1. Tick Tock.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.5952 Andre Jensen Open+ 16.80 94p 14|6|0|0|0 910477
3.4496 Terje Vernly Open+ 26.09 90p 12|7|1|0|0 910462
3.6013 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 23.88 86p 13|7|0|0|0 910463
2.7506 Hugo M Hansen Production- 32.72 90p 15|5|0|0|0 911209
2.2635 Dag Marcussen Production- 37.11 84p 12|8|0|0|0 911182
1.9547 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 38.88 76p 10|8|2|0|0 911189
3.0170 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 31.82 96p 18|2|0|0|0 911191
1.9615 Rolf Hansen Production- 26.51 52p 14|4|0|2|0 910480
3.9199 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 23.47 92p 16|4|0|0|0 910482
1.7717 Stian Andreassen Production- 20.32 36p 9|6|3|2|0 910484
1.1447 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 43.68 50p 14|3|1|2|0 910464
2.1663 Ola Solvang Production- 36.93 80p 11|8|1|0|0 910466
2.3332 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 36.86 86p 13|7|0|0|0 911192
3.9017 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 25.63 100p 20|0|0|0|0 911194
2.4198 thomas finvåg Production- 35.54 86p 14|5|1|0|0 911200
1.6938 Joakim Aasnes Production- 44.87 76p 8|12|0|0|0 910468
3.0065 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 29.27 88p 15|4|1|0|0 910491
2.9823 Lasse Martinsen Production- 32.19 96p 18|2|0|0|0 911202
4.4025 Robin Murray Open- 22.26 98p 19|1|0|0|0 910470
2.5080 Jonas Trældal Production- 34.29 86p 13|7|0|0|0 911204
2. Hopscotch.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0114 Andre Jensen Open+ 19.26 58p 10|2|0|0|0 910537
1.8776 Terje Vernly Open+ 24.50 46p 8|4|0|0|0 910531
2.2175 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 23.45 52p 8|4|0|0|0 910517
2.0062 Hugo M Hansen Production- 28.91 58p 11|1|0|0|0 911237
2.1496 Dag Marcussen Production- 24.19 52p 8|4|0|0|0 911238
1.4235 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 36.53 52p 9|2|1|0|0 911218
1.8495 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 31.36 58p 11|1|0|0|0 911224
1.9737 Rolf Hansen Production- 27.36 54p 9|3|0|0|0 910539
2.2351 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 24.16 54p 9|3|0|0|0 910547
1.8587 Stian Andreassen Production- 26.90 50p 7|5|0|0|0 911239
1.0160 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 51.18 52p 8|4|0|0|0 910520
1.4073 Ola Solvang Production- 38.37 54p 9|3|0|0|0 910521
1.3302 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 34.58 46p 10|2|0|0|0 911227
2.1363 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 27.15 58p 11|1|0|0|0 911229
1.7489 thomas finvåg Production- 32.02 56p 11|0|1|0|0 911231
1.1025 Joakim Aasnes Production- 45.35 50p 8|3|1|0|0 910523
1.0577 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 29.31 31p 9|2|0|1|0 910544
1.5810 Lasse Martinsen Production- 30.36 48p 9|0|3|0|0 911235
2.4900 Robin Murray Open- 20.08 50p 7|5|0|0|0 910527
1.8552 Jonas Trældal Production- 28.03 52p 9|2|1|0|0 911236
3. Rule of three.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
8.5642 Andre Jensen Open+ 7.94 68p 12|2|0|0|0 911257
3.9747 Terje Vernly Open+ 11.07 44p 6|5|2|1|0 910582
6.2147 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 10.62 66p 12|2|0|0|0 910585
4.5455 Hugo M Hansen Production- 13.20 60p 10|3|1|0|0 911258
5.8423 Dag Marcussen Production- 10.27 60p 10|3|1|0|0 911260
4.1068 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 14.61 60p 10|3|1|0|0 911261
