1. Triangle 180°
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.3425 Roy Pedersen Production- 24.76 58p 8|6|0|0|0 947276
3.6066 Geir Pedersen Open- 18.30 66p 12|2|0|0|0 947279
0.0000 Ingmar Svortevik Standard- 14.59 0p 6|0|0|8|0 947973
3.6728 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 17.97 66p 12|2|0|0|0 947757
2.8292 Simon Ravn Production- 18.38 52p 11|2|1|0|1 948341
2.6864 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- 21.59 58p 8|6|0|0|0 947975
1.6250 Knut Johan Aase Production- 30.77 50p 6|6|2|0|0 948343
1.4671 Hans Van Veen Standard+ 34.08 50p 8|5|0|1|0 947985
1.7920 Marius Breivik Standard+ 28.46 51p 11|1|1|1|0 948366
1.2825 Roger Gåserud Standard- 25.73 33p 9|2|2|1|1 947995
2.0426 Jan Ole Reksnes Standard- 23.50 48p 4|9|1|0|0 948322
2.4987 Kåre Sundland Standard- 19.21 48p 8|6|0|0|1 948010
3.4531 Jonny André Berg Production- 14.19 49p 10|3|0|1|0 947281
0.4998 Besmellah Samim Standard- 32.01 16p 10|2|0|2|1 948328
2.3605 Arkadiusz Preuss Production- 27.96 66p 12|2|0|0|0 947274
0.6081 Andre Lægreid Open- 32.89 20p 7|5|0|2|1 948014
0.0000 Rune Lillerust Production- 14.18 0p 6|1|2|5|0 948331
2.2240 Martin Ljostveit Standard+ 24.73 55p 5|6|3|0|0 948021
1.5101 Johan Marsh Production- 29.80 45p 9|3|1|1|0 948333
0.7720 Robert Dobosz Production- 22.02 17p 8|2|1|3|0 948023
1.6581 Lars Gaute Terum Production- 27.14 45p 9|3|1|1|0 948337
0.9691 Ronny Standal Production- 26.83 26p 7|3|2|2|0 948024
0.3573 Vegard Brattebø Production Optics- 30.79 11p 7|5|1|1|3 948303
0.8230 Greger Nyheim Production- 21.87 18p 7|4|1|2|1 948026
2.9536 Tage Einan Production- 16.59 49p 11|1|1|1|0 948339
2. Knock knock!
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.4282 Roy Pedersen Production- 34.42 118p 22|6|0|1|0 947288
3.1842 Geir Pedersen Open- 39.57 126p 26|2|0|1|0 947292
4.1982 Ingmar Svortevik Standard- 31.68 133p 23|6|0|0|0 948071
3.5936 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 38.68 139p 26|3|0|0|0 947772
4.5077 Simon Ravn Production- 31.28 141p 27|2|0|0|0 948398
4.2226 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- 30.55 129p 21|8|0|0|0 948035
