1. DuckHunter
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.0236 Ernst Bolle Production- 22.49 68p 9|11|0|0|1 898254
4.3838 Hans Kr Elvenes Open- 20.53 90p 15|5|0|0|0 898257
1.8086 Arnt Ragnar Helmersen Production- 22.67 41p 11|5|1|3|0 898260
3.0997 Bjørn Kristensen Classic- 22.26 69p 12|6|1|1|0 898263
4.3080 Eidar Warvik Standard- 21.82 94p 17|3|0|0|0 898266
4.9727 Marcus Eriksen Abrahamsen Standard- 16.49 82p 11|9|0|0|0 898269
4.0676 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 15.98 65p 11|6|2|1|0 898272
5.0390 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 16.67 84p 13|6|1|0|0 898275
1.0681 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 37.45 40p 10|6|2|2|0 898278
1.9799 Tomas Solstad Production- 31.82 63p 11|5|3|1|0 898281
2. Hold my drink. I got this
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.8240 Ernst Bolle Production- 37.62 31p 7|2|0|1|0 898255
2.1116 Hans Kr Elvenes Open- 19.89 42p 6|4|0|0|0 898258
1.0828 Arnt Ragnar Helmersen Production- 28.63 31p 7|2|0|1|0 898261
1.5007 Bjørn Kristensen Classic- 29.32 44p 8|1|1|0|0 898264
0.2955 Eidar Warvik Standard- 91.38 27p 6|2|1|1|0 898267
2.5755 Marcus Eriksen Abrahamsen Standard- 11.26 29p 6|3|0|1|0 898270
3.3035 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 14.53 48p 9|1|0|0|0 898273
2.3538 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 14.02 33p 8|1|0|1|0 898276
1.1418 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 31.53 36p 8|2|0|0|0 898279
1.4003 Tomas Solstad Production- 20.71 29p 6|3|0|1|0 898282
3. The Weak but steady
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.1679 Ernst Bolle Production- 77.43 13p 8|1|0|3|0 898256
0.8077 Hans Kr Elvenes Open- 64.38 52p 8|4|0|0|0 898259
1.7097 Arnt Ragnar Helmersen Production- 25.15 43p 10|1|0|1|0 898262
0.0000 Bjørn Kristensen Classic- 90.70 0p 6|1|1|4|0 898265
0.4914 Eidar Warvik Standard- 52.91 26p 8|2|0|2|0 898268
0.8034 Marcus Eriksen Abrahamsen Standard- 34.85 28p 9|1|0|2|0 898271
1.1968 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 45.12 54p 9|3|0|0|0 898274
0.9120 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 59.21 54p 9|3|0|0|0 898277
1.0454 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 53.57 56p 11|0|1|0|0 898280
0.8678 Tomas Solstad Production- 55.31 48p 8|2|2|0|0 898283

Last result: 23rd February 2025 10:50 (UTC)

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