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Level II
Standard, Production, Production Optics
Sept. 5, 2020, 11 a.m.
Event (completed) starts Sept. 5, 2020, 11 a.m. and ends Sept. 5, 2020, 4 p.m. (Europe/Oslo)
Max 30 competitors in main-match, currently 16 registered (16 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Max 5 competitors in pre-match, currently 4 registered (4 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
SSI-rated: June 21, 2023
Detailed information

Trondenes skytterlag på nabobanen har stevne så parkering ved pistolbanen eller lengre ned eller forbi TSL.
Matchfee 300,- til MD på ViPPS nr 40029629 i god tid. Det vil bli gitt 50% byggerabatt.
6 stager. Min 116rds.