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Premium Event
This is a Premium Event, making life easy for the competitor and staff and supports the operation of SSI
IPSC Mini Rifle
Level I
Mini Rifle Open, Mini Rifle Standard, Mini Rifle Limited
lat: 63.440410 lng: 10.409760
April 2, 2017, 11 a.m.
Event (completed) starts April 2, 2017, 11 a.m. and ends April 2, 2017, 11 p.m. (UTC)
Max 25 competitors in main-match, currently 19 registered (19 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Max 5 competitors in pre-match, currently 3 registered (3 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Squadding opens for approved competitors March 22, 2017, 7 p.m., and closes April 1, 2017, 8 p.m..
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

TFS arrangerer minirifle match med 4-5 stager, ca 90 skudd. Match-fee kr. 150,- . Påmelding til pre-match kun etter avtale. Hvis matchen er full og dere ønsker å delta, ta kontakt med MD (Tor Olav Nordgård), og sjekk mulighet for å være med å arrangere og skyte pre-match.