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Premium Event
This is a Premium Event, making life easy for the competitor and staff and supports the operation of SSI
IPSC Handgun
Level III
Open, Standard, Production, Revolver, Classic
lat: 59.927380 lng: 10.739410
Oct. 29, 2016, 9 a.m.
Event (completed) starts Oct. 29, 2016, 9 a.m. and ends Oct. 30, 2016, 7 p.m. (Europe/Stockholm)
Max 130 competitors in main-match, currently 111 registered (96 approved, 15 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Max 30 competitors in pre-match, currently 42 registered (42 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

Det skytes 3 skift lørdag og 2 skift søndag. Det er mulig å registrere seg flere ganger slik at man kan skyte alle klassene. Velg registration fee med riktig klasse og velg squad i forskjellig skift om du vil skyte flere klasser. Du bestemmer selv når du vil skyte hver klasse. Premieutdeling ca kl 16 på søndag.
Sivilpistolklasse 1 = open, 2 = Standard, 3 = Production, 4 = Revolver, 5 = Classic

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