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IPSC Handgun
Level I
Open, Standard, Production, Production Optics, Production Optics Light, Revolver, Classic
lat: 59.175720 lng: 17.936080
Nov. 18, 2018, 11 a.m.
Event (completed) starts Nov. 18, 2018, 11 a.m. and ends Nov. 18, 2018, 4 p.m. (Europe/Stockholm)
Max 30 competitors allowed, currently 31 registered (30 approved, 1 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Squadding opens for approved competitors Nov. 8, 2018, 6 p.m., and closes Nov. 16, 2018, 8 p.m..
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

kl 11:00 bygger vi en bana på B5. tävlingsstart 12:00-12:30. Vi kommer att återanvända FBUs banor. Max 10 skyttar per squad.
Avgift 150 Kr betalas när ni är pending helst till
Swish: 123 00 18 481
Men det går även att betala till
Plusgiro: 81 91 36-3