2.7972 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 15.73 44p 11|3|0|0|2 911243
4.6715 Rolf Hansen Production- 13.70 64p 11|3|0|0|0 910589
6.2690 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 9.89 62p 10|4|0|0|0 910600
6.6806 Stian Andreassen Production- 9.58 64p 11|3|0|0|0 910604
3.3383 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 13.48 45p 8|5|0|1|0 910569
3.4997 Ola Solvang Production- 19.43 68p 13|1|0|0|0 910572
3.5783 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 15.65 56p 9|3|2|0|0 911246
5.1056 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 11.36 58p 8|6|0|0|0 911247
2.7545 thomas finvåg Production- 16.70 46p 12|2|0|0|2 911249
4.5655 Joakim Aasnes Production- 13.58 62p 10|4|0|0|0 910575
4.4755 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 14.30 64p 11|3|0|0|0 910596
4.6610 Lasse Martinsen Production- 14.16 66p 12|2|0|0|0 911253
6.8826 Robin Murray Open- 9.88 68p 13|1|0|0|0 910576
3.9191 Jonas Trældal Production- 15.82 62p 10|4|0|0|0 911256
4. Tunnel rat.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.6256 Andre Jensen Open+ 35.04 92p 22|3|0|2|0 911287
2.4742 Terje Vernly Open+ 36.78 91p 13|11|1|2|0 910649
2.8864 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 37.07 107p 20|5|2|0|1 910651
2.2491 Hugo M Hansen Production- 47.13 106p 19|7|0|1|0 911283
2.0010 Dag Marcussen Production- 38.48 77p 12|12|1|2|0 911289
1.6491 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 53.97 89p 19|4|2|2|0 911290
2.3036 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 50.79 117p 19|7|1|0|0 911291
2.3347 Rolf Hansen Production- 38.12 89p 22|3|0|2|0 910658
3.4001 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 37.94 129p 24|3|0|0|0 910668
2.1917 Stian Andreassen Production- 37.87 83p 20|4|1|2|0 910662
1.9194 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 63.04 121p 20|7|0|0|0 910653
2.1353 Ola Solvang Production- 58.54 125p 22|5|0|0|0 910640
2.0332 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 50.66 103p 16|11|0|0|1 911274
2.7456 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 44.07 121p 20|7|0|0|0 911275
1.5097 thomas finvåg Production- 63.59 96p 20|5|1|1|1 911276
2.0408 Joakim Aasnes Production- 55.37 113p 16|11|0|0|0 910641
2.8398 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 41.20 117p 18|9|0|0|0 910674
2.0579 Lasse Martinsen Production- 51.51 106p 24|2|0|1|1 911277
3.5695 Robin Murray Open- 36.70 131p 25|2|0|0|0 910643
2.7236 Jonas Trældal Production- 46.63 127p 23|4|0|0|0 911282
5. Standing tall.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.8661 Andre Jensen Open+ 22.33 64p 16|1|0|1|1 911297
3.0407 Terje Vernly Open+ 23.35 71p 9|4|5|0|0 910736
1.8992 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 25.80 49p 10|6|1|1|1 910749
1.2976 Hugo M Hansen Production- 34.68 45p 8|8|1|1|1 911296
1.8358 Dag Marcussen Production- 29.96 55p 9|6|2|1|0 911298
1.3799 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 36.96 51p 7|8|2|1|0 911299
1.5593 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 33.99 53p 8|7|2|1|0 911300
2.3479 Rolf Hansen Production- 32.37 76p 11|7|0|0|0 910773
2.6602 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 24.81 66p 8|8|2|0|0 910781
2.3175 Stian Andreassen Production- 34.52 80p 13|5|0|0|0 910776
0.0000 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 40.87 0p 10|2|2|4|2 910765
0.9944 Ola Solvang Production- 34.19 34p 9|6|1|2|1 910769
