2. Windows XP
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.6627 Jonas Grønås Production Optics- 37.89 63p 10|7|2|1|0 955992
2.0428 Øystein Skog Production- 30.84 63p 9|9|1|1|0 955994
0.0000 Bjørn Olsen Production- 28.88 0p 4|7|2|7|0 955996
2.9392 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 29.26 86p 14|5|1|0|0 955998
1.3269 Ernst Bolle Production- 39.19 52p 12|3|3|2|0 955986
0.1965 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 81.42 16p 6|8|2|4|0 955988
0.2652 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 30.17 8p 6|4|6|4|0 955990
2.6403 Jens Erikstad Production- 30.30 80p 11|8|1|0|0 955991
3. Go and get that gun
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.9348 Jonas Grønås Production Optics- 39.28 76p 9|9|4|0|0 955971
2.8169 Øystein Skog Production- 29.82 84p 11|9|2|0|0 955973
0.8855 Bjørn Olsen Production- 33.88 30p 11|4|3|4|0 955959
2.7881 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 32.28 90p 14|6|2|0|0 955960
1.5928 Ernst Bolle Production- 40.18 64p 13|6|1|2|0 955961
1.1987 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 65.07 78p 10|8|4|0|0 955962
2.7383 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 29.58 81p 15|5|1|1|0 955963
2.1599 Jens Erikstad Production- 31.02 67p 8|12|1|1|0 955968
4. Oh boy
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.2192 Jonas Grønås Production Optics- 37.73 46p 6|5|1|0|0 956011
1.1755 Øystein Skog Production- 47.64 56p 10|2|0|0|0 956015
0.6175 Bjørn Olsen Production- 48.58 30p 8|3|1|0|2 956020
1.1650 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 46.35 54p 9|3|0|0|0 956025
0.8782 Ernst Bolle Production- 50.10 44p 9|3|0|0|1 956026
0.7343 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 68.09 50p 12|0|0|0|1 956007
0.7858 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 58.54 46p 7|3|2|0|0 956008
1.0319 Jens Erikstad Production- 40.70 42p 8|4|0|0|1 956009
5. I stompen
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.3592 Jonas Grønås Production Optics- 29.43 40p 8|3|1|0|1 956030
1.5556 Øystein Skog Production- 36.00 56p 10|2|0|0|0 956031
0.5847 Bjørn Olsen Production- 61.57 36p 11|0|1|0|2 956032
2.6374 Aleksander Enoksen Standard- 22.75 60p 12|0|0|0|0 956033
0.3304 Ernst Bolle Production- 36.32 12p 7|2|1|2|1 956034
1.3473 Martin Torp Dahl Standard- 37.11 50p 7|5|0|0|0 956028
0.7319 Olav Daling Stornes Production- 32.79 24p 6|4|2|0|2 956029
1.4478 Jens Erikstad Production- 29.01 42p 9|2|1|0|1 956027

Last result: 28th July 2024 03:29 (UTC)

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