1. Exercise- the accelerator
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.5328 Vegard Natvik Production- 9.76 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1064178
6.5963 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 7.58 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1064090
2.1375 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 10.76 23p 3|5|3|1|0 1064047
5.4956 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 10.19 56p 8|4|0|0|0 1064125
3.9216 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 14.28 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064105
2.0305 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 7.88 16p 2|5|3|2|0 1064156
3.0907 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 10.03 31p 3|5|3|1|0 1064069
5.3591 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 9.33 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064059
5.2288 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 9.18 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1064077
5.7895 Marius Breivik Production- 7.60 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1063959
3.9506 Endre Stanghelle Production- 12.15 48p 8|2|2|0|0 1063976
0.5606 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 23.19 13p 1|4|6|1|0 1063993
5.4348 Kristian Sætre Production- 9.20 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064004
4.8729 Thomas Sørensen Production- 9.44 46p 6|5|1|0|0 1064011
4.1989 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 9.05 38p 4|5|3|0|0 1064023
2.3330 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 9.43 22p 6|4|0|2|0 1064033
6.7097 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 7.75 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064040
2. Exercise- Double Bill Drill
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
6.1376 Vegard Natvik Production- 9.45 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1064183
3.9749 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 9.56 38p 5|3|4|0|0 1064092
1.6253 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 11.69 19p 1|7|3|1|0 1064048
5.1257 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 10.34 53p 7|4|1|0|0 1064126
5.8748 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 7.83 46p 7|3|2|0|0 1064107
0.0000 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 10.64 0p 2|3|4|3|0 1064157
4.5802 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 10.48 48p 6|3|3|0|0 1064070
6.0465 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 8.60 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064061
4.2179 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 11.38 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1064078
5.8559 Marius Breivik Production- 8.88 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1063961
3.0195 Endre Stanghelle Production- 11.26 34p 2|7|3|0|0 1063978
2.0934 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 24.84 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1063995
3.1991 Kristian Sætre Production- 8.44 27p 4|5|2|1|0 1064005
4.6512 Thomas Sørensen Production- 10.75 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064012
0.0000 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 12.76 0p 4|2|3|3|0 1064025
2.8253 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 11.68 33p 7|2|2|1|0 1064034
4.1083 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 10.71 44p 4|8|0|0|0 1064041
3. Exercise- Double Blake Drill
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
7.8818 Vegard Natvik Production- 6.09 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1064185
7.0529 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 7.94 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064094
7.1233 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 7.30 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064049
4.7231 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 12.28 58p 10|2|0|0|0 1064127
5.6623 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 9.89 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064110
7.4841 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 6.28 47p 3|7|2|0|0 1064159
5.2164 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 9.01 47p 7|1|4|0|0 1064071
5.9347 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 6.74 40p 3|8|1|0|0 1064062
5.7870 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 8.64 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064079
8.8550 Marius Breivik Production- 6.55 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1063963
5.1613 Endre Stanghelle Production- 10.85 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1063980
4.1415 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 11.59 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1063996
6.8106 Kristian Sætre Production- 6.02 41p 9|2|0|1|0 1064006
7.2780 Thomas Sørensen Production- 6.87 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064013
2.6910 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 11.52 31p 4|7|0|1|0 1064026
0.5814 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 6.88 4p 1|5|4|2|0 1064035
7.2829 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 7.14 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064042
4. Short course A
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
8.5294 Vegard Natvik Production- 6.80 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1064188
7.6923 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 7.28 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064096
5.5102 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 9.80 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1064051
7.5297 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 7.57 57p 9|3|0|0|0 1064128