1.9181 Knut Johan Aase Production- 73.51 141p 28|0|1|0|0 948401
3.0586 Hans Van Veen Standard+ 47.08 144p 28|1|0|0|0 948044
0.0000 Marius Breivik Standard+ 40.68 0p 2|0|0|27|0 948423
3.8726 Roger Gåserud Standard- 36.41 141p 27|2|0|0|0 948047
2.7582 Jan Ole Reksnes Standard- 52.57 145p 29|0|0|0|0 948425
3.4807 Kåre Sundland Standard- 39.36 137p 25|4|0|0|0 948049
2.3647 Jonny André Berg Production- 38.06 90p 21|5|0|3|0 947291
1.1284 Besmellah Samim Standard- 55.83 63p 19|6|0|4|0 948381
2.7783 Arkadiusz Preuss Production- 52.19 145p 29|0|0|0|0 947293
2.1757 Andre Lægreid Open- 62.05 135p 25|3|1|0|0 948052
3.1770 Rune Lillerust Production- 45.64 145p 29|0|0|0|0 948384
1.1521 Martin Ljostveit Standard+ 65.10 75p 17|7|1|4|0 948056
1.5191 Johan Marsh Production- 76.36 116p 26|2|0|1|1 948386
2.9996 Robert Dobosz Production- 46.34 139p 26|3|0|0|0 948059
2.5365 Lars Gaute Terum Production- 47.31 120p 23|5|0|1|0 948388
2.9431 Ronny Standal Production- 45.19 133p 23|6|0|0|0 948061
2.0797 Vegard Brattebø Production Optics- 63.95 133p 23|6|0|0|0 948307
2.6946 Greger Nyheim Production- 53.07 143p 28|1|0|0|0 948066
2.6410 Tage Einan Production- 47.71 126p 26|2|0|1|0 948389
3. Left & rigth, with a twist.
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.6505 Roy Pedersen Production- 27.87 46p 4|8|2|0|0 947857
1.2910 Geir Pedersen Open- 28.66 37p 7|3|3|1|0 947860
1.2325 Ingmar Svortevik Standard- 24.34 30p 7|5|0|2|0 948279
1.7169 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 28.54 49p 10|3|0|1|0 947889
2.5111 Simon Ravn Production- 27.08 68p 13|1|0|0|0 948249
0.7859 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- 31.81 25p 5|6|2|1|1 948302
0.5145 Knut Johan Aase Production- 46.65 24p 5|6|1|2|0 948255
1.3288 Hans Van Veen Standard+ 35.37 47p 9|2|2|1|0 948304
2.1059 Marius Breivik Standard+ 31.34 66p 10|4|0|0|0 948160
1.5598 Roger Gåserud Standard- 28.85 45p 9|3|1|1|0 948306
0.0000 Jan Ole Reksnes Standard- 33.47 0p 5|4|1|4|1 948178
0.0000 Kåre Sundland Standard- 24.46 0p 6|3|0|5|0 948310
1.8072 Jonny André Berg Production- 21.58 39p 6|6|1|1|0 947871
1.5224 Besmellah Samim Standard- 33.50 51p 11|2|0|1|0 948190
1.8994 Arkadiusz Preuss Production- 28.43 54p 7|6|1|0|0 947880
0.2040 Andre Lægreid Open- 53.91 11p 4|7|0|3|0 948314
1.4650 Rune Lillerust Production- 23.89 35p 6|4|3|1|0 948204
0.0000 Martin Ljostveit Standard+ 25.62 0p 7|3|0|4|1 948319
0.0000 Johan Marsh Production- 32.63 0p 4|3|4|3|2 948227
1.1791 Robert Dobosz Production- 31.38 37p 5|7|1|1|0 948326
0.9796 Lars Gaute Terum Production- 24.50 24p 6|4|2|2|0 948237
1.4626 Ronny Standal Production- 36.92 54p 6|8|0|0|0 948330
1.0155 Vegard Brattebø Production Optics- 33.48 34p 9|3|0|2|0 948245
0.4001 Greger Nyheim Production- 29.99 12p 8|4|0|2|2 948334
0.8149 Tage Einan Production- 25.77 21p 9|2|0|3|0 948247
4. Table solution
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.1823 Roy Pedersen Production- 15.58 34p 5|3|0|0|0 948466
1.3930 Geir Pedersen Open- 20.10 28p 7|1|0|0|0 948468
2.3962 Ingmar Svortevik Standard- 12.52 30p 4|3|1|0|0 948387
