First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 571.7314 Ted Åhlenius Production- - SWE U ted SPSF
2 88.69 507.0849 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle SPSF
3 84.13 480.9724 Håkan Wiren Production- - SWE U torgaso Luftvärnsföreningen
4 82.57 472.0907 Andreas Persson Production- - SWE U apersson88 SPSF
5 81.04 463.3083 Sven Lundin Production- - SWE U lundin Livgardets Skytteförening
6 78.08 446.3987 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse STHLM M&P
7 75.43 431.2304 Ola Axelsson Production- - SWE U Livgardets skytteförening
8 75.41 431.1271 Fredrik Eriksson Ax Production- - SWE U ax89 Livgardets Skytteförening
9 73.67 421.1954 Niklas Magnusson Production- - SWE U magnusson SPSF
10 73.48 420.0902 Magnus Pettersson Production- - SWE U magnusp UVPSK
11 72.83 416.4003 Joakim Classon Production- - SWE U glockproduction SPSF
12 72.71 415.7031 Michael Lindström Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
13 72.31 413.3926 Fredrik Segerlund Production- - SWE U SPSF
14 70.00 400.2129 Peter Carlsson Production- - SWE U operator Stockholms LVF
15 69.87 399.4797 David Vikstrom Production- - SWE U frimodig SPSF
16 69.50 397.3698 Jon Andersson Production- - SWE U andersson Uppsala DS
17 68.97 394.3017 Andreas Matson Production- - SWE U leatherneck SPSF
18 68.16 389.6980 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch Stockholms LVF
19 67.92 388.3023 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami SSK
20 67.55 386.2029 Vinko Rosic Production- - SWE U vince Stockholms LVF
21 67.11 383.6835 Robin Löfdahl Production- - SWE U SPSF
22 66.78 381.7755 Marjan Angelovski Production- - SWE U marang SPSF
23 66.58 380.6359 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly SPSF
24 65.39 373.8548 Marcus Elofsson Production- - SWE U SPSF
25 64.71 369.9668 Christoffer Olsson Production- - SWE U redibo BPK
26 63.59 363.5721 Albert Söderberg Production- - SWE U albert SPSF
27 61.05 349.0702 Josef Yousefian Production- - SWE U joyo VDS
28 60.39 345.2791 Anders Pettersson Production- - SWE U lanyc Stockholms LVF
29 58.69 335.5740 Johan Önnesjö Production- - SWE U swampen Stockholms LVF
30 58.55 334.7739 Jerry Vesterlund Production- - SWE U lockbete RPS
31 58.08 332.0549 Björn Bekkouche Production- - SWE U UVPSK
32 55.75 318.7363 Anna Utter Production- L SWE U utter IPSC Västerås
33 55.66 318.2022 Carl Dahlman Production- - SWE U carld TSKF
34 55.39 316.6621 Magnus Stenbom Production- - SWE U SPSF
35 55.10 315.0059 Martin Long Production- - SWE U long S:t Eskils skyttar
36 51.50 294.4631 Jesper Molin Production- - SWE U geezmole RPS
37 50.84 290.6799 David Mandelin Production- - SWE U davman Södertörns SK
38 50.18 286.8744 Johan Haques Production- - SWE U johaq UVPSK
39 49.92 285.4252 Johan Kallur Production- - SWE U johkal SPSF
40 49.76 284.5076 Anders Engstrand Production- S SWE U aed Livgardets Skytteförening
41 47.31 270.4688 Peter Andersson Production- - SWE U SPSF
42 46.61 266.5018 Javier Soler Production- - SWE U starmp9 SSK
43 45.01 257.3221 Martin Lagerström Production- - SWE U mlag Sthlm m&p
44 43.48 248.5896 Victor Ankarloo Production- - SWE U SPSF
45 43.20 246.9837 Johnathan Browall Nordström Production- S SWE U SPSF
46 42.97 245.6735 Chris Klug Production- - SWE U zerokoll Stockholms LVF
47 40.97 234.2267 Daniel Elvnäs Production- - SWE U SPSF
48 40.24 230.0609 Filip Åhrberg Production- - SWE U keff SPSF
49 38.62 220.7859 Petra Sönnert Production- L SWE U psonnert SPSF
50 38.54 220.3201 Bengt Siverling Production- - SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
51 37.90 216.7137 Johanna Andersson Production- L SWE U SPSF
52 35.85 204.9907 Anders Hasslinger Production- - SWE U SPSF
53 34.96 199.8935 Stefan Åstrand Production- - SWE U SPSF
54 34.72 198.5088 Marc Palmefjord Production- - SWE U macpac Ballongberget
55 33.62 192.1956 Anders Palmblad Production- - SWE U SPSF
56 33.03 188.8286 Sonny Magnusson Production- - SWE U SPSF
57 31.48 179.9770 Kalle Piiskop Production- - SWE U SPSF
58 30.31 173.2783 Jan Ivandi Production- - SWE U ivan Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening
59 28.33 161.9471 Terry Lindholm Production- - SWE U wei SPSF
60 27.67 158.1857 Fleming Dahllöf Production- - SWE U nimrod SPSF
61 23.62 135.0651 Lisabet Landgren Production- - SWE U SPSF
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