Disqualified return

Name Stage Reason Comment
51. Antonio Rodriguez 2. Only from the Boxes Unsafe gun handling
115. Daniel Voľanský 3. Draw a Card Unsafe gun handling 180
72. Ronald De Hoog 7. The Dice Again Unsafe gun handling Dropped gun
76. Corniels Van Der Plas 10. Running President Unsafe gun handling
87. Cedric Dery 10. Running President Unsafe gun handling
18. Raymond Engelen 11. Gangways Accidental discharge
98. Twan Pelkmans 11. Gangways Unsafe gun handling 180 violation
24. Roy Van Boxtel 15. Run and Gun Unsafe gun handling
86. Quentin Depotter 15. Run and Gun Unsafe gun handling
93. Milton Holland 15. Run and Gun Unsafe gun handling
112. Wouter Van Welbergen 18. Run [Your Name Here] Run Unsafe gun handling
10. Alphonse Defgnée 20. The short one Unsafe gun handling
66. Eluned Pritchard 20. The short one Unsafe gun handling
94. Fred Mange 20. The short one Unsafe gun handling
117. Alan Hudák 20. The short one Unsafe gun handling
9. Theo Van Betuw 21. Pop them Low Unsafe gun handling