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IPSC Mini Rifle
Level I
Mini Rifle Open, Mini Rifle Standard
lat: 61.436270 lng: 23.402250
Aug. 26, 2018, 9 a.m.
Event (active) starts Aug. 26, 2018, 9 a.m. (Europe/Helsinki)
Max 22 competitors allowed, currently 20 registered (20 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Squadding opens for approved competitors Aug. 13, 2018, noon, and closes Aug. 22, 2018, noon.
Results only shown to organizers but scores shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

Competition fee 5€ (NoSA members), 10€ (non-members).
Payable to the bank account FI82 5731 8220 0245 23 (Nokian Seudun Ampujat / Practical)
Use note "L1mini, <last name>, <first name>,<IPSC or TA-ID for competitors from Finland Region>" The payment is due 20.8.2018. Unpaid slots will be assigned to the waiting list shooters 21.8.2018.

Kisamaksu: (Nosa:n jäsenet 5€, 10€ muut)
Maksutiedot saaja: Nokian Seudun Ampujat / Practical tilinumero: FI82 5731 8220 0245 23
viestiksi: L1mini, sukunimi, etunimi, , TA-id
Viimeinen maksupäivä on 20.8.2018, jonka jälkeen maksamattomat paikat jaetaan jonotuslistalla oleville. Joukkueet 10€, maksetaan paikanpäällä tai SSI:n itsepalveluna ilmoitetun joukkueen voi myös maksaa ylläolevalle tilille, viestiin "L1mini JOUKKUE <joukkueen nimi>".