7|3 893110
4.3373 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 28.82 125p 22|8|1|1|0 893109
3.4317 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- 35.26 121p 26|3|2|1|1 893107
5.3237 Per A Hansen Standard- 23.48 125p 26|5|0|1|0 893106
4.0544 Bernt Noodt Production- 36.01 146p 25|7|0|0|0 892949
4.1162 Odd Johannessen Standard- 35.47 146p 26|5|1|0|0 892953
3. Desperado
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.1752 Daniel Holden Production- 34.01 142p 26|4|0|0|0 892961
5.6562 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- 22.63 128p 19|11|0|0|0 893147
3.2901 Gard Winge Standard+ 33.13 109p 17|10|2|1|1 893145
5.8698 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 23.51 138p 18|12|0|0|0 893123
1.5787 Anita Larsen Production Optics- 46.24 73p 16|11|0|3|1 892574
4.0972 Roar Holden Standard- 27.58 113p 19|9|1|1|0 892576
3.5846 Sven K. Strøm Production- 37.94 136p 23|7|0|0|0 892962
5.2323 Kristoffer Fagerstrand Heia Standard+ 23.89 125p 21|7|1|1|0 893122
4.2580 Thomas Heia Østborg Production- 24.19 103p 18|11|0|1|1 893120
6.7405 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 20.77 140p 25|5|0|0|0 892963
4.3387 Trond Sørhøy Production- 33.19 144p 27|3|0|0|0 892575
5.0695 Alvin Alforte Production- 24.46 124p 18|11|1|0|0 892957
5.1263 Morten Bjørsvik Production- 26.92 138p 24|6|0|0|0 893137
3.0035 Thomas Nesgård Standard- 28.30 85p 16|11|2|1|2 892958
2.3094 Ole Magnus Mortensen Production- 41.57 96p 17|10|1|2|0 893140
4.9509 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 27.47 136p 23|7|0|0|0 893139
3.0632 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- 47.01 144p 27|3|0|0|0 893141
7.2769 Per A Hansen Standard- 17.59 128p 24|6|0|0|1 893138
4.2879 Bernt Noodt Production- 32.65 140p 25|5|0|0|0 892959
3.3102 Odd Johannessen Standard- 30.21 100p 23|5|0|2|0 892960
4. Bad news
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.5268 Daniel Holden Production- 13.61 48p 9|1|0|0|0 892966
3.6820 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- 11.95 44p 7|3|0|0|0 893187
2.5952 Gard Winge Standard+ 17.34 45p 5|5|0|0|0 893185
2.5547 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 16.44 42p 4|5|1|0|0 893184
1.2353 Anita Larsen Production Optics- 34.00 42p 6|4|0|0|0 892577
2.0240 Roar Holden Standard- 15.81 32p 6|4|0|0|1 892578
2.3361 Sven K. Strøm Production- 13.27 31p 7|2|0|1|0 892965
0.7937 Kristoffer Fagerstrand Heia Standard+ 34.02 27p 5|2|2|1|0 893175
2.5795 Thomas Heia Østborg Production- 11.63 30p 6|3|1|0|1 893174
4.9661 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 8.86 44p 7|3|0|0|0 892964
2.3370 Trond Sørhøy Production- 16.26 38p 9|1|0|0|1 892579
4.7521 Alvin Alforte Production- 9.68 46p 8|2|0|0|0 892971
2.0537 Morten Bjørsvik Production- 12.66 26p 8|2|0|0|2 893173
1.2625 Thomas Nesgård Standard- 38.02 48p 9|1|0|0|0 892972
0.0000 Ole Magnus Mortensen Production- 30.91 0p 4|4|0|2|3 893172
2.6452 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 17.39 46p 8|2|0|0|0 893170
1.4365 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- 18.10 26p 8|2|0|0|2 893190
4.4064 Per A Hansen Standard- 8.17 36p 8|2|0|0|1 893188
3.5461 Bernt Noodt Production- 14.10 50p 10|0|0|0|0 892969
4.0336 Odd Johannessen Standard- 11.90 48p 9|1|0|0|0 892967
5. The Danger Zone
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0405 Daniel Holden Production- 11.84 36p 7|0|1|0|0 892976
3.8554 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production- 8.30 32p 4|4|0|0|0 893278
2.5712 Gard Winge Standard+ 14.39 37p 5|3|0|0|0 893277
3.5282 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ 9.92 35p 5|2|1|0|0 893274
2.2379 Anita Larsen Production Optics- 16.98 38p 7|1|0|0|0 892582
3.1915 Roar Holden Standard- 11.28 36p 6|2|0|0|0 892581
2.2939 Sven K. Strøm Production- 13.95 32p 4|4|0|0|0 892975
3.5602 Kristoffer Fagerstrand Heia Standard+ 9.55 34p 2|6|0|0|0 893289
4.4386 Thomas Heia Østborg Production- 7.66 34p 5|3|0|0|0 893219
4.2303 Eirik Johannes Larsen Production- 8.51 36p 6|2|0|0|0 892974
3.5329 Trond Sørhøy Production- 10.19 36p 6|2|0|0|0 892580
2.0656 Alvin Alforte Production- 8.23 17p 3|4|0|1|0 892973
3.7652 Morten Bjørsvik Production- 9.03 34p 5|3|0|0|0 893218
3.3959 Thomas Nesgård Standard- 11.19 38p 7|1|0|0|0 892981
2.4862 Ole Magnus Mortensen Production- 14.48 36p 6|2|0|0|0 893220
3.7363 Øystein Hagemo Standard- 9.10 34p 5|3|0|0|0 893291
2.7027 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- 13.32 36p 6|2|0|0|0 893284
4.8257 Per A Hansen Standard- 7.46 36p 6|2|0|0|0 893281
2.6455 Bernt Noodt Production- 11.34 30p 3|5|0|0|0 892980
2.5712 Odd Johannessen Standard- 10.89 28p 3|4|1|0|0 892977

Last result: 9th November 2024 13:00 (UTC)

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