0.0000 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 29.25 0p 5|4|1|7|0 911301
1.9685 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 27.94 55p 13|3|1|1|1 911292
1.5273 thomas finvåg Production- 38.63 59p 11|4|2|1|0 911293
1.3713 Joakim Aasnes Production- 38.65 53p 6|6|5|0|0 910710
1.1266 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 37.28 42p 9|5|2|2|0 910780
0.7762 Lasse Martinsen Production- 30.92 24p 11|2|3|2|2 911294
3.1250 Robin Murray Open- 24.32 76p 12|5|1|0|0 910719
2.2284 Jonas Trældal Production- 32.31 72p 12|4|0|0|0 911295
6. Magazine change operation.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.7555 Andre Jensen Open+ 15.95 28p 4|2|0|0|0 911307
0.8702 Terje Vernly Open+ 13.79 12p 2|2|2|0|1 910819
1.2113 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 14.86 18p 2|2|2|0|0 910821
1.0027 Hugo M Hansen Production- 21.94 22p 3|2|1|0|0 911305
1.7960 Dag Marcussen Production- 15.59 28p 5|1|0|0|0 911306
1.1956 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 23.42 28p 5|1|0|0|0 911308
0.0000 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 18.94 0p 3|1|1|1|1 911309
1.4231 Rolf Hansen Production- 18.27 26p 4|2|0|0|0 910834
0.7609 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 15.77 12p 2|4|0|0|1 910837
1.6797 Stian Andreassen Production- 17.86 30p 6|0|0|0|0 910831
0.3713 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 24.24 9p 2|3|0|1|0 910823
0.8271 Ola Solvang Production- 24.18 20p 2|3|1|0|0 910826
0.7968 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 22.59 18p 2|2|2|0|0 911310
1.6678 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 14.39 24p 3|3|0|0|0 911311
0.9653 thomas finvåg Production- 20.72 20p 3|1|2|0|0 911302
0.0000 Joakim Aasnes Production- 20.83 0p 1|1|2|2|1 910828
0.3958 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 20.21 8p 2|2|2|0|1 910836
1.1500 Lasse Martinsen Production- 19.13 22p 2|4|0|0|0 911303
1.4502 Robin Murray Open- 15.17 22p 4|0|2|0|0 910817
0.5155 Jonas Trældal Production- 23.28 12p 3|2|1|0|1 911304
7. Ammo boxing day.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.5760 Andre Jensen Open+ 32.22 83p 19|4|1|2|0 911170
3.0051 Terje Vernly Open+ 37.27 112p 14|12|2|0|1 910858
2.0000 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- 35.00 70p 13|11|2|2|0 910859
2.1407 Hugo M Hansen Production- 56.99 122p 21|5|2|0|0 911151
2.0562 Dag Marcussen Production- 53.01 109p 20|6|1|1|0 911152
1.0864 Sveinung Kristiansen Production- 56.15 61p 13|12|0|3|1 911153
1.5563 Mats Rindahl Johansen Standard- 53.33 83p 19|5|3|1|2 911158
1.0260 Rolf Hansen Production- 54.58 56p 22|2|0|4|1 910878
3.7841 Vegar Gabrielsen Production- 32.24 122p 20|7|1|0|0 910861
1.8447 Stian Andreassen Production- 49.33 91p 19|4|4|1|1 910909
0.7836 Johnny Ellingsen Production- 80.40 63p 11|12|2|3|0 910901
0.3647 Ola Solvang Production- 71.29 26p 9|13|2|4|0 910860
0.0000 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- 43.56 0p 7|9|2|10|2 911159
2.0907 Arild Hekkelstrand Production- 44.96 94p 19|6|1|2|0 911160
1.0966 thomas finvåg Production- 66.57 73p 18|3|4|3|0 911165
1.4765 Joakim Aasnes Production- 57.57 85p 14|6|7|1|0 910862
2.4845 Dag Tore Fosli Standard- 46.69 116p 18|8|2|0|0 910908
1.5721 Lasse Martinsen Production- 57.25 90p 19|4|3|2|0 911166
3.6099 Robin Murray Open- 34.35 124p 24|1|1|0|0 910866
0.0000 Jonas Trældal Production- 40.61 0p 14|5|2|7|1 911167

Last result: 2nd February 2025 12:37 (UTC)

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