0.0000 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 948469
0.9709 Simon Ravn Production- 15.45 15p 3|3|1|1|0 947979
2.2222 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- 15.30 34p 5|3|0|0|0 948356
1.1089 Knut Johan Aase Production- 30.66 34p 6|1|1|0|0 947991
1.3274 Hans Van Veen Standard+ 27.12 36p 4|4|0|0|0 948376
2.2506 Marius Breivik Standard+ 16.44 37p 5|3|0|0|0 948020
1.9408 Roger Gåserud Standard- 20.61 40p 8|0|0|0|0 948377
1.3526 Jan Ole Reksnes Standard- 22.18 30p 4|3|1|0|0 948022
1.7801 Kåre Sundland Standard- 19.10 34p 5|3|0|0|0 948378
3.0769 Jonny André Berg Production- 12.35 38p 7|1|0|0|0 948465
0.9804 Besmellah Samim Standard- 18.36 18p 7|1|0|0|0 948025
2.1493 Arkadiusz Preuss Production- 17.68 38p 7|1|0|0|0 948467
1.2982 Andre Lægreid Open- 26.19 34p 5|3|0|0|0 948379
1.1785 Rune Lillerust Production- 17.82 21p 5|2|0|1|0 948027
1.1344 Martin Ljostveit Standard+ 22.92 26p 0|5|3|0|0 948380
1.8075 Johan Marsh Production- 18.81 34p 6|1|1|0|0 948028
2.0713 Robert Dobosz Production- 17.38 36p 6|2|0|0|0 948382
1.6291 Lars Gaute Terum Production- 15.96 26p 3|3|2|0|0 948029
2.0770 Ronny Standal Production- 16.37 34p 5|3|0|0|0 948383
1.4920 Vegard Brattebø Production Optics- 25.47 38p 7|1|0|0|0 948030
1.8826 Greger Nyheim Production- 18.06 34p 6|1|1|0|0 948385
2.1327 Tage Einan Production- 16.88 36p 6|2|0|0|0 948031
5. Windows of opportunities
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.3816 Roy Pedersen Production- 36.11 86p 10|11|3|0|0 948461
4.0041 Geir Pedersen Open- 28.97 116p 22|2|0|0|0 948462
1.9127 Ingmar Svortevik Standard- 31.37 60p 15|4|3|2|1 948430
4.0234 Ole Morten Svingen Open- 27.34 110p 19|5|0|0|0 948464
3.0568 Simon Ravn Production- 36.64 112p 20|4|0|0|0 948116
2.7268 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- 35.94 98p 14|9|1|0|0 948431
1.5204 Knut Johan Aase Production- 57.22 87p 16|5|2|1|0 948048
1.0880 Hans Van Veen Standard+ 41.36 45p 11|9|2|2|1 948399
1.0135 Marius Breivik Standard+ 32.56 33p 9|9|1|5|0 948051
3.1800 Roger Gåserud Standard- 29.56 94p 14|7|3|0|0 948400
1.1430 Jan Ole Reksnes Standard- 32.37 37p 7|9|5|3|0 948055
2.7935 Kåre Sundland Standard- 35.44 99p 20|3|0|1|0 948419
1.8182 Jonny André Berg Production- 26.40 48p 13|7|2|2|0 948463
2.4744 Besmellah Samim Standard- 42.03 104p 16|8|0|0|0 948058
2.1864 Arkadiusz Preuss Production- 41.62 91p 17|5|1|1|0 948460
0.2458 Andre Lægreid Open- 48.83 12p 7|7|6|4|1 948424
1.5634 Rune Lillerust Production- 35.82 56p 9|9|4|2|0 948060
0.0270 Martin Ljostveit Standard+ 37.05 1p 9|5|3|7|0 948426
1.1440 Johan Marsh Production- 44.58 51p 12|6|3|3|0 948064
1.7180 Robert Dobosz Production- 50.64 87p 15|7|1|1|0 948427
1.2383 Lars Gaute Terum Production- 33.11 41p 8|9|4|3|0 948070
2.2881 Ronny Standal Production- 38.46 88p 11|10|3|0|0 948428
0.7198 Vegard Brattebø Production Optics- 52.79 38p 12|5|3|4|0 948077
2.6599 Greger Nyheim Production- 35.34 94p 12|11|1|0|0 948429
2.1708 Tage Einan Production- 35.47 77p 14|4|5|1|0 948089

Last result: 30th April 2024 18:48 (CDT)

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