First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 342.0070 Rune Toft Production Optics- - NOR U runtof BSK
2 96.54 330.1866 Kjetil Orre Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U happygiant BEP
3 84.23 288.0641 John Sigvald Skauge Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U leadslinger BSK
4 82.67 282.7458 Jan Ove Midtun Production Optics- - NOR U jom BEP
5 78.91 269.8711 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Open+ - NOR U cmn BEP
6 76.34 261.0945 Ove Toranger Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U smileyface BEP
7 76.11 260.2987 Ola Sørland Production Optics- - NOR U BEP
8 73.61 251.7677 Hans Martin Ese Standard- S NOR U hansa BSK
9 72.46 247.8320 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U BSK
10 69.02 236.0395 Kristian Hundven Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U einstein BEP
11 68.16 233.1184 Arne Monsen Open+ S NOR U bergenbom BSK
12 65.24 223.1099 Trygve Tønnessen Pistol Caliber Carbine- S NOR U tyggen BSK
13 64.24 219.6894 Fredrik Andreas Østvik Production Optics- - NOR U BEP
14 61.05 208.8113 Morten Myking Classic- - NOR U myking Nordhordland Pistolklubb (NHPK)
15 59.10 202.1132 Stein Aksel Nestaas Production- - NOR U BSK
16 58.78 201.0384 Atle Meyer Production- - NOR U meyer BEP
17 54.85 187.5753 Frederik Engevik Standard- - NOR U BEP
18 53.43 182.7287 Petter Solås Production- - NOR U BEP
19 48.77 166.8041 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- - NOR U BEP
20 48.26 165.0691 Andre Storskjær Production- - NOR U narvik praktiske skyttere
21 45.43 155.3792 Tor Holst Production Optics- - NOR U BSK - Bergen, Norway
22 43.43 148.5496 Frode Instefjord Pistol Caliber Carbine- S NOR U BEP
23 43.01 147.1011 Rune Wichmann Haldorsen Classic- - NOR U wichmann BEP
24 41.40 141.5849 Ole-Edvard Hagen Revolver+ - NOR U BSK
25 35.60 121.7695 Trond Mjåtveit Hansen Standard- - NOR U trond BSK
26 35.25 120.5427 Trygve André Tønnessen Production- - NOR U BSK
27 32.90 112.5122 Tommas Skår Production- - NOR U BSK
28 25.32 86.6130 Konrad Vike Solomianko Production- - NOR U solo007 BEP
29 23.60 80.7285 Rune Toresen Production- - NOR U BEP
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