3.3898 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 6.49 22p 6|4|0|2|0 1064113
8.1871 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 6.84 56p 8|4|0|0|0 1064160
3.4413 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 9.88 34p 2|8|1|1|0 1064072
4.0000 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 9.25 37p 7|4|0|1|0 1064064
6.5242 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 8.89 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1064081
4.4444 Marius Breivik Production- 11.25 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1063966
6.2016 Endre Stanghelle Production- 7.74 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1063983
5.8058 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 9.99 58p 11|1|0|0|0 1063999
5.1095 Kristian Sætre Production- 6.85 35p 7|3|1|1|0 1064007
7.9511 Thomas Sørensen Production- 6.54 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064014
6.1224 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 8.82 54p 10|1|1|0|0 1064029
5.0485 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 10.30 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1064036
6.9825 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 8.02 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064043
5. Short course B
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
8.2840 Vegard Natvik Production- 6.76 56p 10|2|0|0|0 1064190
6.0991 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 7.87 48p 6|6|0|0|0 1064097
5.1392 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 9.34 48p 7|4|1|0|0 1064053
6.3291 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 8.69 55p 7|5|0|0|0 1064129
6.2425 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 8.33 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064115
6.6002 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 8.03 53p 7|4|1|0|0 1064162
4.8068 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 10.61 51p 5|6|1|0|0 1064073
6.2575 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 8.31 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064065
5.6338 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 9.23 52p 8|4|0|0|0 1064084
8.0906 Marius Breivik Production- 6.18 50p 8|3|1|0|0 1063968
4.7312 Endre Stanghelle Production- 9.30 44p 5|6|1|0|0 1063984
0.0000 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 11.84 0p 4|5|0|3|0 1064001
8.7413 Kristian Sætre Production- 5.72 50p 7|5|0|0|0 1064008
7.2973 Thomas Sørensen Production- 7.40 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1064015
6.0335 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 8.95 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1064030
4.6632 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 11.58 54p 9|3|0|0|0 1064037
5.4910 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 9.47 52p 9|2|1|0|0 1064044
6. Medium course
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.9487 Vegard Natvik Production- 15.97 95p 18|5|0|1|0 1064191
8.0381 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 14.68 118p 23|1|0|0|0 1064099
4.9098 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 19.96 98p 15|7|2|0|0 1064055
5.9365 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 19.54 116p 20|4|0|0|0 1064130
5.7210 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 17.13 98p 15|7|2|0|0 1064117
6.5363 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 16.37 107p 15|7|2|0|0 1064165
2.8505 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 21.40 61p 9|11|1|3|0 1064074
6.1264 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 15.67 96p 12|12|0|0|0 1064066
5.0236 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 16.92 85p 14|8|1|1|0 1064086
7.3463 Marius Breivik Production- 13.34 98p 14|9|1|0|0 1063970
4.8155 Endre Stanghelle Production- 15.99 77p 10|12|1|1|0 1063987
3.1654 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 29.38 93p 17|6|0|1|0 1064002
7.2199 Kristian Sætre Production- 12.05 87p 15|7|1|1|0 1064009
6.8431 Thomas Sørensen Production- 15.49 106p 18|5|1|0|0 1064017
6.2847 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 16.23 102p 16|7|1|0|0 1064031
4.5647 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 23.66 108p 18|6|0|0|0 1064038
5.6059 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 17.66 99p 21|1|1|1|0 1064045
7. Long course
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
5.4514 Vegard Natvik Production- 23.48 128p 19|10|3|0|0 1064194
5.2244 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- 27.18 142p 23|9|0|0|0 1064101
3.4830 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- 34.74 121p 22|6|3|1|0 1064057
4.1213 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ 33.97 140p 16|14|2|0|0 1064131
4.5165 Bård Anders Hagenes Standard- 31.44 142p 23|9|0|0|0 1064119
4.4858 Frank Nykrem Standard+ 32.77 147p 19|13|0|0|0 1064167
1.8860 Jonas Liavåg Standard+ 49.84 94p 20|7|3|2|0 1064075
4.2631 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- 32.84 140p 24|6|2|0|0 1064067
3.3137 Emanuel Peter Holmberg Standard- 32.29 107p 15|13|3|1|0 1064087
5.4986 Marius Breivik Production- 24.37 134p 21|9|2|0|0 1063973
3.3834 Endre Stanghelle Production- 36.65 124p 18|10|4|0|0 1063989
2.7534 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- 47.94 132p 21|8|3|0|0 1064003
4.3550 Kristian Sætre Production- 24.34 106p 19|10|1|2|0 1064010
5.0403 Thomas Sørensen Production- 29.76 150p 27|5|0|0|0 1064020
2.3271 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- 30.51 71p 13|10|6|3|0 1064032
3.2241 Steffen "Papi" Lorenzo Berstad Production- 37.84 122p 16|13|3|0|0 1064039
4.2006 Alexander Lorenzo Berstad Production- 31.90 134p 22|7|3|0|0 1064046

Last result: 26th April 2024 09:34 (CDT)

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