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* Pace, 3 sek *
1. 25m, 8 turns, 1 shot/turn
2. 18m, 4 turns, 2 shot/turn
3. 12m, 2 turns, 4 shot/turn
4. 7m, 1 turn, 8 shot/turn
* Handeling, 7m, 5 sek *
1. Strong hand. 2 shots, into box, 2 shots (x4)
2. 2 shots, reload, into box, 2 shots (x4)
* Movement, 7m, 5 sek *
1. Uprange surrender, turn, 2 shots, kneel in box, 2 shots (x4)
2. Into box A, 2 shots, into box B, 2 shots (x4)
* Transitions, 5sek *
1. 12m, Shot 4 targets with 2 rounds each.(x2)
2. 7m, Shot 4 targets with 2 rounds each, order:1423. (x2)