competitors staff scores results
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Open, Standard, Production, Production Optics, Production Optics Light, Revolver, Classic, Pistol Caliber Carbine
lat: 59.816790 lng: 9.818780
Jan. 1, 2019, 1 p.m.
Event (completed) starts Jan. 1, 2019, 1 p.m. and ends Dec. 31, 2019, 1 p.m. (Europe/Oslo)
Max 45 competitors allowed, currently 28 registered (28 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list

The 5 best results from component matches will be counted
Registration will open Dec. 1, 2018, noon (Europe/Oslo)
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is restricted, searchable but details/names only competitors.
Detailed information

Vi kjører en interncup gjennom året 2019. Det vil bli satt et ulikt antall stager på pr måned som teller som en runde i cupen. I løpet av året bestemmer vi oss for hvor mange runder som blir tellende, men litt ca halvparten vil telle mot totalscoren på slutten av året.
Premiering til de beste i hver divisjon under sesongens siste runde 21.desember + vi jobber med en overraskelse eller tre

Component matches
# Match Starts Rule Status Competitors
1 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 1 Jan. 25, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 11/45
2 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 2 Feb. 22, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 15/45
3 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 3 April 5, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 18/45
4 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 4 April 26, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 9/45
5 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 5 May 26, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 16/30
6 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 6 June 29, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 21/45
7 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 7 July 28, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 12/45
8 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 8 Aug. 23, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 13/45
9 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 9 Sept. 20, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 15/45
10 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 10 Oct. 1, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 25/45
11 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 11 Nov. 16, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 10/45
12 Hokksund Interncup pistol 2019 match 12 Dec. 21, 2019 IPSC Handgun completed 16/100